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Author Topic: December Duplicates Tournament  (Read 6262 times)

December Duplicates Tournament
« on: December 01, 2008, 09:24:58 pm »

Hey clowns. New tournament this month. We're playing with duplicates this time. It's going to be an unholy mess. You should show up.


Saturday, December 13th, 2008.


    *  5 AM Sydney
    *  7 AM Otaki
    * 12 PM Los Angeles
    *  1 PM Denver
    *  2 PM Chicago
    *  3 PM New York
    *  7 PM London
    *  8 PM Paris
    *  9 PM Helsinki


#UQM-Arena on irc:// If you don't know how any of this stuff works, read this thing.

-----[Tournament Rules]

1) There is a maximum fleet size of 100 points for all players.
2) Duplicate ships are allowed and you will take advantage of this if you know what's good for you!
3) You will use one team and only one team for the duration of the tournament. All players will announce their teams in the chatroom at a specified time shortly before the tournament itself.
4) No Thraddash Torch. Sorry, I don't want to play against 10 Thraddash.
5) Foul play will result in you being ejected from the tournament. This hasn't ever been a problem before, and hopefully it never will.

-----[Tournament Structure]

We're playing Round Robin. Winner will be determined by score, not by wins, so keep track of that. I will remind you of this repeatedly.
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Re: December Duplicates Tournament
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2008, 11:29:29 pm »

Perhaps you should consider something like:

Dupes tournament except for Thraddash Torch. You can have only one of them but using it means that you're a sniveling swine!

Probably won't be able to attend this time. I'm sure the four other melee players won't miss me much. Tongue

I keep my old Amiga on a flash-drive. Tongue


Re: December Duplicates Tournament
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2008, 11:46:51 pm »

Sorry bub. No Thraddash in tournaments until the balance mod goes public, which won't happen until after 0.7.0.
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Re: December Duplicates Tournament
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2008, 12:24:48 am »

I can't go since it's on a saturday and my mom's internet connection sucks (dial-up). But then again, I wouldn't go anyways.

Please visit my homepage.
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Re: December Duplicates Tournament
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2008, 09:14:57 am »

Will arrive and beat my name to the top 3.

Visit #uqm-arena and play a game of Net Melee!
Try the Net Melee Improvement mod
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Re: December Duplicates Tournament
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2008, 01:30:45 am »

As long as I'm up and don't forget, I'll try to fannagle my way in

I am not always understand about what you speak, unfortunately.
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Re: December Duplicates Tournament
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2008, 04:34:01 am »

Ahh, I finally get to field my "Five Mycons of Doom" fleet.  Grin

I will try to make it to this one.
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Re: December Duplicates Tournament
« Reply #7 on: December 03, 2008, 05:16:42 am »

Well count me in. But i only played once before, so i gotta now what  is considered foul play? I don´t want to see bad surprises, like "With this ship vs this ship you are not allowed to fly away." Like i heard that androsynth bubbles vs chmmr are forbidden.
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Re: December Duplicates Tournament
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2008, 02:31:54 pm »

Look out for a fleet of infinite Furys.

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Re: December Duplicates Tournament
« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2008, 02:38:57 pm »

Heh... I'm thinking of applying. I'm still not sure I can make it (will update on this).

Also... I have played only a little multiplayer melee so far (and that was about 7 years ago Lips Sealed... I've only played against the computer lately), so I may be a little noobish. Is that a problem?


Re: December Duplicates Tournament
« Reply #10 on: December 03, 2008, 10:43:53 pm »

Well count me in. But i only played once before, so i gotta now what  is considered foul play? I don´t want to see bad surprises, like "With this ship vs this ship you are not allowed to fly away." Like i heard that androsynth bubbles vs chmmr are forbidden.

I quote:

In the spirit of competition, both players should employ whatever tactics they consider most effective. This may result in a stalemate at some point. If so, the faster of the two ships becomes a designated attacker. The attacker does not necessarily have to make a bee-line directly for the defender, but they are required to take the initiative.

