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Topic: Druuge (Read 14733 times)
Re: Druuge
« Reply #30 on: January 31, 2003, 01:46:06 pm » |
No, the Mauler is useless against any ship, you'd need to play against a non-moving target to ever hit them. Maybe you can take out the VUX with it...that's about it.
Really? Why don't you try this sometime. Make two SuperMelee fleets, one composed entirely of Maulers, and one composed of, say, Chmrr Avatars or Ur-Quan Dreadnoughts. (Actually, making single-ship fleets for all the ships in the game is a good idea; practice ship-to-ship specific tactics that way.) Using intelligent tactics, see who wins. I did this with two different opponent fleets, and here's my results.
Against the Ur-Quan, I will say that the Druuge lost, but they weren't trampled. I found that I could generally make a good accounting of myself with those flying guns, but that eventually the attrition of my crew (and the superior rate of fire of the Ur-Quan's fusion gun) would blast my Maulers to bits. I did take out 8 of the 12 Dreadnoughts before my last Mauler bit it, though.
As for the Chmmr, well, those poor, poor Chmmr. Actually, fighting the Chmmr is always perilous, even with Kohr-Ah Marauders, but this was a matchup that I managed to win with the Druuge. The heavy slug fired by the gun is, frankly, too big to be destroyed by Zapsats; the Chmmr's main laser could probably do it, but you'd have to time the firing just right. Plus, the recoil is a great counter to the dreaded tractor beam. Of course, this was hardly an "easy" battle. One slip up, forget to toss in a crew member or delay firing too long, and you're toast. I suffered many, many losses in this battle; I was, after all, fighting the Chmmr, not the ZoqFotPik. But I did manage to win with 5 Druuge left.
Oh, this was on "Awesome" AI, of course. You might say that a computer's AI won't be the match of a skilled player, and you'd probably be right, but it's nothing to sneeze at.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 361

Re: Druuge
« Reply #32 on: January 31, 2003, 09:03:05 pm » |
Hehe, I'm not arguing how useless the drone is... (Although sometimes I can lure silly people into the cone and lay some serious smackdown), but I still think the Mauler is a fairly easy ship to pilot. It's for people who aren't as good at flanking or outmaneuvering (sp?) their opponents. It's a classic big-type ship, with its slower turn radius and slow speed, but the recoil of the gun changes all of that and gives it great acceleration, a necessary tactical advantage in battle. I dunno, I still think if an Eluder or a Penetrator or any medium-sized ship tries to come at me, I can just wait for the gap to close between the ships and hit them with at least one shot, the others mainly used to propel me away from their medium-ranged abilities. Anywho, maybe it's just my style of piloting, maybe I'm just a sharp-shooter. I know a couple other people who can fly a pretty mean Mauler, almost up to par with those damned perfect AI Maulers... and hey, the weapon does a whopping 6 damage!!! That makes it a good ship in my books, no matter how many shots miss... it's worth it for 6 damage!
"Even Our House Pets Are Rather Evil." - Ilwrath Captain
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Posts: 150

