Topic: Mysteries of the Star Control Universe... theories much appreciated! (Read 37406 times)
*Smell* controller
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One thing I'd like to mention is that there are certainly some differences in the war with the Ur-Quan and the theoretical war with the Kohr-Ah. First and foremost, all races, even the Spathi, would fight to the death. This is because there is no reason to not fight to the death as your species will be exterminated anyways. Second, it has been demonstrated that the Utwig ships can be very effective against Kohr-Ah ships. It can be assumed that the Utwig would inflict some serious damage on the Kohr-Ah, though it wouldn't destroy them. After the extermination of the Umgah, many races would immediately start to mobilize and the Arilou would start their plans to keep the human race alive (they would probably take them away to safety instead of fighting). With the same hastily assembled Chenjesu/Mmrnmhrm fleet, they would be able to hold off the Kohr-Ah long enough to allow other races to finish mobilizing. If they mobilized fast enough, they might rush over to help the Chenjesu. Otherwise, they might assemble an alliance or at least a pact to not attack each other until the Kohr-Ah threat is over. The main fighting races would likely be the Yehat and Spathi. Mycons would likely not fight until they could see clearly who would win, and would join the winning side.
Unlike in the Ur-Quan conflict, the Spathi would fight to the very end, simply because they want to live. The Yehat would do very well due to their superior tactics and their shields. The Yehat would also fight to the very end, since joining the Kohr-Ah will ultimately lead to their destruction anyways. The VUX and Yehat would let go of their differences for the conflict. The Androsynth would have some time to research in weapons technology further.
In essence, I don't think that the Alliance members would all be doomed from the start. Many would be eliminated, but not all of them for sure.
Posts: 1044

For the sake of argument, let's say that the Arilou decided that the only solution to the Kohr-Ah problem was indeed a sector-spanning alliance. Mind you, this is already uncharacteristic; they have always advocated subterfuge and occlusion rather than violent action, and I still think they would be more likely to cut and run with a segment of Earth's population in order to continue their work or attempt to hide Humanity in some other way, rather than attempt to face the Kohr-Ah head on.
Considering where their interests lie, and which species they have relations with, I don't think the Arilou would even be aware of the extent of the Kohr-Ah's threat until the were already relatively close, probably heading towards or having just exterminated the Thraddash. This means that, despite anything else, the Druuge, Burvixese, Utwig, Supox, and possibly ZFP are already gone, and the Thraddash are either also finished or will not have time to adequately prepare and are a lost cause anyway. Supposing that all of the other races in the region are alerted to the threat and given the opportunity to mobilize against it (no matter how unlikely this may be) in time to meet the next thrust, presumably at Chenjesu / Mmrnhrm space.
The first major problem is that this is not the Alliance we're all familiar with. The Ilwrath fleet is even more of a joke now than it is during the events of both SC1 and 2; they were given significant technological upgrades by the Kzer-Za in order to make them passable battle thralls in the conflict, and they wouldn't have this technology in our alternate universe, making them little more than cannon fodder. The Orz remain disconnected from this conflict, as they are still unaware of our dimension, and so will play no part. Of the races that remain, few of them get along: Infighting is rampant among the Yehat and Pkunk, the Yehat and VUX, the Androsynth and Humans, the Spathi and Umgah (assuming the Spathi don't simply retreat to their worlds and hide as quietly as possible once the find out that the Ultimate Evil is actually real and on its way), the Syreen and VUX, the VUX and the Humans, the Ilwrath and everyone else, the Mycon and eveyone else. It is questionable whether all of these races will even join the alliance: the Mycon are as likely as not to work with others, and may even try to appeal to the Kohr-Ah (resulting in their early extermination), the Spathi may not be willing to fight until its too late and the Kohr-Ah are bearing down on them, the Androsynth and VUX may simply refuse to join because of a combination of their prejudices and not taking the threat seriously. Let us, however, assume the best case scenario, where everyone tries to function as a cohesive alliance to the best of their ability, and all potential remaining members join.
