Topic: why don't we make it ourselves? (Read 40530 times)
*Smell* controller
Posts: 432
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...even though it's currently made with Game Maker...
Still, he is actually creating something, and with gusto. Not all of us can say the same. i fixed the PDL issue, just change event "press key" for "key down", but i didn't posted it jet, i'm working on the sprites right now, and then implement'em, so my next post would feature all the ships, i think a a week from now tops. I expect the full game somewhere around February. Let's not forget, Luke, Game Maker is designed to be easy to use, not to be good quality. That being said, I think you're over-reacting to the speed that this is being developed. I'd bet I could do the same thing just as fast or faster if I wanted to. The biggest part of making this game is the storyline, which he hasn't even touched on yet.
Zebranky food

Posts: 29
I've completed the sprite set, now is programming time. Here is a file with my full ship sprite set:
The marauder seems to be too black, but that's just an optical illusion.
I'd bet I could do the same thing just as fast or faster if I wanted to. then, why didn't you done it?
The biggest part of making this game is the storyline, which he hasn't even touched on yet. that's right, i posted very little about storyline here, well, an idea came to me, earthlings get androsynth guardian blueprints and produce their ships, since earthlings have a different *smell*, there's no problem with the orz, I think that's a good way to put put the ship back in the main game without revealing what happened to them. I won't post all my storyline sketches and ideas becouse I don't want to spoil the game for everybody who read this.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2008, 05:49:48 am by general_klefenz »
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
Let's not forget, Luke, Game Maker is designed to be easy to use, not to be good quality. That being said, I think you're over-reacting to the speed that this is being developed.
Am I? To be serious for a moment, I don't really expect this game to be completed that quickly, if ever. That's just hyperbole. I'm trying to show my appreciation for someone who is actually doing something, no matter what, that expands the SC universe. If all this ever amounts to is a melee or half a melee, that's still fine. If it was built with GameMaker that's fine too. But as far back as I can remember most people who come in talking about a sequel/mod of UQM only have story ideas and want someone to code for them, or seem more interested in debating how hard coding would be. To have someone put their money where their mouth is is quite uncommon. To have someone do it quickly is pretty unheard of. Sure, we already have melee. Buty maybe making that will inspire general_flefenz to step it up and create something else. Or maybe it'll inspire someone else. Only time will tell.
I'd bet I could do the same thing just as fast or faster if I wanted to. The biggest part of making this game is the storyline, which he hasn't even touched on yet.
Good for you, go for it. And if you don't want to make it quickly, then that's fine too. I hope your mod is finished and becomes a new addition to the very few functioning mods around. That way we all win.
*waves hand*  Hey, it's one of the exceptions to the rule. Good man.
What's up doc?
But as far back as I can remember most people who come in talking about a sequel/mod of UQM only have story ideas and want someone to code for them... I'm probably on my own on this one, but I would be in favor of giving full creative control of a Star Control fan game over to one particularly gifted writer that had no idea how to code. It might be difficult to find programmers that are willing to act as code monkeys for someone else, however.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 491

"Let's not forget, Luke, Game Maker is designed to be easy to use, not to be good quality."
Uhhhh... Care to elaborate on "good quality" ?? Quality is what one puts into somthing methinks.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 432
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Uhhhh... Care to elaborate on "good quality" ?? Quality is what one puts into somthing methinks.
Gameplay is the big one, but there's also:
1. Graphics 2. Music/sounds 3. Performance 4. Space 5. Number of different OS's it's available for
Those are the big five. The big thing that GM can't do is make a game that can run on multiple OS's, since it is limited by DirectX.
Space is also minutely affected since there are so many built-in variables and constants, most of which don't end up being used in any given game. Because of this, performance drops slightly.
More importantly, GM doesn't handle music very well. It only supports MIDI and WAV directly, which is yet another DirectX limitation. If you use MIDI, a bug in GM is noticed, freezing the game for for almost a half second before looping. If you use WAV, you take up massive amounts of space, lowering performance dramatically. Finally, if you choose to use the normal media player to use other types of music (i.e. mp3), you are unable to adjust the volume at all or use other controls, and you inevitably hear a break when the track loops, however small.
Graphics are only limited slightly: Since GM always treats transparent colors as white and instead treats the color in the bottom left corner as transparent (unadjustable), you are forced with certain sprites to add at least one more row or column to the sprite, increasing the amount of space each of these sprites takes.
Good for you, go for it 
I'd bet I could do the same thing just as fast or faster if I wanted to.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 432
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I'm probably on my own on this one, but I would be in favor of giving full creative control of a Star Control fan game over to one particularly gifted writer that had no idea how to code. It might be difficult to find programmers that are willing to act as code monkeys for someone else, however.
No, I agree. The story is integral to a good game. Give one person that authority, and possibly hook him up with a direct line to TFB for consultations/help/feedback/viewpoints. Then round up talented coders/artists/musician and have them realise it. But as you say, most voluntary coders/artists/musicians aren't going to want to be just "code monkeys", they'll want to have their say in the story as well. Which is why we should choose the best storyteller (me) and donate an obscene amount of money to him (me). 1000€/person should be enough, sot he (I) can hire actual professionals (entertainers) to do the dirty (sexy) work. PM me for bank account number. Gee... 1000 Euro is like $1,328.54 (according to I don't have that much money to waste.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2008, 09:23:10 pm by jaychant »
Zebranky food

Posts: 29
right now i'm programming the vux intruder, can someone tell me exactly how do the limpets work?
Zebranky food

Posts: 29
so, each limpet slows more and more the ship, i used to think only the first limpet did something and the others just, nothing, or should it be that way now?