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Topic: About The Time Mod & The De-Cleansing Mod (Read 6968 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 18

Hello, I have 2 questions, that bothers me all time when I play UQM. 1. I remember, in DOS version, there was crew limit(few thousand ppl if I not mistaking), but what about UQM version? If crew in unlimited, I can kick all alien butts with no worries that I dont lose all my crew in game....but if crew is limited...I need to fight very carefully!
2. Is there a time limit to the game? I read this one in Wiki FAQ, but I didn't understand exactly, that quote was from DOS version and have no reference to UQM game, or here is the same? I must complete game before January 2159 or not? It will sux, if UQM HAVE a LIMIT, coz I want to explore EVERY SINGLE PLANET!!!
Waiting for responce. Thanks for attention.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2008, 09:22:48 pm by TorNis »
Zebranky food

Posts: 18

Hehe, tnx for the mod, but i need instruction how to istall it. I did something, I wrote "patch -p0 < uqm-0.6.2-kh-dcm.diff" command, but year is still 2157...
Zebranky food

Posts: 18

Just replace or run exe from zip??? Hm...but how can I check that mod actually works?
Zebranky food

Posts: 18

Ok...I run "The Time Mod" and I counted the time, yeah, it works. But, I have another question then.
I have now 2157, so how I can check, that The De-Cleansing Mod works? Only when 2159? And after that time I must play only with this mod? If I launch normal exe when my game is (for expample) at 2176...I LOSE???
« Last Edit: September 15, 2008, 09:24:28 pm by TorNis »
Zebranky food

Posts: 18

Well, here is report.
When I launched normal exe with diff file patched or something(maybe I failed to patch), Kohr-Ah destoyed anybody! But when launched a uqm-kh-dcm.exe , script was passed, like it should be(for 100 years).
It seems, that in this case, I MUST RUN everytime when i want to play the uqm-kh-dcm.exe !
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
I am not the creator of any time-related mods.
By the way, the most RU you could actually usefully spend would be around 150k plus fuel expenses. So make that 200k. At a rough estimate, I'd say there are over 10 million RU lying around.
Just sayin', in both cases.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 199

Arena regular
Returning to the first question, after losing 1000 crew, Hayes will mention it. Not sure what happens in case player loses 2000...
Zebranky food

Posts: 18

Death 999, well, in my game, RU problem is solved I think. I have all buyed all stuff from Trade Master and have around 100k RU + 2k Credits(I buy fuel with credits). So, I don't need anymore RU, so I just scan planets for Radioactive/Exotic/Lifeform/Artifacts. I dunno if I need a lot of RU when I will meet Druuge...(in description, they are kinda tricky evil traders)
Gekko, lmao, I never lose 1000 crew) past, I was in tence, that if I start to lose 3 or more everytime in planet dispatching, some day, I will lose to ability to buy them! Now, I lose only few crew after battle with Korh-Ah(Ur-Quan ships sux, Korh-Ah is tougher).
Also, UQM may consider a saved game corrupt if too much time has passed (25 years past the maximum end-game time). Be warned. Novus, WTF? Are u sure? Only extra 25 years? Well, I think this is enough to scan every planet in universe and not to quick following the main plot.
P.S. I didnt manage to save Pkunk >_>....there were destroyed by Yehat, is it bad? I don't think so. When I started to find some aftifacts, I come with idea, that I could have saved Pkunk, If I send some Hyper-Ware signal to Ilwrath or somethin like that. Am I right?
P.S.S. Is it good, that Spathi blocked themselves?
« Last Edit: September 17, 2008, 07:47:42 pm by TorNis »
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