Re: Druuge
« Reply #33 on: January 31, 2003, 09:35:17 pm » |
NEMT, are you saying you've gotten hit by its cannon once when it was computer controlled, or player controlled?
Just cause the COMPUTER's no good at flying it doesn't mean it's a bad ship.
Re: Druuge
« Reply #34 on: February 01, 2003, 04:09:10 am » |
The Druuge Mauler is a useless ship, end of story, I think maybe i've gotten hit by its cannon once. It's the easiest attack to avoid, and its special power is, gasp, regaining battery power!
Useless, almost as bad as the Drone.
*sigh* Maybe I'm tilting against a brick wall here, but here goes...
The Umgah Drone is NOT useless. Sure, its weapon is short range, and it's rather slow if you don't use the "zip backwards" special ability, but that doesn't make it useless. That makes it suited for certain tactics which will work best against certain other ships...kind of like every other ship in the game.
You'd be crazy to fight a ship that can propel heavy projectiles at you with it; the Chenjesu, Ur-Quan, and Druuge are particularly dangerous. I have, however, managed to do some damage to Chmmr Avatars with a Drone. Only once did I actually kill the Avatar (I got lucky and hit the ZapSats), but the damage was still pretty respectable before I got toasted.
The Drone, to me, is best suited to fighting small, fast, maneuverable ships. This may seem odd, since it's those small ships that are best at getting behind the antimatter cone and hitting you from behind. But aha! This is what the backwards zip is great for! Many a Pkunk or Arilou has been fried by my antimatter cone when they maneuvered behind me, only to find me zip-zip-zipping back into them.
Long story short, NO ship in the game is useless. All of them can be used to good effect against other ships; the secret is to figure out which are good matchups and which are not. Also, one's own fighting style is a factor in this. If you've found that the Druuge or Umgah ships are not effective in your hands, it may be that your fighting style doesn't favor them. Others, however, might very well find them to be quite effective.
Re: Druuge
« Reply #35 on: February 01, 2003, 04:58:46 am » |
I always thought the Mauler was a decent ship...
Captain Smith
Re: Druuge
« Reply #37 on: February 01, 2003, 12:39:30 pm » |
The Druuge Mauler is a good ship. The main thing is you have to be patient with it...line up your have to have the same kind of mentality as (to use a multi-player gaming analogy) using a sniper have to sit...line up your shots factoring in any kind of lead you need to have and be methodical as to when and how you do it.
With the exception of ships that actually have a reach that can hit me at long range (thinking Ur-Quan Enslaver fighters, Kohr-Ah blades, and so on), I can usually go through one or two of any of the other ships without a problem. Still frustrating though to have a shot I make wizz just by whatever ship I'm fighting...
If you want a challenge with the Mauler, try setting up a fight against a computer AI Mauler. A true test of your ability.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 311

Eddie wants Ur-Quan Trophies!
Re: Druuge
« Reply #38 on: February 04, 2003, 01:06:11 am » |
... define evil, please?
you asked for it... here it goes:
"Do you really consider yourselves Evil?"
"Ha! Evil! Of Course We're Evil! Dogar And Kazon Would Never Reward A Less-Than-Hideously Evil Species With Their Baleful Grace. Why We Are The Very Definition Of Evil! Everything About Us, Within And Without, Reeks Of Heinous Deeds, Deceit And Treachery! Even Our House Pets Are Rather Evil."
"But `evil' is that which is morally bad or wrong. And if your actions are judged by your society as correct, aren't you, in fact, good?"
"Hmmm... We ARE All Evil. We All Behave In A Mutually Agreed-Upon Fashion Of Murder, Torture, Deceit And So Forth. Our Uniform Acceptance Of This Heinous Credo Creates An Orderly And Cooperative Society Which Hardly Seems Evil. Evil Is Doing Things That Make Others Hurt Or Fear. We ALL Do That, Of Course. But Since We ALL Do Such Things, As Sanctioned By Our Culture, It Would Be 'Bad' To Do Otherwise. Which Means... Er... Puny Hu-Man, Do Not Play With Words! You Anger Both Dogar And Kazon! Now You Must Die!"
Well, there you go
Greetings from the German Nightmare - Up the Irons!
Death 999
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Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Re: Druuge
« Reply #42 on: February 07, 2003, 03:52:35 am » |
And, as if we needed another reason... <enter playa mode> The Druuge are dissing my man, Captain Greenish! Tellin me to waste the sucka and break him into his component elements. NO ONE disses my man like that! Those hatas are lucky I need that ro-say sa-fear, or they would be feeding the fiznurnace through a straw for the rest of their - unregrettably - short lives. <exit playa mode>
« Last Edit: February 07, 2003, 03:53:11 am by Death_999 »
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Posts: 150

Re: Druuge
« Reply #43 on: February 07, 2003, 10:19:53 pm » |
It was real good right up until you said "unregrettably". ^_^
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Re: Druuge
« Reply #44 on: February 08, 2003, 12:53:19 am » |
I was unable to convey the tone of voice adequately. I have heard that exact word used very effectively in gangsta. Think ominous, not pansy.
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