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Topic: Comprehensive star system list? (Read 3733 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 12
This is the kind of thing i like to do. Maybe its a completist thing or a touch of OCD.
i started charting in game star systems info after discovering UQM but before seeing these boards.
Does anyone already have a link to a spreadsheet or list of stars? The info i use includes weather, tectonics and temperature- to determine whether or not you can reliably gather minerals there pre-souped up landers. Any events that occur at that planet. Occupations, homeworlds and the mineral /biological/ technological items available there.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 136

Why don't all races have point defense lasers?
I know this is not likely to be included in the 1.0 release version of UQM but personall I think it would be really cool if the starmap supported the mouse. You could then mouseover star systems and it would show you hot hot the star is and how many minerals are in it. It could perhaps also show roughly how rich each planet is in the system. I know some might object to this, saying that it would take away the "exploration" feature of the game. However, it would make some canonical sense, given that the Humans would undoubtedly have explored, at the very least, the star systems in their sphere of influence and beyond, and have a rough guage of how mineral rich those planets were. The Chenjesu were also known to have been avid explorers and to have travelled very far throughout known space; they would likely have scanned almost every map in the area. (You'll note that on the official starmap the Druuge and Thraddash spheres are listed as "unknown", so the Chenjesu almost certainly travelled that far). They would have also likely shared all that map data with their Alliance counterparts, so that data should be theoretically available. Also, since the Starbase is an Ur-Quan facility, it would presumably have some planetary data for Hierarchy use.
Zebranky food

Posts: 12
no experience making spreadsheets or anything. i was just asking, because after i found UQM of course the first thing i did was get a blank notebook to completely chart all the systems for any of my future runs thru the game. i like doing things like that, its a little OCD and a little completist, but there ya go.
Anyway i only got about 15% of the way thru when game events started spiraling out of control --- and i remembered that there is a game time limit ( seriously, who doesnt just get lost in the sailing the ship around with half a dozen storage bays to fill up with minerals?)
Then i found this message board, and figured if you guys already have a comprehensive system chart, then i shouldnt waste my time, but if you dont id love to contribute to it.
I once had the game generate this list. If you want it in a different form, or if you want some additional data, I can regenerate a new list quite easilly. Additional data request: Have it tally the total minerals and biologicals for an entire system before listing each of the planets. Anyone can do this chore themself, of course. If you have a script that does this automatically it's better to use that.
Shiver: I made a separate list with the value of the minerals and bio in the second and third column. This one should be easy to import in spreadsheats and such. download Thanks. I never knew about Beta Scorpii trumping Delta Tauri in minerals. On the other hand, it looks like the player would have to pick up commons / corrosives / base metals to actually break Delta Tauri's value. Not sure about this.
LOL at Alpha Sagittae and Beta Viriginis.
Valaggar Redux
Speaking of such lists (I have something against starting a new thread), has anyone ever made a textual list of all ship stats (including mass)?
Yes, Mr. Ultronomicon has (or rather, me, Fyzixfighter and Zeracles have). See the ship pages and Table of ship properties.
Posts: 701

I just sorted the systems by mineral value from top to bottom. I then graphed it.
It creates a near perfect distribution curve. Same with the Bio actually.
Meep Eep: What method did they use to allocate minerals and Bio amongst the systems?
« Last Edit: October 06, 2008, 11:01:23 am by Cedric6014 »
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