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Re: StarControl: Behind Enemy lines
« Reply #45 on: January 09, 2009, 06:12:17 pm »

I'm assuming I don't need to mention that they gave said fat Syreen a medikit by accident, then? Wink

She is pretty charming dude, she probably tricked them into giving it.

In all honesty, I'm not sure why either would be required. Though some item art would pretty things up, it's not strictly necessary, and thus far, nothing is actually coded at all. Realistically, adjusting player gear could easily be a text-only affair, undertaken during the downtime between games, which should keep it fairly non-taxing.

This is sort of true, but if I do that I'd like to do it as well as possible. It's also quite unclear at this stage whether this will be some sort of amazingly popular pasttime which requires such a list. Like I said, if we manage to through a few missions and there is popular demand for such a thing, we'll see.

That's... a lot of new powers. Certainly the Arilou is now a mighty killing machine.

Yes, I went a bit overboard. Downgraded it a bit. If it is still too strong then I'll have to see about more restriction and penalties for using them. I just had such fun thinking them all up Smiley

New XP limits for Syreen (6XP, human&Shofixti (7XP).

That increase in HP has not been reflected in any of the character data that I saw.

I'm not sure what those XP limits mean. Is that a single mission cap, or is that an increase in the amount of XP needed to gain a level?

It has now. S_o_A is right about the XP, edits should reflect that better as well.

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Re: StarControl: Behind Enemy lines
« Reply #46 on: January 09, 2009, 07:02:50 pm »

Mayhem is still clearly way too powerful for Level 1. 4 damage in a 4x4 area will absolutely ravage Ilwrath apprentices, granting all the XP to the Arilou. Consider upgrading its damage as the caster's level increases. It should be 1 HP damage right now or it'll just kill the Ilwraths without letting them slay each other instead.

Also, you might want to remove the unused powers from the units/items thread, it's confusing.
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Re: StarControl: Behind Enemy lines
« Reply #47 on: January 09, 2009, 07:20:06 pm »

Good point, I didn't consider that it's area effect. It just seemed piddly compared to the other powers.

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Re: StarControl: Behind Enemy lines
« Reply #48 on: January 09, 2009, 08:25:02 pm »

In all honesty, I'm not sure why either would be required. Though some item art would pretty things up, it's not strictly necessary, and thus far, nothing is actually coded at all. Realistically, adjusting player gear could easily be a text-only affair, undertaken during the downtime between games, which should keep it fairly non-taxing.

This is sort of true, but if I do that I'd like to do it as well as possible. It's also quite unclear at this stage whether this will be some sort of amazingly popular pasttime which requires such a list. Like I said, if we manage to through a few missions and there is popular demand for such a thing, we'll see.

Well, one can only hope. If nothing else, I definitely want to get into round 2. Just because I'm vocal about it, doesn't mean I'm the only one (hopefully).

New XP limits for Syreen (6XP, human&Shofixti (7XP).

That increase in HP has not been reflected in any of the character data that I saw.

I'm not sure what those XP limits mean. Is that a single mission cap, or is that an increase in the amount of XP needed to gain a level?

It has now. S_o_A is right about the XP, edits should reflect that better as well.

I'm not sure why the gap for levels needed to be wider, especially since you increased it for everyone but the Arilou. With his current damage potential, he will probably be gaining levels very quickly now, at least in the early missions where hitting something with most of his powers will shred it instantly.
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Re: StarControl: Behind Enemy lines
« Reply #49 on: January 10, 2009, 04:00:21 am »

I'm not sure why the gap for levels needed to be wider, especially since you increased it for everyone but the Arilou. With his current damage potential, he will probably be gaining levels very quickly now, at least in the early missions where hitting something with most of his powers will shred it instantly.

I hope that an increased XP cap will be rewarded with equally good and creative level up abilities for other units besides the "Arilou Dreadnought."
« Last Edit: January 10, 2009, 07:03:30 am by Son_of_Antares » Logged
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Re: StarControl: Behind Enemy lines
« Reply #50 on: January 10, 2009, 02:24:57 pm »

Well, one can only hope. If nothing else, I definitely want to get into round 2. Just because I'm vocal about it, doesn't mean I'm the only one (hopefully).

One can hope.

I'm not sure why the gap for levels needed to be wider, especially since you increased it for everyone but the Arilou. With his current damage potential, he will probably be gaining levels very quickly now, at least in the early missions where hitting something with most of his powers will shred it instantly.

XP demand for level 2 may be higher than that of level one. I might still bump him up to 6 as well. This isn't connected to the changes we have been discussing here, but rather to other changes I've been implementing. Seeing as our fighters are quite effective at disposing single enemies, I'm tweaking the enemy numbers in the game to make it more interesting. This means more XP to go around, which means everyone will peak more quickly than anticipated. Thus, XP barriers are now higher. Otherwise they'd wade through without much of a challenge anywhere.

