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Topic: Mycon quest and other bugs (Read 4058 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 3

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
just tried the game... some issues i noticed: -the game hangs up during the dialog with Syreen when the screen goes black (sometimes I get the text, sometimes not but the game does not proceed from there) -after getting the quest from Syreen its possible to talk to Mycon, their answer to the information about a suitable planet does not make a lot of sence (its some standard answer), and the only remaining dialog option after that is "Bye sun device" doesnt make a lot of sence either. They do not go anywhere either. dont remember how exactly it was in the original but looks like a bug
(the above is major i think as it prevents from ending the game, i think that quest is essential, but if you use the dialog with Syreen that does not lead to the black screen ("see you later" or something) the game does not hang at that time) also: -major keyboard bugs (it doesnt tolerate simultaneous key presses at all, and ESC+~ during combat or exploration just crashes the game instantly -random video glitches and crashes, no specific steps to reproduce  -the text in dialogs with Yehat is missing entirely -the text in some other dialogs (Utwig, Druuge, maybe smb else) does not fit in window so that the lower lines are invisible
I'm using Win XP Pro, Athlon 1.2, 640M, GF2 Ti, MS Explorer keyboard with MS drivers. "-o -r 1024x768" command line parameters, the desktop is at 1280x1024, 32 bit, large fonts.
I don't know about the simultaneous key presses is a problem, cause ~ alone kills the game, even if its crashed already, so its kinda useful.
Zebranky food

Posts: 3

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
the simultaneous key problem i have is mostly during battles but not only, happens in exploration and at other times too, i guess its just simultaneous key presses happen more often during battles.
the most usual manifestation is when the program keeps thinking that a key is stuck, while it is really not, and so ships keep spinning, etc.
Black Monk
The keyboard thing is a keyboard hardware issue, not a software issue with UQM.
The ONLY game I've seen that has crappy keyboard support in software is Half-Life, every other game seems fine.
Black Monk
As for the "BYE SUN DEVICE", you might be on the wrong planet in the wrong system. Zeta Brahe, is it? That's where the sun device is, not where their home planet is. Perhaps their home planet will give a different answer.
To get my answers I just talked to the Melnorme about other races, all the way through. That got the info I needed for the Syreen.
I too get the crash with the Syreen. Just be platonic and you can get through those sections.
Frungy champion
Posts: 88

Me developer. Here me roar!
By the way, if you get game crashes, some of the developers (me for instance) may be willing to try to fix them if (a) they are reproducable, and (b) you can provide a save-game right before the crash. You are much more likely to get help if you are running a recent CVS build, as there have been lots of bug fixes since 0.1)
Zebranky food

Posts: 3

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
i guess you must be right about the mycon quest, i guess i forgot how it should have been done. still is "bye sun device" the right piece of dialogue? no i havent got a reproduceable crash except for the one caused by "~" and i understand that its known already... the other graphics bug is not really reproduceable either, it always happens when you enter a planet system, the ship pictures stop redrawing correctly and the controls on the right disappear, i see just one big planet system map, but i do not know how to make this happen. i dont think what i have is a pure keyboard driver problem as i never had a real problem with my keyboard with any other software including half-life.
PS. its not obvious from the front page how to obtain the last patch/release, if thats not what is dl'ed by default, frankly speaking i have no idea what CVS is.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2003, 05:26:01 pm by laxy »
Frungy champion
Posts: 88

Me developer. Here me roar!
PS. its not obvious from the front page how to obtain the last patch/release, if thats not what is dl'ed by default, frankly speaking i have no idea what CVS is.
We don't produce daily snapshots. The only official release is 0.1, and that is now 5 weeks old, and very out of date. Basically, if you say you have a bug and you're running 0.1, you're probably out of luck, because so many things have changed on the development side. If you can give step-by-step instructons on how to reproduce a bug, and a save-game near where it happpens, we may look at it (as I said).
'CVS' is the term used to note the absolute latest code built from source (cvs being the tool used to retreive the source code fromm the server)
Anyhow, you are always welcome to try the unnofficial snapshots that are posted in the 'General Forum' from time to time.
For everyone else: When reporting bugs, please note the version of UQM you are running (0.1, snapshot (tell which one), or CVS)
Stelard Actek
I've had this problem too. Or one like it, in any case. I'm using version 0.1, and here's a rough sequence of events:
Discover Syreen at Betelgeuse totally by chance. Talk to Syreen commander (they do /indeed/ breathe most magnificantly!), and try to enlist her aid politely. No luck. Later get info from the traders about Mycon deep children, that sounds reminiscient of how Syra died. But I still had credits to use, so I bought more info, and they tell me that the Mycon killed Syra. Return to Betelgeuse. Talk to the commander, but she wants proof. (About this time I wandered into Orz space, having already got their allegience, and found the homeworld of the Androsynth. Another odd thing, the third and last report from the ruins ended with the word 'and'. Pressing enter of course brought my lander back up. They'd just said something about how bad the mad ensign looked.) Potter around Mycon space until I find the Mycon, and what I assume is their homeworld at Beta Brahe. Fight them a little, as it seems unavoidable. Discover the Mycon Egg at the shattered world at Beta somethingorother. Return to Sol to have it examined. Return to Betelgeuse to talk to Syreen commander. Oddly, the conversation starts as though I've never met her before. (Note: Little less polite this time. I think she likes me.  Return strait to Beta Brahe. If memory serves me correctly, there where no Myron flying around. Talk to the Mycon on planet 1. (Note: responce to leave is 'bye sun device', which gets you the subtital 'GOODBYE SUN DEVICE' from the Mycon.) Think I was here before at some point, as they say something about my returning to their special place. Tell them about the system with the trap. Return to Betelgeuse. Syreen say they'll wait there for the Mycon (?? Aren't they supposed to wait at Organon or wherever?). Go to target system. No one there. Return to Mycon space, specifically Beta Brahe. The Mycon are still there, and I can't tell them to leave again.
At this point I can get the plan repeated from the Syreen, but I can't tell the Mycon to go again, and they won't go. Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?
Also, I have a saved game, if it will help.
Zebranky food

Posts: 3

I am having the same problem.
Win98, 256 RAM, Athlon 1.8XP, running version 0.1.
I also have a save game, taken just before travelling to Betelguese but after freeing the Penetrators.
My issues are with the Syreen. Go to Betelgeuse and conversate with no problems. I go to the Mycon Homeworld, but game planets...reboot game and head to homeworld again. This time have no problem getting into system of Mycon Homeworld.I check all of Mycon region and find the eggshelll...infact I find two differnet eggshells in two different Stars.I head back to Earth and get them analysis. Head back to Syreen space and get Talana to give me her pilot group to open the vault...The vault gets opened and I head back to Betelgeuse to talk to Talana. I go into dialogue with Talana about either one of us dieing in this war and that I would miss her. I choose to answer her with the COWABUNGA conversation, and screen goes dark and just hangs.....rebooted Game again....same thing happens in conversation.....I choose the other question and skip the dark screen scene. I agree to her plan and head to Mycon Homeworld to lead them to Organon, Mycon take the bait. I head back to Earth and check the Starmap...the Mycon Circle begans to move to the other planet...plan works.
Conversation with Talana is a bug Taking ship into near star systems and system locks up I think is a bug.
Zebranky food

Posts: 1

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
What I notice about the bug in the re-draw is that it has always happened when I enter a system while the auto-pilot was turned on. Also from time to time the select sound will repeat in the background until you use the menu again. Those are the bugs I have seen. However my version is out of date but maybe that will help.
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