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Author Topic: Starcon: TimeWarp: Gob update  (Read 37757 times)
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Re: Starcon: TimeWarp: Gob update
« Reply #15 on: December 11, 2008, 03:10:02 am »

Thanks, Orz! Will check this out fer sure.

Would you mind describing in more detail what each ship-specific upgrade does?

And are there Earthling Cruiser upgrades in this game? IIRC you said one build had toyed with extending the laser range, etc.
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Re: Starcon: TimeWarp: Gob update
« Reply #16 on: December 11, 2008, 03:37:56 am »

Star Control : TimeWarp
Critical Error!: Error switching to graphics mode
(1280x1024 @ 32 bit)
Resolution not supported

Is this supposed to happen? Tongue

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Re: Starcon: TimeWarp: Gob update
« Reply #17 on: December 11, 2008, 09:12:04 am »

Go for 1024x768.

Visit #uqm-arena and play a game of Net Melee!
Try the Net Melee Improvement mod
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Re: Starcon: TimeWarp: Gob update
« Reply #18 on: December 12, 2008, 09:23:40 am »

You can get 99% of the changes with just the new exe:
The .zip has also been updated, but only with a few minor ini feel tweaks.  

all shofixti scouts were able to self-destruct, contrary to documentation and intent (now 50% are prevented)
divine favor upgrade was not working properly
was crashing immediately on big-endian CPUs (ie most PowerPC based systems), fixed
hopefully fixed the thraddash fire to not deal damage to friendlies (didn't get around to testing if the fix worked)
space station should no longer trigger multiple times when you run in to it

game balance changes:
buffed ships are stronger, regenerate health to some extent
distribution of enemy ships changed slightly
ilwrath spider ships no longer give 2 starbucks
a few late-game enemies also had their rewards tweaked a bit, mostly fewer buckazoids for late-game ships, though buffed ships give more starbucks now
added new ship-specific upgrades for numerous SC1/2 ships:
androsynth: comet damage upgrade
arilou: range and damage upgrades
chenjesu: main weapon damage and DOGI upgrades
earthling: main weapon damage/range and special weapon range upgrades
urquan: main weapon damage/range upgrade
spathi: main weapon damage/range upgrade
syreen: main weapon damage/range upgrade

ini file changes:
(not included in the .exe update, only in the large .zip file, despite the fact that these are just tiny changes to itty bitty text files)
Default physics rate changed from 40 hertz to 100 hertz
Urquan shot velocity changed from 80 to 120
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Re: Starcon: TimeWarp: Gob update
« Reply #19 on: December 12, 2008, 09:56:38 am »

Hey, this rocks. I loved gob. I wonder if it still has my old space station design. I guess I'll have to play it and find out.
The supox starbase graphic comes from someone who posted under the name Drink_Pepsi.  The Orz and Kohr-Ah starbase graphics come from someone who posted under the name Gueest, who also mailed me chocolate bars.  The Utwig starbase recycles one of the other 3, chosen at random each time you start a game of Gob. 

Is this supposed to happen?
Change resolutions by editing client.ini or by using command line parameters:
"gob.exe -res 1024 768 -bpp 16" would be 1024x768 in 16 bit color. 

Would you mind describing in more detail what each ship-specific upgrade does?

And are there Earthling Cruiser upgrades in this game? IIRC you said one build had toyed with extending the laser range, etc.
There were no ship-specific upgrades for the cruiser in any published version when you asked, but now there are. 