Our members races are: Arilou, Chenjesu, Mmrnhrm, Ilwrath, Pkunk, Humans, Shofixti, VUX, Yehat, Syreen, Mycon, Spathi, Umgah, and Androsynth.
The Kohr-Ah extermination fleet meets the alliance in battle at the fringes of Chenjesu / Mmrnhrm space, and the combined fleets attempt to coordinate cohesive tactics on short notice in their first true battle. The losses suffered by the Alliance are horrendous as they attempt to hold back a massive and well practiced extermination fleet, but somehow the lines hold and the Kohr-Ah are given pause by the strength of the resistance. However, instead of trying to relentlessly push through the Alliance's lines, their mindset of striking first at the weak takes over as they realize that the entire sector's sentients have somehow joined forces against them. While a diversionary skirmishing force of Marauders continues to harass the alliance lines (which for the Kohr-Ah, is a huge number of ships), the bulk of the fleet breaks off and swiftly rampages through Umgah and Spathi space, eliminating both races. The alliance realizes its mistake too late, and struggles to redistibute its forces, but it's too late; emergency reinforcements arrive in the Vulpeculae stars and engage the Kohr-Ah fleet, but their resistance only inflicts token damage, and the Androsynth are exterminated.
With the loss of 3 member races in a short amount of time, the alliance is forced to reevaluate their tactics. The Kohr-Ah thrust into the newly opened gap in the Alliance lines, eliminating the Syreen hab-fleet with minimal effort before turning their attentions to the VUX. The Yehat arrive to reinforce the VUX lines, and through a combination of their battle prowess and Zex's tactics, the lines hold against the Kohr-Ah. However, this only serves to spread the Alliance thinner, and after leaving behind another skirmishing fleet on the fringes of VUX space, the Kohr-Ah divert to Mycon space, which is now somewhat isolated from the rest of the alliance. The Mycon battle to the last, but not enough reinforcements can be spared to support them, and they eventually fall.
Rather than attempt to penetrate the combined VUX - Yehat lines again, the Kohr-Ah fleet diverts back to Vulpeculae and makes a push toward the west, encountering fleets primarily composed of Human, Shofixti, and Pkunk ships. This time, the alliance is prepared, and a pitched battle ensues. Alliance reinforcements flood into the combat zone, but the Kohr-Ah recall their VUX - Yehat skirmishing fleet in response, creating a force that the Alliance simply cannot hold back. Losses are heavy on both sides, but eventually the day is lost. The Kohr-Ah sweep in towards Earth, then into Pkunk space, and then back around against the Ilwrath. All 3 races are destroyed despite stiff resistance.
This latest action drives a wedge between the alliance forces, isolating the Chenjesu, Mmrnhrm, and Arilou on one side, and the VUX, Yehat, and Shofixti on the other. The Arilou, realizing that all their work has come to naught, retreat en masse back to Quasispace, sealing the portal and abandoning the Chenjesu and Mmrnhrm to their fate. Both races are brutally chushed between the Kohr-Ah pincer assault, and are no more.
In anticipation of their final stand, the last remaining alliance fleets gather at Delta Gorno to face to Kohr-Ah. A fierce battle is waged, but the conclusion is foregone. However, as the Kohr-Ah sweep in to eliminate the Shofixti, Delta Gorno explodes into a supernove, decimating over 1/3 of the Kohr-Ah fleet and scourging any other life in the star system. Their task completed for them, the remaining 2/3s of the Kohr-Ah strike mercilessly against the VUX. Resistance is as heavy as can be mustered, but both the VUX and Yehat have been worn down from constant battle and the Kohr-Ah are as relentless as ever. The VUX fall first, and the Starship Clans follow soon after. The Kohr-Ah howl in triumph as they have done thousands of times before, and prepare to head to the next sector of space, where they have begun to sense the presence of their green counterparts.
