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Topic: Androsynth (Read 3428 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 47

Hey everyone, I am somewhat new to the board, but i play A LOT of Ur-Quan Masters. I have a question though, who here ACTUALLY likes the Androsynth? I mean i do, but i wasn't sure if anyone else did. I don't really care what happened to them, i like the Orz and Arilou, but i am just curious if anyone else likes the Androsynth since you don't see them at all is SC2.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 136

Why don't all races have point defense lasers?
I used to think they were bitter, mysterious, dangerous and close to evil.
But I started playing StarCon2 when I Was 10, so... Now I think they are (were?) a previously oppressed and potentially very cool race with advanced intellectual abilities, a unique culture, and interesting moral problems to solve re: cloning (how many, what type, designed by whom, how much chaos to allow in, social structures based on designed people?). I am very interested in them now that I'm older and I would like them to feature prominently in SC3 as kick-ass cool people.
Zebranky food

Posts: 47

i know, the first time i played SC2 was when i was like 6 or 5 (a few years after it came out). I was also wondering what heppened to them, but then i was just like: "you know what? WHO CARES! They are AWESOME enough to not matter what happen to them!". I wish they would make another SC (a real one by the actual makers) with the Androsynth just APPEARing out of no where.
*Smell* controller
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Of course I've moved on from space games to RTS games and freeciv mostly, but when I played UQM more, I liked the Androsynth, mostly because of their amazing technological insight.
*Smell* controller
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Lord999, you remind me of myself on the SCDB when I first joined. I think I should tell you that I got banned from the SCDB for "posting too much junk". I don't know about UQMF on this, but I thought I'd give you the heads up.
*Smell* controller
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Believe it or not, my posts started out very much like that, though. Like I said, not sure about here, I'd bet you guys aren't as fussy about that, but this sort of posting eventually got me hated and banned on the SCDB. Now when I go there, I get:
Whoa!! Why am I all of a sudden not banned? That's strange. I was placed on a permaban! Um, right? (I think I read that in that report thingy while I was on anonymouse...)
My IP address is the same (I remember the 75 in the front and like a 191 somewhere), so this makes no sense!
I guess I have some investigating to do then. 
EDIT: I think I've figured it out! When I tried to log in, it suddenly brought the ban message up. So I have two possible guesses: 1. The ban was actually not based on IP and I was able to cruise through once I was finally logged out 2. My IP did in fact change slightly
« Last Edit: November 13, 2008, 11:02:32 pm by jaychant »
*Smell* controller
Posts: 432
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Well, anyways, the Androsynth must have found a way to possess the members of the SCDB, making them crazy. 
After all, they ARE crazy!
Or maybe they're all Androsynth who plot to take over the world!
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
Believe it or not, my posts started out very much like that, though. Like I said, not sure about here, I'd bet you guys aren't as fussy about that, but this sort of posting eventually got me hated and banned on the SCDB. Now when I go there, I get:
Your posts may have started out like that, but I think what eventually got you banned was posting dozens of new threads containing mostly single sentences and mimicking Valaggars retarded sock-puppeteering even after he stopped. Still, that really has nothing to do with this forum
Regarding our newest addition I think it is a bit annoying when people post in very old topics to make small comments. It doesn't really hurt though, as long as it's not done in excess. Back in the day I think Kohr-Ah Primat posted one comment in almost every topic on the board, and while sometimes annoying it did rejuvenate some conversations as well.
Regarding the actual topic, I like the Androsynth. They were not very fleshed out, but their part of the plot was well thought through and well executed. If there ever is another release, I'm hoping for more back story.
What's up doc?
Zebranky food

Posts: 47

Off topic: It is amazing that people are actually fighting for me (more people on my side though).
On topic: I would have never thought that so many people liked the androsynth because they are WAAYYYYY backstory in UQM. I like them, but it is just so weird how some people are mixed up on the topic.
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