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Topic: Star Control #4 in IGN's "Top 10 Franchises We Want Resurrected" (Read 4718 times)
Posts: 520

Their list, 10 to 1:
Master of Orion Road Rash Planescape: Torment Syndicate Kid Icarus
Vagrant Story Star Control Chrono Trigger Wing Commander Star Wars: TIE Fighter
Syndicate would be nice, I remember setting (all) civilians on fire with the Gauss gun. I'm still working on my MoO1 project. Kid Icarus is being developed/produced by Shiggy? I liked the first Wing Commander with the round Dralthi.
If developers actually were able to do faithful sequels/remakes, I'd like to see:
X-com / Laser Squad / RebelStar Elite 1.5 Quake 1 Z Sim Ant Dogs of War Super Cars Stunt Car Racer Mega lo Mania Solar Jetman Blaster Master Bomber King / Robo Warrior Secion Z Fester's Quest Excite Bike
« Last Edit: December 08, 2008, 02:35:12 pm by Arne »
Frungy champion
Posts: 96

from Sunstrike's image pack
And Thief! I'd love to see a Thief 4... Thief 1 is my second best game of all time, right after UQM! 
Heh, there are some striking similarities between the two series:
Each has 3 games so far, with one being good (SC1, Thief 2), one being AWESOME (SC2, Thief 1) and one being the illegitimate bastard-step-child (both 3rd installments). Also, Thief 3 was developed by a different company than its two predecessors... and many of the fans of both series dismiss the 3rd game as non-canon
« Last Edit: December 08, 2008, 08:47:35 pm by SuddenDeath »
Posts: 580

Personally, I'd love to see another Descent or another Freespace, even though I realize that they both would probably be a huge commercial failure, with another Freespace possibly being a bit less of a probable commercial failure. I mean, a Descent or generic Space Shooter in today's era? I doubt that't ever be a reality. A faithful Freespace sequel would be great, though, as Freespace and Freespace 2 are -in my opinion- the two games that took the 'best space shooter' award due to their extreme immersion, eventually perhaps causing the space shooter genre to completely die out, with no or extremely inadequate games in that genre following them (I mean, come on, Freelancer was crap, right?).. Either way, whoever comes up with a modern sequel to Descent should probably be awarded the "extreme balls!" award...
And let's not forget Deus Ex, perhaps the only game to ever challenge Star Control 2 into a deadly battle of deciding what game was the best game on any platform ever released (at least, in my mind. ). Though I doubt Deus Ex 3 is going to be faithful to the original Deus Ex... 
Also, what's happened to the FPS-RTS hybrid games? I remember that there was a period where a lot of those were released back when Battlezone 2 got released. Another game which I'd love to see a faithful sequel of, since Battlezone 2 was great (damn immersive, too) yet kind of buggy and it had some way too rough edges and horrible design choices (jetpacks. ugh).. Hell, I bet that a sequel of that would do pretty well, seeing as more and more games are going for the cooperative multiplayer gameplay thingy nowadays, with some (Left 4 Dead) even making that the entire reason for the game's existance..
Also, man, I'd love to see a faithful remake of Tetris...
Posts: 802

I would definately like to see a Vagrant Story sequel ... LBA would also be great
Personally, I'd love to see another Descent or another Freespace, even though I realize that they both would probably be a huge commercial failure, with another Freespace possibly being a bit less of a probable commercial failure. I mean, a Descent or generic Space Shooter in today's era? I doubt that't ever be a reality. A faithful Freespace sequel would be great, though, as Freespace and Freespace 2 are -in my opinion- the two games that took the 'best space shooter' award due to their extreme immersion, eventually perhaps causing the space shooter genre to completely die out, with no or extremely inadequate games in that genre following them (I mean, come on, Freelancer was crap, right?).. Either way, whoever comes up with a modern sequel to Descent should probably be awarded the "extreme balls!" award... Nonsense. A company could make a space shooter and have it be very profitable. You probably wouldn't like the solution, though, and that is to consolize it.
Zebranky food

Posts: 1
I just wanted to say, I agree with the topic of this post. A friend showed me this game years ago on Windows 95, and in all my years of gaming (20), no game has ever compelled me the way this one has. Imagine this game online, you get a home planet and there's thousands to choose from........fighting the Ur-Quan with your friend from Mars (friend online). It could be HUGE.
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