Old ship-specific upgrades:
Upgrade Glob Hurler (Supox): increases supox main gun range (20% on first upgrade, smaller absolute distances on later upgrades) & velocity; diminishing returns
Upgrade Glob Former (Supox): increases supox main gun damage by 1, also non-linearly increases battery necessary to fire; requires dynamos
Add B.L.A.D.E. (Supox): gives supox ramming damage
Upgrade Missiles (ORZ): increases range (15% on first upgrade, smaller percentages on latter upgrades though larger absolute increases), damage (by 1); no effect on velocity; increases battery cost linearly
Upgrade Marine Suits (ORZ): increases marine toughness (by 1), max speed (linearly, by 20% of the base speed), and acceleration (by 15% on the first upgrade, smaller absolute amounts on later upgrades); can make it difficult for your marines to dock with you (ie they may get stuck orbitting you)
Absorbtion (ORZ): marines onboard enemy ships have a 27.8% chance of increasing your crew by 1 each time they kill an enemy crew member.  counts as 3 upgrades for the purpose of increasing the cost of other upgrades. 
Increase Shuriken Sharpness (Kohr-Ah): increases main gun damage by 2.  increases battery drain by 2. 
Increase Shuriken Velocity (Kohr-Ah): increases main gun velocity linearly by 20% of the base main gun velocity.  passive homing velocity is increased in proportion. 
increase F.R.I.E.D. range (Kohr-Ah): increases special weapon range (20% on first purchase, smaller percentages on later purchases), velocity (5% on first purchase, smaller percentages on latter purchases; also increases battery drain of special weapon by 2
increase F.R.I.E.D. damage (Kohr-Ah): increases special weapon damage by 1, also increases battery drain of special weapon by 2
Upgrade Bolt Regulator (Utwig): increases Utwig bolt range by 80 pixels (aproximately the length of an Utwig)
Upgrade Bolt Charger (Utwig): increases Utwig bolts damage by 1 (yes, this means EVERY bolt in the volley); also increases the delay before you can fire again by 250 milliseconds
Upgrade Bolt Generator (Utwig): increases the Utwig rate of fire.  Cannot be used to increase the rate of fire to better than normal, can only be used to cancel out the penalties that Bolt Charger upgrade applied.  It takes 5 of these upgrades to fully cancel out 1 Bolt Charger upgrades RoF penalties. 
Mask of Honest Demeanor (Utwig) (max 1 mask): increases the resale value of your Utwig
Mask of Elephantine Fortitude (Utwig) (max 1 mask): sometimes reduces the damage you take from large attacks by 1 per hit; (33% for 1 damage attacks, 66% chance for 2 damage attacks, 100% for 3+ damage attacks)

New ship-specific upgrades:
Upgrade Comet Form (Androsynth): increases comet damage by 3 per hit, increases comet velocity by 5%.  Velocity increase is slightly greater than linear. 
Upgrade Laser Wattage (Arilou): increases laser damage by 1, increases battery cost nonlinearly
Upgrade Laser Range (Arilou): increases laser range (20% on first purchase, less percantage-wise but more on an absolute scale on later purchases)
Upgrade Photon Shards (Chenjesu): increases main gun damage by 3.  Fragment damage is increased by 1
Upgrade DOGI Systems (Chenjesu): increases DOGI armor nonlinearly, increases DOGI battery drain on enemies non-linearly, causes DOGIs to also deal regular damage (damage = to number of these upgrades)
Upgrade Warheads (Earthling): increases missile damage by 2, unlike other damage upgrades has no effect upon missile toughness.  Also increases range (why? I don't remember)
Upgrade Point Defense System Range (Earthling): increases point defense range, 25% on first purchase, smaller percentages on subsequent purchases
Upgrade Fusion Blaster (Green Urquan): increases main gun damage by 2; also increases range (20% on first purchase, smaller percentages on later purchases)
Upgrade Spathi Gun (Spathi): increases main gun damage by 1, also increases range (20% on first purchase, smaller percentages on later purchases)
Upgrade Stileto (Syreen): same as Upgrade Spathi Gun, but for the Syreen
« Last Edit: December 12, 2008, 10:00:56 am by orz_tw » Logged
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Re: Starcon: TimeWarp: Gob update
« Reply #20 on: December 25, 2008, 08:46:13 am »

My server ( http:// ) was down for a few days due to (unidentified, but apparently resolved) computer troubles here.  It's back up now, and hopefully it will stay up. 

Anyone having trouble reaching my server (or receiving data from it too slowly) should check out the mirror Gekko put up at .  I'm not sure if that is the most recent version, but at least it is a recent version. 
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Re: Starcon: TimeWarp: Gob update
« Reply #21 on: December 27, 2008, 10:37:47 am »

since i can't save/load, i would really like to be able to find the rainbow continuum more easily by being able to zoom out as far as i want, or else hit a cheat where it tells me the coordinates of the anomaly.
I hate looking around forever for it just to play the ship I want.