The result is the same, though the methods are slightly different. The war against the Kohr-Ah is lost after 5 - 6 years of nearly constant, brutal combat. Kohr-Ah losses are especially heavy, with over 40% of their fleet having been lost in the conflict, most to the Shofixti's final blaze of glory. The Kzer-Za engage their brethren in ritual combat in the sector "north" of ours after enslaving all of the native races there, and though strength of sheer numbers, emerge victorious. Once again, the Kohr-Ah are forced to acknowledge the superiority of the Path of Now and Forever.
It may seem depressing, but I simply don't see a feasible scenario where the Kohr-Ah fail to wipe out everyone else.
Frungy champion
Posts: 76
Hmm... Hmm... Now that's something god damm hard to argue...
But this just gives me a new oppertunity to point out that Arilou would most likely gather the local races. In the original time line beofre Earth was called to battle, Arilou were sure that either Kzer-Za would one day come and slave shield them or the Alliance would won. The humans joining the war changed Arilou strategy as humanity going global would change (I would figure that at worst constant war would turn humans into a species that would allow itself to be enslaved, rather then shieldet.). However, I find no other way to save humanity then a alliance of races.
Also, on the subject, why does most people argue that Arilou would comromise with just taking few humans. I mean, call me a fan of them, but after just spending once again playing SC 2 and talking with them making conversation about how they used to go to Earth in the past, I just can't imagine them exploiting every other possibility before beign forced to sarcifice Earth.
And now that I have soften you with my mind melting text, does anyone mind if I would write a fanfic about this theory in the future ?
Posts: 802

About the arilou - they are outside the timeline , so *when* they discover Humans destroyed , they would *rewind* time and warn humans and whoever they see fit maybe even before the Kohr-Ah fleet reaches this quadrant . Still , I don't see the end result any different - the alliance will not form to a full extent before some major races would get completely destroyed thus getting everybody's true attention . The only way I see the losses on Kohr-Ah side being great enough to warrant Human survival is main task force of Utwig/Chenjesu and this can be if Arilou manage to convey the message to them to check it with the Ultron . Druuge are doomed any way , and not too sorry for them , if the fleet then turns to Mycon space rather than to Utwig/Supox , alliance of Utwig,Supox,Chenjesu,Mbots,Humans might stand a chance if it forms fast enough to aid Yehat/Shofixty . Ilwrath would not get pranked by Umgah to that point and might get to the mix as support , Thraddash will go in for a fight , ZPF and Umgah will find something to do as well . I am unable to write full strategic and tactical scenarios as Draxas can , but this might just turn out well . The bad thing is , that IF this alliance is victorious in some way , some years after the Kzer-za will arrive and although the victorious alliance will be united and with cooperative tactics refined , the shear amount of the Kzer-Za will be disasterous to the survivors .
I think this is the longest post I have ever made ...
Posts: 802

And there might be the Druuge/Spathi way for the Arilou to ensure Human survival - sabotage the hyperspace communication in this corner of space and enforce silence while placing 'casters on the Druuge - Gg - Utwig - Supox line , luring the Kohr-ah fleet to meet the Kzer-Za fleet outside our quadrant entirely . Although this is highly unlikely scenario even for the Arilou .
Posts: 1044

I was going to mention this before, but couldn't find an appropriate place to do so... but I suppose this is as good a spot as any.
Any scenario relying on the Utwig in any way, shape, or form is doomed to failure: At this point, the Ultron is broken and the Utwig are suicidally depressed. They welcome the Kohr-Ah and oblivion without batting an eye, and certainly without putting up a fight. So there is no alliance they would even consider joining, instead embracing their fate.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 432
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When exactly was the Ultron broken anyway?
Posts: 802

I tend to disagree - the Druuge say they sold the Ultron couple of years back , meaning almout immediately before this alternative storyline . or even after it . I don't think the Utwig broke it immediately as they got it , so the Ultron might just be intact and then who knows , they might not break it at all , as it happened in a happy ceremony , possibly out of order on the brink of a war ... If the Kohr-Ah arrived before the Druuge sold the Ultron at all the Utwig might be as willing as not to join the upcoming alliance . Although they are naive and trusting , I think they would probably join .
