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Topic: Druuge (Read 14732 times)
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Posts: 150

Re: Druuge
« Reply #45 on: February 08, 2003, 02:57:28 am » |
Hmm...Now that you mention it, I suppose it could be done...
Posts: 917

Thraddash Flower Child
Re: Druuge
« Reply #47 on: February 11, 2003, 03:18:41 am » |
With the Ultron in hand I could sense not only your motivations and desires, but your purpose. I could act upon these things in ways that would most likely seem mysterious if not, well, daft. Years later, you would herald our participation in your development as the turning point for your species. The Druuge were only one of the few to benefit in this way. Even now, they are puzzled by the way we rewarded them for the delivery of the Ultron to its correct place. In twenty-four years, two months and three days they will all dance the dance of Jubilation. Indeed, the Ultron has allowed us to change fundamentally the Druuge forever! The Supox too received many benefits from our use of the Ultron. They can testify to its power!
What changes do you think the Utwig have made to the Druuge? Was it done just by giving them the glowing rod and the trident of wimbli, or was it more metaphysical?
Or were the Druuge helped in the same way as the Supox (who told you what they thought of the Ultron)?
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Posts: 150

Re: Druuge
« Reply #48 on: February 11, 2003, 03:38:03 am » |
I dunno...I think the Utwig are just crazy.
Although perhaps the Druuge are excited that YOU got the Precursor bomb and not them, hence preventing the domination of the galaxy by the Kohr-Ah...
Death 999
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Re: Druuge
« Reply #50 on: February 11, 2003, 08:47:46 pm » |
... and the burvix caster, the portal spawner, the shofixti maidens, and a partridge in a pear tree (found on epsilon Draconis IV c).
I think that in 23 years it sounds about the right time for the sequel.
And yeah, seeing as how the druuge sphere of influence will get eaten if you dilly-dally too much, they might realize that their wishing the bomb was not very thoroughly self-interested... BUT... I do not know that this in itself will cause a transformation.
And what will their ship be once they transform?
*Smell* controller
Posts: 361

Re: Druuge
« Reply #51 on: February 12, 2003, 03:41:33 am » |
Imagine trading the portal spawner to the Druuge... hehe, all that just for some Maulers. While I like their ship, I don't like it THAT much... hehe. The Druuge aren't the gangster type. They like trade, they're a corporate race, not a scheming or snively race like the VUX or Ilwrath, they're just greedy. They certainly understand that threats and intimidation will not increase profits or sales, but will revel in the fact that they ripped you off, because that's the way they work... evil, ain't it?
"Even Our House Pets Are Rather Evil." - Ilwrath Captain
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