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Author Topic: Chenjesu  (Read 33354 times)
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« on: September 24, 2008, 09:36:13 am »

I'm having troubles with these. Some conclusions:

  • I wanted to do a body because I'm not too keen on magic stuff like levitating giant crystals. It's ok if they're placed on a gizmo though Wink
  • The lower body ('pot'), if it exists at all, should probably be simple and not dominant, because it's not seen on the original art.
  • I tried a white pot before (like the ship hull), but since the sprite appears against a black background, I made the pot black.
  • There's some purple long shapes, reflecting the little pet, co-pilot, control panel seen in the portrait sprite.
  • Maybe the high frequency resonators are worn on the body, for communication purposes. Adding them makes the body more complex though, but the blue tone is there in some of the crystal reflections, so adding a blue element rhymes with that. I made them look a bit like dog legs, although they're probably for levitation control. Or perhaps the Chenjesu skips around like silly little dogs, barking out their ancient wisdom.
  • The lower jaw came from the little loose knob at the bottom on the portrait sprite. Not sure if I want them to look human faced though.
  • Symmetry or not? No conclusion.
  • Perhaps since the Mmrnmhrm are techy, the Chenjesu pots should not be.
  • Maybe the Chenjesu are immobile and use 'slaves', like their D.O.G.I.

I think the colored ones lack detail-flow and are haphazard :/

« Last Edit: September 24, 2008, 09:56:26 am by Arne » Logged
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Re: Chenjesu
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2008, 10:05:19 am »

I think that the Chenjesu are actually the purple crystals and what you drew is the control panel ...
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Re: Chenjesu
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2008, 10:08:14 am »

Because intelligence is only an advantageous trait for those species able to affect their surroundings, I would expect their mobility to be naturally evolved. Maybe they can move through manipulation of other species, or maybe they can generate some sort of force field, or maybe they use a piezoelectric effect (which is not out of character for crystals) to generate motion.

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Re: Chenjesu
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2008, 01:20:24 pm »

In case you weren't joking, in SC1 the green crystal appears on the victory screen as a portrait.

I gave the mobility issue some thought and came to pretty much the same conclusion. It's a good idea to start with thinking how they evolved. I had some vague idea that as a primitive species they were like plants, able to manipulate the ground around them to fashion objects, shapes and channels via some process of rapid fossilization. It'd be like a very complex root system, devised to facilitate gathering of materials for crystal growth, repairs and reproduction. It could also be used for communication. Eventually it became so complex that mobility was possible, like sliding on granules.

I can picture them being the only life form on the planet, sliding across its flat calm surface for eons, hunting for the best growth spots, slowly evolving.  Our plants do not need to improvise because their environment is pretty predictable. If what nourishes the Chenjesu requires constant on-the-feet strategical thinking, that would sponsor intelligence, I think.

Also, cultural memory could be preserved by writings/sculptures in the ground, perhaps in such a way that their memetic regression is slower than ours, and their progression is stronger. Perhaps their evolution is almost entirely memetic. Their potential for intelligence was supported all along and they just needed to achieve certain structures.

Humans have had a very significant memetic evolution too.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2008, 01:28:41 pm by Arne » Logged
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Re: Chenjesu
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2008, 03:33:53 pm »

Based on how they reacted toward slavery, every option that include slavery for doing action X is to be rejected.... My guess would be that they do not walk also... They could use levitation to move like the way snowspeeder in starwars is built. Wave that negate the gravity. stronger is the wave higher they go or manipulating magnetic field to bring them close to metal or something...this is a very cool question. I will have to think about it some more!

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Re: Chenjesu
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2008, 04:02:14 pm »

This is what the manual has to say about the Chenjesu:
This race is the only known form of silicon-based life-form to have achieved intelligence naturally. The Chenjesu are the oldest, most technologically advanced species in the Alliance, and while all members in the Alliance are officially equal, the Chenjesu are a bit more equal. Since this species evolved as a photo/chemovore (it derives its nourishment from light and ambient minerals) with no natural predators, the Chenjesu are entirely non-aggressive, preferring calm philosophical discourse above all other activities.

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Re: Chenjesu
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2008, 02:03:52 am »

That seems to rhyme with most of my idea. If they're like plants, then the crystal could be the solar panel (and brain). Afaik, ambient minerals means free floating mineral particles (air or water). Fish accumulate ambient particles found in water. I suppose accumulating them from dust storms would be possible too.

Also, if their evolution is primarily memetic, they probably don't have any need for sexual reproduction, or death. They could still die from some kind of crystalline pathway degradation though (senility).

