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Topic: Druuge (Read 14709 times)
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Andale, Andale, arriba !
Re: Druuge
« Reply #16 on: January 27, 2003, 12:21:39 pm » |
Okay, just a little bit off-topic but here goes anyway :
The Life of a Druuge As the baby Druuge are born they are immediately sold into slavery by their parents. They serve as ballast, paperweights and such to their overlords, who regard them as investments. Upon reaching an age where they can work, the young Druuge perform more complicated tasks for their slave-masters. If they are able to escape being fed to the furnaces of their masters ship, they will follow every teenage Druuge's life goal : To steal enough money from their master to buy themselves. Once they have they immediately begin their quest for even GREATER power and wealth, trading knowledge about their former owner for their wares.
(The only exception to this is a Druuge named GrrkNor, who stole so much he bought his MASTER. In an uncharacteristic bought of wastefulness, he then fed his master into his own ship's furnace. Why this happened is still pondered today)
Of course, it should be noted that I just made all of that up. But it sounds pretty likely, doesn't it ?
If these visions have offended, thing but this and all is mended : You have but slumbered here while these visions did appear. And this weak and idling theme, no more yielding than a dream.
Zebranky food

Posts: 37

Greetings and Felicitations!!
Re: Druuge
« Reply #19 on: January 28, 2003, 07:28:55 pm » |
I could be wrong, but didn't the Kzer-Za thrall races sporadically? I mean, didn't they thrall one on the left side, then the right, then back to the left etc...? They for the weaker ones first, then gathered thralls to help take on the stronger ones.
Ah, the mysteries of the Universe. Try to understand 'em, but can you? Nope, they're mysteries!
Zebranky food

Posts: 10

Re: Druuge
« Reply #21 on: January 29, 2003, 12:35:05 am » |
I think this is the chronology of the defeat of the Alliance (according to the dialogues with the Syreen, the Chmmr, and the Melnorme):
Most of the Chenjesu and Mmrnmhrm fleets are destroyed by the Ur-Quan. The Chenjesu and the Mmrnmhrm decide to surrender and to go under a slave shield. They send a message to the Humans, recommending that they do the same. The Chenjesu homeworld and Earth are slave-shielded. The Arilou leave the Alliance because the Humans no longer need their protection. The Yehat and the Shofixti retreat to their homeworlds, leaving the Syreen alone. The Ur-Quan armada encounters the helpless Syreen, who then surrender. The Yehat Queen forces the Yehat to join the Hierarchy as battle thralls. The Shofixti blow up their sun.
Commander Hayes tells you pretty thoroughly the order in which the Ur-Quan conquered the battle thralls:
1. Thraddash 2. Umgah 3. Ilwrath 4. Spathi 5. Androsynth 6. VUX 7. Mycon 8. Yehat
He also mentions that the Ur-Quan attacked the weaker aliens first, and the stronger ones later, when they had more power.
Re: Druuge
« Reply #22 on: January 29, 2003, 07:19:48 am » |
No, the Mauler is useless against any ship, you'd need to play against a non-moving target to ever hit them. Maybe you can take out the VUX with it...that's about it. I would argue the Druuge Mauler is not as useless as you would suggest. In fact, it is one of my favourite ships to pilot, as it is simple for me to direct the nozzle of the ship (the long bazooka barrel end) towards any ship and hit the target. In fact, this sort of "straight line" shot with such a long distance is very simple to direct in my mind. I admit certain types of fast ships can eat the Mauler alive , but don't forget that two or three shots from the Mauler will send it flying off in the other direction, out of harm's way so that it will not lose any of its essential crew. In fact, firing the Mauler away from the enemy (while getting a couple shots in too), then flipping the ship around after the screen changes to project it back the other way is a very useful tactic. The key to piloting the Mauler is to stay far away from the enemy and shoot, shoot, shoot. These two things go hand in hand and I use the Mauler to take out the Avatar, Trader, Penetrator, and Eluder all the time.
When I reflect on my memories of playing Star Control II, back when I was only a wee lad, I always seem to forget about the Druuge, or at least I never really liked them enough to include them with races like the Pkunk, Spathi or Orz whom I associate my memories of interstellar diplomacy with. Hehe, it's probably because they're the only race with a real sphere of influence but who are also neutral, along with the fact that I always thought they were so distant from Sol and the rest of the Alliance... They're one of the few races who you can't ally with or semi-ally with, although you can get their ships which is nice. Maybe it was the fact that I thought their physiological make-up and their conservation picture was not as creative as all the other aliens', in that they looked almost human in my mind. Anyways, not one of my favourite races, but as I play the UQM re-make, I'm starting to realize their true, devilish potential. ^_^ Maybe it's just that I'm older now and I appreciate true evil.
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Re: Druuge
« Reply #24 on: January 30, 2003, 01:50:02 am » |
... define evil, please?
Re: Druuge
« Reply #26 on: January 31, 2003, 01:13:04 am » |
To me, the Druuge are totally evil. But since the fire of war doesn't course through their veins, they aren't a direct threat to any race. A moderately powerful and ill-tempered species such as the VUX would wipe the floor with them (this isn't a ship vs. ship comparison, it's more story-wise) without much trouble.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 361

Re: Druuge
« Reply #28 on: January 31, 2003, 05:41:38 am » |
Actually, the VUX are regarded as the weakest of the thralls... Actually, I'd argue otherwise... in Star Control I, the gigawatt (what's the name again? gigawatt? terawatt?) laser is described as a "feared" and truly formidable weapon, and the ship as a whole is one of the best tactical battle thrall ships. Better than the Drone, that's for sure... Although little is truly known about Vux-Ur-Quan relations, I think the Ur-Quan invest more faith in them than the Umgah, Thraddash, the snively Ilwrath or the mysterious Mycon... anywho. It's hard to know, since we never really learn about the inner-workings of the Hierarchy too much.
The Druuge's evil is one based on greed. The fact that everything in their society is based around the Crimson Corp., and that air is a purchasable commodity, means that their moral values are a little... skewed. They're evil in that they do not value life or seek to make life better for anyone other than themselves. And hey, throwing crew members into the fire? That seems a little ruthless and evil to me. Hey, even their theme song and victory ditties are evil.
"Ha-ha, yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! A fine deal, Captain. An excellent bargain... for me!"
Mwahaha.... ...
"Even Our House Pets Are Rather Evil." - Ilwrath Captain
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Posts: 150

Re: Druuge
« Reply #29 on: January 31, 2003, 12:52:25 pm » |
Yeah...i always thought that, aside from the Dreadnoughts themselves, the VUX must have formed the backbone of the Ur-Quan fleet--they were the only race in the Hierarchy that was warlike, reliable, and at least moderately strong. I imagine it became the Yehat once they were subjugated.
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