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Topic: Androsynth comet vs Chenjesu DOGI (Read 3170 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 5

Wannabe Developer
Has anyone found that if the Androsynth ship in comet form strikes and destroys a Chenjesu DOGI on its side, the androsynth ship is now stuck in its comet state even if it has reverted back to normal ship form? The comet must strike the DOGI sideon for this to happen though and lasts until the Androsynth ship is destroyed.
Posts: 1117

*Hurghi*! Krulle is *spitting* again!
BTW: according to my memory it works only if the comet (the untouched one, that is) has a fuel level do low, that the DOGI would put it below zero. Maybe a problem with the code (if fuel=0 THEN return_to_normal will be skipped)..... But it was in the PC-Version already.
And i was able to produce CHAOS-tracking acid bubbles AND touch-destroying the enemy.
Enjoy this new tactic. Although it needs a lot of patience to get it done. Not only because it is difficult for a DOGI to touch your side, but also because you have to wait for the AI-opponent to choose the Chenjesu.
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