This is to prevent Spathi from retreating forever and stuff like that. Yes, people are going to ask you to cut it out if you bubble-bath against a ship that can't catch Androsynth. We don't boot people out right away (or even very quickly) for getting this wrong.

Also... I have played only a little multiplayer melee so far (and that was about 7 years ago Lips Sealed... I've only played against the computer lately), so I may be a little noobish. Is that a problem?

No. Ideally we would put newbies in a separate league, but there are never enough of them.
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Re: December Duplicates Tournament
« Reply #11 on: December 04, 2008, 02:12:46 am »

I will seriously try to attend this. (mainly because no one else wants, or has even heard, to play UQM)


Re: December Duplicates Tournament
« Reply #12 on: December 14, 2008, 03:49:24 am »

Okay, we're done! Well, mostly. I'm missing a few scores and still need to play against AngusThermopyle before I can call this thing a wrap. I'll post the results once that's settled, most likely in a few days.

Re: December Duplicates Tournament
« Reply #13 on: December 17, 2008, 10:19:32 pm »

Tournament Synopsis:

We had a reasonable turn-out of eight players. The alternate ruleset was a lot of fun and a nice change of pace. I think I'll host another one of these some day. Shofixti, Kohr-Ah and Androsynth (the highest value ships for their price) were widely used and for the most part proved to be very effective. A number of players stuck a suboptimal ship or two in their fleet just to see what would happen. Oddball ships proved to be detrimental almost entirely across the board, and the more adventurous players--while certainly making the tournament more interesting--ended up being severely beaten.

<Elvish Pillager>

Fleet: Kohr-Ah / Ilwrath / Androsynth / 2x Utwig

•  +52 vs. AngusThermopyle

•  +30 vs. Gekko

•  +37 vs. Orz-TW

•  +52 vs. Panorama

•  +30 vs. Shiver

•  +30 vs. SuddenDeath

•  +69 vs. Tiberian

Final Score: 300

Rank: 1st

This fleet won the tournament. 2x Utwigs will should chew through any fleet carriying multiple Kohr-Ah or Chmmr it meets if the pilot has their act together. Anyone who has played EP before can probably guess that he won based upon player skill, not ship selection. A player as talented as him doesn't really need Kohr-Ah to be effective. I assume he was hedging his bets by using it. The Ilwrath appears to be a bad choice compared to 2x Shofixti.


Fleet: Utwig / Melnorme / Kohr-ah / Syreen / 3x Shofixti

•  +35 vs. AngusThermopyle

•  -30 vs. Elvish Pillager

•  +50 vs. Orz-TW

•  Tie vs. Panorama

•  +40 vs. Shiver

•  +41 vs. SuddenDeath

•  +32 vs. Tiberian

Final Score: 168

Rank: 2nd

Gekko tried to cover all of his bases by using a range of different ships, but apparently it worked. Why he brought that Syreen along, I have no idea. Even the Melnorme might have cost him a few points. I'm curious as to what it really did for him in a competition filled with Androsynth and Kohr-Ah.


Fleet: 2x Androsynth / 2x Kohr-Ah / 2x Shofixti

•  -39 vs. AngusThermopyle

•  -52 vs. Elvish Pillager

•  Tie vs. Gekko

•  +65 vs. Orz-TW

•  +45 vs. Shiver

•  +30 vs. SuddenDeath

•  +55 vs. Tiberian

Final Score: 104

Rank: 3rd

Compared to every other fleet used in the tournament, Panorama's was the most generic. Smart thinking, though. He stuck with what works best. The only flaw of this fleet is its susceptibility to Utwig, which clearly is a small price to play when only Elvish Pillager bothers to use their Utwig properly. I don't think a person could win first place in a tournament using a fleet like this with Utwig on the prowl.


