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Topic: edit key problem (Read 2910 times)
Posts: 1938

Fot or not?
I redefined the keys and the left control is now fire but the left alt is still not the special key but now acts as escape. I tried to redefine the special key as the left shift but it didn't work. If you have a stun key you see a ray being fired, right? I don't see anything and the critters keep killing me.
Yes, the fire key should fire the stunner on the lander, producing a visible ray and a nice little "zot" sound. If this happens both with a new and a previously saved game, I don't think the saved games have anything to do with the matter.
I tried to copy the key edit file and the particular save game but I couldn't paste them into this post. I was able to paste the dos lines but is that what you want? I would guess the save game file would fill a large space if I pasted it into this post. Anyway, let me know if you want me to do that or tell me how to paste the files here.
Sorry, I should have been more specific. Since the board doesn't support attachments, your best bet is to upload the files to a web or FTP server and post a link here. If you don't have easy access to web space, let me know and I'll PM you my email address.
The key configuration files can be posted as part of the message text on the board (if so, preferably inside code tags), but the saved games will probably turn into a horrible mess without moderately advanced trickery (e.g. uuencode or base64). This is generally worth avoiding.
Sorry I seem to be such a klutz. I have been able to get around in dos, unix and all the previous windows but I guess I've just run out of brain power for Vista.
Vista does that to people. I work with these things for a living, and Vista gives me "How am I supposed to do this?" moments all the time. At least it's more stable than Windows ME.
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