Also... no Tau missile cruiser? Sad
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Re: Starcon: TimeWarp: Gob update
« Reply #22 on: December 28, 2008, 11:20:47 pm »

Hm... maybe have an immobile enemy (say, an Alary Battlecruiser with its max speed set to zero) spawn at the start of the game at fixed coordinates, with the rainbow abyss starting there?  So you'd get one spawn of the rainbow abyss at a known (but dangerous) location?  That would reduce the incentive to explore early on, but would provide a clear route to getting any ship. 

Or perhaps instead change the utwig starbase to sell you any ship type you want, at full cost.  That way it would still be difficult to get high point cost ships. 

I don't know why the Tau Missle Cruiser isn't included.  I'll take a look at getting it back in.  I might split the big zip download in to two parts, one with all the ships that are needed for Gob plus the rest of SC1 & 2 ships, the other with extra ship types users might want from the rainbow abyss. 
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Re: Starcon: TimeWarp: Gob update
« Reply #23 on: December 29, 2008, 07:36:40 am »

not a fan of the alary battlecruiser idea...

the reason i wish it were different re: rainbow abyss is that in some versions of timewarp, you can zoom out about 2x as far as in the version you released. In the latest version of TW-Light, I can zoom out infinitely, thus instantly finding it. Due to a lack of a savegame feature, I would just like to be able to not waste my time searching for it so that my gameplay experience is more enjoyable.
Zooming out further is one solutions, enabling a cheat that gives you its coordinates is another.
Being able to save your game is the best solution, though also would take more work.

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Re: Starcon: TimeWarp: Gob update
« Reply #24 on: January 04, 2009, 04:56:16 am »

Hey, this rocks. I loved gob. I wonder if it still has my old space station design. I guess I'll have to play it and find out.
The supox starbase graphic comes from someone who posted under the name Drink_Pepsi.  The Orz and Kohr-Ah starbase graphics come from someone who posted under the name Gueest, who also mailed me chocolate bars.  The Utwig starbase recycles one of the other 3, chosen at random each time you start a game of Gob. 
Oh yeah. I forgot who i had mail those chocolates encouragements to. Jeeze, I hope that wasn't as creepy at the time as it felt just now saying I mailed you chocolates. Cuz it wasn't like that.

Man, that really marks the passage of time for me, tho. Makes me feel real old, now. And I'm still playing the same games. Sheesh.

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Re: Starcon: TimeWarp: Gob update
« Reply #25 on: January 04, 2009, 04:03:55 pm »

The creepyness of that depends on if they were real, physical chocolates or just a bunch of pixels on a screen.. Wink
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Re: Starcon: TimeWarp: Gob update
« Reply #26 on: January 04, 2009, 11:39:18 pm »

Oh yeah. I forgot who i had mail those chocolates encouragements to. Jeeze, I hope that wasn't as creepy at the time as it felt just now saying I mailed you chocolates. Cuz it wasn't like that.
I was rather shocked the mail actually worked.  I have generally had bad luck with mail, having it arrive very late, never, or in very bad shape.  I had a package mailed to that address that consisted of a small, sturdy steel box, about 6 inches by 6 inches by 2 inches, with an embedded computer inside.  When it arrived, it appeared to have been run over by an abrams tank, and then danced upon by a circus elephant. 

Man, that really marks the passage of time for me, tho. Makes me feel real old, now. And I'm still playing the same games. Sheesh.
Back then, I played Master Of Magic, Master Of Orion 1, Princess Maker 2, Nethack, Hexagon, Unreal Tournament, Grand Theft Auto 3, Doom 1, Minesweeper, Daggerfall, and Star Control 2.  Probably a few others that I've forgotten. 

All of those except GTA3 and UT were old at the time. 

Today, I play Master Of Magic, Dominions 3, Master Of Orion 1, Grant Theft Auto: San Andreas, Star Control 2, Warlords Battlecry 3, X-Com 1 aka UFO aka Enemy Unknown (I would have played it back then, but didn't have a version that worked under windows well enough), Starland TD, Freecell, Oblivion, Rise Of Nations, and Portals.  And I'll probably get back to PM2, Hexagon, Minesweeper, and Nethack in a few months.  Maybe even UT if I can find a working install of it again. 