EDIT - Jaychant , you posted while I was typing ... I don't remember how many time passed , but could not be too long - the Utwig susciety was still functioning . In the state of depression they were , they'd die out if it was long time .
EDIT2 - Melnorme info
"Not more than fifty years ago the Druuge were informed by the now-extinct Burvixese race of a powerful alien nation called the Utwig. The Utwig, the Burvixese explained, were pleasant, sophisticated creatures but they were also terminally depressed and often spoke about ending their lives by activating a super-weapon, some kind of gigantic bomb which they had found on one of their worlds -- Zeta Hyades VI-B I think it was. The Druuge recognized the description of the bomb as a Precursor planeteering tool which indeed was an explosive device of unrivaled power, and they set out to make it their own. Though the revolting, criminal, insidious Druuge rarely leave their sphere of influence (it encompasses Algol, Almagest, and the Persei stars) they made a special trip on this occasion to the Aquarii constellation, where they made contact with the Utwig. There is a device commonly known as the `Ultron'. Is it now in your possession? Ah... I see. The Druuge sold this device to the Utwig, explaining that it was a Precursor `Personal Magnifier' which would enrich the lives of their entire culture in too many ways to describe specifically. The Utwig, I am sorry to say, fell for the Druuge's foul ruse, and snapped up the Ultron immediately. Fortunately for us all, the Utwig did not pay the Druuge's requested price -- the super-bomb and instead gave them a collection of `historical oddments and genuine artifacts' which to this day, the Druuge are trying to unload on unwary buyers."
"The Utwig, who live in the Aquarii constellation, have grown very depressed of late. They accidentally broke the supposed `Ultron' sold to them by the felonious Druuge. As a consequence, they are morose and melancholic and will probably be unwilling to help you fight the Ur-Quan. If you wish to gain them as allies, we recommend that you acquire the broken Ultron (as if it EVER worked) and find some suitable replacement parts. Our information indicates that you can find these items in three different places a Rosy Sphere at the Druuge trade world an Aqua Helix somewhere in Thraddash space and a Clear Spindle, which is currently in the possession of the Pkunk."
So most likely the Utwig would be in posession of an unbroken artefact .
Edit3 - Supox this time
"The Druuge, the cruel, sallow trading race who sold the device to the Utwig called the device the `Ultron' and claimed that it would give the Utwig super-powers. Unfortunately, the Utwig believed the Druuge and bought the Ultron. However, the device DID make the Utwig very happy. Of course, we didn't tell them what we REALLY thought of the Ultron that they were vapid fools to buy a piece of junk for a planet's ransom. We went along with the falsehood, and in doing so showed our own stupidity. Then, one sad day a few years ago, the Utwig Proctor dropped the Ultron during a particularly energetic and festive ritual. Now the Utwig are morose and depressed. They feel they cannot ever achieve greatness because they lost the powers of the Ultron. They even gave the broken device to us, saying that they couldn't stand the sight of it anymore. We are worried that the Utwig are so depressed that they may use their Ultimate Weapon. Here! You take the Ultron, maybe you can do something with it." To sum it up - 50 years before the SC2 Utwig got the Ultron . They broke it just couple of years back , meaning after the defeat of first alliance , that happened 20 years before . If Kohr-Ah arrived more than 30 years before they should - Utwig have no Ultron but might help anyway . Less than 30 years - Utwig have "working" Ultron . In addition , they would have the Precursors bomb , just like Shofixty and this thing might work twice - wouldn't against Kzer-za , but Kohr-Ah could get it twice .
Another thhing - there probably be no Vindicator ship in this alternative storyline .
« Last Edit: May 12, 2009, 02:36:59 am by Alvarin »
Posts: 1044

The lack of a Vindicator in this alternate universe is a given: Starcontrol would not have the means to send an expidition to Vela until late in the Slave Wars. Even if the expedition is sent, if we run on the same time frame as SC2, the Kohr-Ah have already exterminated all life in the sector by the time the Vindicator breaks orbit and moved on. Zelnick and crew would find Earth to be a burnt out shell of a world, and if they're very unlucky, a stray Kohr-Ah would trace their Hyperspace trail just like the Kzer-Za did, and they would return to Unzervalt to find it in the same condition (assuming they can even get back; they haven't got enough fuel, and the Melnorme would have fled the sector before the Kohr-Ah arrived thanks to the Metatron. They probably would wind up stranded in Hyperspace, either starving to death or being picked apart by probes, assuming the Slylandro even manage to procure them at all).