Fleet: 2x Utwig / Mycon / Androsynth / 4x Shofixti

•  -24 vs. AngusThermopyle

•  -30 vs. Elvish Pillager

•  -40 vs. Gekko

•  +80 vs. Orz-TW

•  -45 vs. Panorama

•  +50 vs. SuddenDeath

•  +58 vs. Tiberian

Final Score: 49

Rank: 4th

That's right. I used a damn Mycon. It wasn't a handicap, either; I was expecting extreme numbers of Shofixti and what ship but the self-healing Mycon is better equiped to deal with them? Unfortunately, only one other player actually used a fleet like that, so the Mycon turned out to be a burden. Is anyone really surprised? I stand by the rest of my ship choices. Shoddy playing hurt me more than the Mycon did. The two Utwig were selected to deal with Chmmr or Kohr-Ah. I messed up as Utwig against Kohr-Ah several times, ruining a few games. Hooray for barely holding on to a positive score, I guess?


Fleet: Chmmr / Andro / 2x Mmrnmhrm / Druuge

•  +15 vs. AngusThermopyle

•  -30 vs. Elvish Pillager

•  -41 vs. Gekko

•  +62 vs. Orz-TW

•  -30 vs. Panorama

•  -50 vs. Shiver

•  +100 vs. Tiberian

Final Score: 26

Rank: 5th

SuddenDeath probably could have gotten more mileage out of this group if he had been more experienced. Leaning heavily on Mmrnmhrm is an interesting idea. I don't think it was a good one. Androsynth is equally as versatile as Mmrnmhrm while costing 4 points less. Mmrnmhrm does handle Shofixti better, I suppose. In any case, SuddenDeath has won the first flawless victory to ever occur in a UQM tournament, and against a top tier player no less.


Fleet: 2x Androsynth / 2x Shofixti / 5x VUX

•  -52 vs. Elvish Pillager

•  -35 vs. Gekko

•  AngusThermopyle did not play against Orz-TW.

•  +39 vs. Panorama

•  +24 vs. Shiver

•  -15 vs. SuddenDeath

•  +29 vs. Tiberian

Final Score: -10

Rank: 6th

This looks like a gimmick fleet to me. Was it supposed to be some sort of anti-anti-30-pointer fleet? I have no idea. Fun to play against something different, though. Those VUX did a number on my two Utwig.


Fleet: Kohr-Ah / Androsynth / Pkunk / 7x Shofixti

•  Orz-TW did not play against AngusThermopyle.

•  -37 vs. Elvish Pillager

•  -50 vs. Gekko

•  -65 vs. Panorama

•  -80 vs. Shiver

•  -62 vs. SuddenDeath

•  +55 vs. Tiberian

Final Score: -239

Rank: 7th

Almost every player deployed multiple Shofixti, and Orz-TW was most extreme about this. This was a decent fleet. The only questionable pick was Pkunk, really. I blame inexperience for his negative score.


Fleet: Pkunk / Pkunk / Pkunk / Pkunk / Slylandro

•  -29 vs. AngusThermopyle

•  -69 vs. Elvish Pillager

•  -32 vs. Gekko

•  -55 vs. Orz-TW

•  -55 vs. Panorama

•  -58 vs. Shiver

•  -100 vs. SuddenDeath

Final Score: -398

Rank: 8th

Er... Tiberian is dead last? That's not someting you see every day. I think Tiberian was playing a gimmick fleet just for kicks, hoping to get a Pkunk that respawned 20 times. Although he seemed frustrated, I found this group of flanking ships to be a nice reprieve from the sameness of every other player's fleet.

« Last Edit: December 18, 2008, 03:06:17 am by Shiver » Logged
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Re: December Duplicates Tournament
« Reply #14 on: December 17, 2008, 11:55:17 pm »

Thanks for the tournament!

I very much enjoyed it... and look forward to more! In a few days my winter holidays begin, and last for 2 weeks (though you probably won't organize a tournament, as they happen monthly, right?). I'm looking forward to playing all of you during this period!
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