Well they couldn't very well spread Juffo-Wup whilst being slave shielded. They probably recognized the power of the Ur-Quan armada and just wanted to fight for them, rather than against them.
After the Ur-Quan went away to do their business, it's business as normal for the Mycon.
Keep in mind this is a Theory on my part.
Copy Protection: A clever method of preventing incompetent pirates from stealing software and legitimate customers from using it.
My theory...basically the Mycon are bio-engineered constructed beings which asexually reproduce (the Umgah tell you this). Who created them? Best guess is it's maybe the Precursors. Maybe they went along willingly when they saw the Sa-Matra? Or maybe the Ur-Quan picked up on how to order them around? It's a thought...
Regarding the way the Mycon treat others (The Non must become Void or Juffo-Wup), it seems to me more realistic that they did not want to loose their own strenght in a fight against the Ur-Quan but use this strength to spread Juffo-Wup as fast as possible. That is their main directive anyway. And fighting the Ur-Quan, thus loosing at least half of their ships AND fighting the Alliance afterwards would cost too much Mycon life to spread Juffo-Wup. The less you lose in a war, the more you have to start rebuilding afterwards. And the Mycon definitly wanted that advantage above other races. And the Syreen tell you that the Mycon increased theior sphere of influence as fast as possible whilst not interfering with the Ur-Quan.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2003, 04:11:58 pm by Krulle »
"Juffo-Wup acknowledges the existence of un-Voidable Non. When we are faced with such, we join, absorb and wait for our opportunity to learn the weakness that will allow us to Void the Non."
I figured they were waiting until they could figure out how to kill the Ur-Quan......and lay Juffo-Wup in their heads !
If these visions have offended, thing but this and all is mended : You have but slumbered here while these visions did appear. And this weak and idling theme, no more yielding than a dream.