However, there may be a valid point there about the Utwig still having an intact Ultron. Still, the scenario plays out in much the same manner. The Burvixese perish first thanks to the Druuge, and the Druuge are next due to the failure of their ruse and the lack of Kzer-Za to divert the Kohr-Ah's attention. The Kohr-Ah turn towards the Utwig, who have been forewarned of their coming and have set battle lines against them with the Supox. However, the might of the Kohr-Ah is too great; under sustained assault and the overwhelming pressure of their numbers, the lines eventually falter. A plan is devised to use their Precursor terraforming tool in a last ditch assault on the enemy, but it is too late. The Utwig are exterminated before they can execute their scheme, though the Kohr-Ah fortunately deem Zeta Hyades VI-B of no importance and do not investigate the moon short of destroying the fleet stationed there. The Supox follow soon after, as they have little hope of resisting without the Utwig's support. Their sacrifice, however, buys precious time in the form of several months, and the Ultron instructs the Utwig to send scouts to contact the rimward races and let them know that they must prepare.
Unfortunatelyby the time the nature of the threat is verified and the fleets are readied for battle, it is too late for the ZFP; they die horribly after putting up only token resistance since alliance forces are unable to reach them in time. The Kohr-Ah next turn their attentions to the Thraddash, and the alliance attempts to intervene and convince the Thraddash to aid them. However, stubborn and violent as they are, the Thraddash refuse to take the danger seriously and attack alliance forces as they arrive in their region of space. Rather than risk drawn out conflict and losses against the Thraddash (and not entirely understanding their mindset), the alliance regretfully retreats back to Chenjesu and Mmrnhrm space to shore up their battle lines. The Thraddash are swiftly exterminated when the Kohr-Ah arrive.
The scenario otherwise plays out similarly to the second one I described above.
Posts: 802

If Arilow give out timely enough warning , the Utwig/Supox force could be reinforced by the members of the first alliance before the Kohr-Ah fleet arrives .
Posts: 1044

But how would the Arilou find out? Their scouting range seems to be limited to the natural QS portal and Earth at that time. They really have no reason to be off in Druuge space. Despite that, it would take longer for the alliance to mobilize across the entire sector than it would for the Kohr-Ah to exterminate the Druuge and Utwig - Supox. Remember, the only reason the Utwig and Supox were able to delay the Kohr-Ah for an entire year in SC2 is because they were focused on the Kzer-Za. The interlopers were just a nuisance (albeit quite an effective one) rather than the primary target.
Posts: 802

Arilou will notice destruction of mankind , go back in time and see what caused it , go further back and look into the source , go earlier and notice the arrival path etc. There are Q-portals leading to Druuge and Burvixese .
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
I agree that if the Arilou are going to try a grand Alliance, they're going to act in a sufficiently timely fashion to make it work... if it can be made to work. If not, they'll just pack up and ship Earth off to somewhere else. Take it off the Hyperspace system if necessary.
So, the Alliance will include the Utwig at least, and anyone else implied by their acting that early.
Furthermore, the Arilou will be able to provide deep scouting, which will prevent those surprise attacks. Note that the Hierarchy never achieved strategic surprise while the Arilou were onboard, except for the unexpected addition of the Mycon, which isn't the same thing at all.