All of those except Portals and Starland are old, and I'll probably finish with Starland in a day or two.  Well, RoN and Oblivion and Warlords Battlecry 3 and GTA:SA are only semi-old - they use hardware accelerated 3d. 

The creepyness of that depends on if they were real, physical chocolates or just a bunch of pixels on a screen.. Wink
A bag of of snickers bars IIRC.  Or maybe it was 3 muskateers.  Physical. 
« Last Edit: January 04, 2009, 11:40:56 pm by orz_tw » Logged
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Re: Starcon: TimeWarp: Gob update
« Reply #27 on: January 20, 2009, 10:25:11 pm »

Oh yeah. I forgot who i had mail those chocolates encouragements to. Jeeze, I hope that wasn't as creepy at the time as it felt just now saying I mailed you chocolates. Cuz it wasn't like that.
I was rather shocked the mail actually worked.  I have generally had bad luck with mail, having it arrive very late, never, or in very bad shape.  I had a package mailed to that address that consisted of a small, sturdy steel box, about 6 inches by 6 inches by 2 inches, with an embedded computer inside.  When it arrived, it appeared to have been run over by an abrams tank, and then danced upon by a circus elephant. 

Man, that really marks the passage of time for me, tho. Makes me feel real old, now. And I'm still playing the same games. Sheesh.
Back then, I played Master Of Magic, Master Of Orion 1, Princess Maker 2, Nethack, Hexagon, Unreal Tournament, Grand Theft Auto 3, Doom 1, Minesweeper, Daggerfall, and Star Control 2.  Probably a few others that I've forgotten. 

All of those except GTA3 and UT were old at the time. 

Today, I play Master Of Magic, Dominions 3, Master Of Orion 1, Grant Theft Auto: San Andreas, Star Control 2, Warlords Battlecry 3, X-Com 1 aka UFO aka Enemy Unknown (I would have played it back then, but didn't have a version that worked under windows well enough), Starland TD, Freecell, Oblivion, Rise Of Nations, and Portals.  And I'll probably get back to PM2, Hexagon, Minesweeper, and Nethack in a few months.  Maybe even UT if I can find a working install of it again. 

All of those except Portals and Starland are old, and I'll probably finish with Starland in a day or two.  Well, RoN and Oblivion and Warlords Battlecry 3 and GTA:SA are only semi-old - they use hardware accelerated 3d. 

The creepyness of that depends on if they were real, physical chocolates or just a bunch of pixels on a screen.. Wink
A bag of of snickers bars IIRC.  Or maybe it was 3 muskateers.  Physical. 

And I'm playing HL2 and a bunch of "indy" titles now, but I also just bought the X-Com collectors series on steam, so i'm still steeped in the old school.

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Re: Starcon: TimeWarp: Gob update
« Reply #28 on: January 25, 2009, 02:35:40 am »

Star Control : TimeWarp
Critical Error!: Error switching to graphics mode
(1280x1024 @ 32 bit)
Resolution not supported

Is this supposed to happen? Tongue

Seems that if your maximum/native screen resolution is 1280x1024, as is the case for my monitor, you need to run in fullscreen mode to make it work (which kind of makes sense).  Had the same error but changing to fullscreen in the ini fixed it.

Anyway, nice work Orz! I remember spending hours on this game back in the day, and now I'm relapsing again, haha. Would be cool to see it more fully formed as a standalone game.

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Re: Starcon: TimeWarp: Gob update
« Reply #29 on: January 25, 2009, 05:24:15 am »

What do I do when I get limpeted by a VUX??  Repairs don't seem to remove the pesky things... is there no solution besides buying a new ship and hiring an accountant to figure out how to break even on all your lost upgrades?

Two limpets when a VUX spawned next to me... that was all it took to ruin a super souped-up Supox. Sad
(by the way - seems like the limpets don't appear over your ship's image in the info panel, either...)
« Last Edit: January 25, 2009, 05:29:38 am by VileRancour » Logged

"Space cannot be measured. It cannot be angered, it cannot be placated. It cannot be summed up. Space is there.
"Space is not large and it is not small. It does not live and it does not die. It does not offer truth and neither does it lie.
"Space is a remorseless, senseless, impersonal fact."
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