It would be cool if the Chenjesu were made of something like Gallium, that'd make them silver colored though, but they'd get a bunch of weird properties.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2008, 02:05:45 am by Arne » Logged

Re: Chenjesu
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2008, 10:48:56 am »

I find the Chenjesu a bit ridiculous myself, but it doesn't hurt to try and think up plausible explanations for how they live and function as a star faring species. Perhaps the Chenjesu homeworld has much lower gravity than Earth so unconventional means of travel are viable?

    I wanted to do a body because I'm not too keen on magic stuff like levitating giant crystals. It's ok if they're placed on a gizmo though Wink[/li][/list]

    The Chenjesu do make Star Control seem a little bit like "Final Fantasy: Search for the Frickin' Crystal", but you might have to bite the bullet on that. Your current artwork barely differentiates Chenjesu from Chmmr. C'mon man, draw a spiffy electrical field holding them up instead of a flying segway!

    Oh yeah, almost forgot to post the requisite "wow it's Arne's artwork, that looks amazing!" bit. There you go.
    « Last Edit: September 25, 2008, 10:51:09 am by Shiver » Logged
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    Re: Chenjesu
    « Reply #8 on: September 25, 2008, 11:07:44 am »

    haha, yeah, they do have a blue force field around them in the SC 1 victory portraits image... but all portraits do.

    I'll have another go at them after I've bought some candy.

    I do agree that giving them a techy Seegway makes the 'polarity' with the Mmrnmhrm suffer.

    Perhaps a Chenjesu is carried by a turtle... carried by an elephant.
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    Re: Chenjesu
    « Reply #9 on: September 25, 2008, 12:59:08 pm »

    Perhaps a Chenjesu is carried by a turtle... carried by an elephant.

    Which is in turn carried by an elephant Tongue (and so on for all infinity)

    Anyway I always thought of the Chenjesu as hovering somehow... perhaps they have telekinesis? I mean if the Pkunk can be psychic, why cant the Chenjesu be telekinetic? And with the whole 'pot' thing in your drawing i dont think the Chenjesu would need a control panel, as crystals they could adjust their own conductivity or something like that in order to interact with anything connected to them. (The battle pictures and such always depict them with electricity running around or through them, if they can control this then they wouldnt need any kind of appendages to control external controls) (oh and yes i know that my ideas are probably mutually exclusive)

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    Re: Chenjesu
    « Reply #10 on: September 25, 2008, 02:24:18 pm »

    The Chenjesu are blue in SC2, green in SC1. Maybe it's ambient light or a reflection. Gallium is reflective (bright silver). Bismuth is another interesting metal which can form crystals (and has 'thermoelectric' properties). It's more rainbow colored though (oily look).

    The 'eye' crystals look different in the Amiga version, perhaps. Experimented with a levitation ball and tentacles. I'm not willing to take the step to pot-less just yet.

    I thought the Pkunk were... quacks.
    « Last Edit: September 25, 2008, 02:42:31 pm by Arne » Logged
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    Re: Chenjesu
    « Reply #11 on: September 25, 2008, 06:26:06 pm »

    Oh and plus i did some checking (i loaded up UQM Tongue) and i think that Alvarin was right earlier i think what you have drawn is the controls of the ship not the Chenjesu

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    Re: Chenjesu
    « Reply #12 on: September 25, 2008, 08:48:30 pm »

    I have actually found the screenshot of SC1 Alliance victory (not that I didn't  believe Arne in the first place) and there actually is the "control panel" at the victory screen, go figure...
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    Re: Chenjesu
    « Reply #13 on: September 26, 2008, 05:17:27 pm »

    I, uh, don't like these chenjesu portraits. They ought to have some way of moving that is not technological in nature.

    I'd generally imagined them lying flat, or when moving, hovering flat, very close to the ground. I'd drop the 'eye' spots and make them less symmetric.
    (edited to add: and I'd be wrong to do that. Hmm)

    Jus my $0.02.
    « Last Edit: September 29, 2008, 05:22:07 pm by Death 999 » Logged
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    Re: Chenjesu
    « Reply #14 on: September 26, 2008, 10:36:49 pm »

    I saw this thread, and it prompted me to exit lurker mode and post something again.

    I remembered that way back, someone drew up some art of the Chenjesu. I absolutely loved that. The topic was

    Mind you, it is a very old topic, and people have come and gone between now and then. What I said in that topic though still reflects what I think of the Chenjesu; they might have integrated some tech from another race to make their crystalline bodies move around. They may have been fully crystalline and "rigid" in the past, the only movement of an entity  is that of "growing" into a place. Chenjesu ships may have taken them ages to grow in the past, but with gathered tech have allowed them to expand and grow more rapidly.

    So my opinion in short; gathered tech have made them more mobile, before that time, they moved by growing into place, their appearance being that of crystals.

    Feel free to ignore it though, I always love seeing your artwork...

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