Speaking of the Mycon, the Arilou could have just been holding out, realizing that the Mycon joining the Ur-Quan outright was less harmful than them turning later when they were being relied on. They do (at least by SC2 era) know a considerable amount about the Mycon, and not just the kinds of things that they would find out in a brief time, like things about the Deep Children, which aren't used that frequently. So the extent of Arilou awareness is at least that great, anyway.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 432
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The Ultron would tell the Utwig to send scouts long before the Kohr-Ah arrived, which would allow for an alliance. So there would be an alliance of Utwig, Supox, Yehat, Chenjesu, Mmrnmhrm, Shofixti, Human, Umgah, Zoq-Fot-Pik, and possibly VUX, Androsynth, and Mycon. The alliance would meet the Kohr-Ah in Druuge space and fight. This would not likely defeat the Kohr-Ah, but it would put a severe dent in their forces. The Druuge would be eliminated. Next is the Utwig. We have to consider that the Utwig ships are said to be effective against Kohr-Ah ships, and while it is true that the Kohr-Ah weren't focusing on the Utwig during the Doctrinal conflict, the Utwig were also accepting casualties handed to them by the Ur-Quan. Along with the allied forces, the Utwig would likely have the potential to win. In addition, the Utwig would detonate their bomb just like the Shofixti if the force in that region was defeated, annihilating many more Marauders. If the Kohr-Ah still somehow managed to destroy the Utwig, they would be eliminated by allied forces after that, possibly destroying Thraddash, Umgah, and Ilwrath. But the chance that they would succeed in destroying everyone is very slim.
Posts: 1044

I'm not sure where the perception that the Arilou can go back in time comes from. While they certainly seem to perceive time in a different fashion than the norm, they still seem to be bound by it in a linear sense. Otherwise, many of the things that happen (or could happen) in SC1 and 2 could easily be avoided by their intervention. Granted, they only intervene on Humanity's behalf, but I think the Death March at the end of the time limit of SC2 would have a significantly different result if they could make changes to the time stream (or for that matter, shut away or remove the Earth).
I'll grant you that they have the ability to perform deep scouting, but only insofar as our sector of the galaxy is concerned. By the time they become aware of the Kohr-Ah, it is at best from intercepting transmissions from the Gg to the Druuge or Burvixese about their coming. Even if they immediately warn all of the potential alliance races of the coming threat, most are not likely to take it seriously until they see proof, which is already too late. Even if they did all gather their forces, join in a grand armada, and truck off to the other side of the sector for combat, it will already be too late for the Burvixese and Druuge, and probbly the Utwig and Supox as well; it's a long trip, especially with all those slow ships in tow. At that point, how does the scenario change? The lines are drawn outside of ZFP space? The alliance is still smashed in their first encounter with an unknown, extrememly powerful, and vastly numerically superior fleet. All this does is cut down their numbers for when they need to defend their home stars.
I maintain that there is no feasible scenario that ends in victory for the alliance. In fact, I don't think it's too farfetched to think that there is no feasible scenario that ends in a stalemate long enough that the Kohr-Ah would be distracted by the coming of the Kzer-Za. 20 years is a long time to try to resist an impacable enemy with superior numbers and technology with no goal other than to exterminate anything with sentience.
EDIT: Slim nothing; they don't have a chance. Even if the Utwig successfully detonate their Precursor bomb Shofixti style when their lines are broken (and they will be; the Utwig will be overwhelmed by sheer numbers eventually, effective ships or not. Besides that, the Utwig don't seem to have this sort of personality type, and would be much more likely to try and deploy the bomb as a straight weapon rather than a suicide ploy), the Kohr-Ah will learn from this. They won't fall for it again when the Shofixti try to do it, and the casualties will be much smaller. Or perhaps they will look for signs of the same tactic, and be able to disable the bomb entirely.
Of course, this assumes that the Utwig would be able to get an alliance together. Even with the Ultron, they remain rather insular, not contacting any races other than the Supox and the Alliance (and that, only out of gratitude for fixing the Ultron) in SC2 (the Druuge initiated contact with them, remember, and the Utwig wound up being mostly unhappy with the result once they traded for the Ultron). Besides, with their slow ships, they would have to send scouts at least a year in advance in order to establish an alliance in time to face the Kohr-Ah in Druuge space.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2009, 10:03:49 pm by Draxas »