I hope that an increased XP cap will be rewarded with equally good and creative level up abilities for other units besides the "Arilou Dreadnought."

Well, seeing as the Arilou is stronger to begin with, his level increase won't give as many bonuses any more. The strong fighetr units will get useful abilities, and I hope you'll be satisfied with them.

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Re: StarControl: Behind Enemy lines
« Reply #51 on: January 10, 2009, 06:47:38 pm »

Few thoughts: on the map pic you're using you could add corresponding character names under the "player 1, 2 etc" lines so that anyone who looks at the legend can automatically tell who is who. Also it might be a good idea to change the HP colon into HP/XP so it would show us not just the current health but also our current experience. I guess MOV could be added also, but no need for that it would just make the characters legend overcrowded.
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Re: StarControl: Behind Enemy lines
« Reply #52 on: January 10, 2009, 10:29:19 pm »

Luki, the latest map you posted in the main game thread does not accurately reflect anyone's HP except Wubula, since she is now wounded (you forgot to add the extra 1 HP). I don't really want to clutter up the actual game thread, thus the post is here.

Incidentally, Sukuzu is totally going to get stung by space bees... Maybe. He might be far enough away now to avoid that humiliating fate. Wink

I see from the Ilwrath's action out of turn that the enemies (at least) can use something akin to overwatch (to borrow a term from Space Hulk / Warhammer 40K), where they keep some or all of their AP in reserve in order to react to actions that occur during the enemy turn. Is this ability available to the players as well? If so, you should probably lay it out in the rules as an option. If not, then I'm forced to assume that enemies always have fixed positions when they aren't being directly observed... but even still, there are circumstances where this ability would be useful (potential ambush locations, an isolated member of the team killed or escapes from an enemy, and that enemy is pursuing the others / its victim).

Also, as a special bonus, this game has inspired me to dig my old Hero Quest set out of storage. Unfortunately, I seem to be missing most of the figures that came with it, probably because I commandeered them for other games. Still, I think I can probably find them... And then I will see if anyone actually wants to play. Smiley
« Last Edit: January 10, 2009, 10:41:36 pm by Draxas » Logged
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Re: StarControl: Behind Enemy lines
« Reply #53 on: January 11, 2009, 10:57:03 am »

Few thoughts: on the map pic you're using you could add corresponding character names under the "player 1, 2 etc" lines so that anyone who looks at the legend can automatically tell who is who. Also it might be a good idea to change the HP colon into HP/XP so it would show us not just the current health but also our current experience. I guess MOV could be added also, but no need for that it would just make the characters legend overcrowded.

Yeah, I'll get right on that. It slipped my mind.

Quote from: Draxas
I see from the Ilwrath's action out of turn that the enemies (at least) can use something akin to overwatch (to borrow a term from Space Hulk / Warhammer 40K), where they keep some or all of their AP in reserve in order to react to actions that occur during the enemy turn. Is this ability available to the players as well? If so, you should probably lay it out in the rules as an option. If not, then I'm forced to assume that enemies always have fixed positions when they aren't being directly observed... but even still, there are circumstances where this ability would be useful (potential ambush locations, an isolated member of the team killed or escapes from an enemy, and that enemy is pursuing the others / its victim).

Enemy sentries such as the latest Ilwrath now encountered are stationary and can never use more than one AP before their turn. I hadn't thought of making this ability available to players, because I felt that would slow things down. I suppose in a retreat situation moving around a corner and saving a point might be useful though. I'm going to have to think on this, the risk is that any and every room the players encounter, they'll just open the door, peek in and then take up positions outside the door, thus massacring anyone running out. And if the enemies are smarter than that, we'll get long standoffs where neither side wants to stick their head through the door.

It also makes it slower and buggier for me to move the enemy, since I'll have to move it completely, then have them post their interference move, go back and edit the maps and events and redo it. So I'm thinking probably not, the players are offensive characters who can't be bothered to stop before they have to (unless they give up turns)

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Re: StarControl: Behind Enemy lines
« Reply #54 on: January 15, 2009, 10:31:38 pm »

Since the thread's been quiet for a while, I think I'll pipe up again.

Enemy sentries such as the latest Ilwrath now encountered are stationary and can never use more than one AP before their turn. I hadn't thought of making this ability available to players, because I felt that would slow things down. I suppose in a retreat situation moving around a corner and saving a point might be useful though. I'm going to have to think on this, the risk is that any and every room the players encounter, they'll just open the door, peek in and then take up positions outside the door, thus massacring anyone running out. And if the enemies are smarter than that, we'll get long standoffs where neither side wants to stick their head through the door.

It also makes it slower and buggier for me to move the enemy, since I'll have to move it completely, then have them post their interference move, go back and edit the maps and events and redo it. So I'm thinking probably not, the players are offensive characters who can't be bothered to stop before they have to (unless they give up turns)

If this ability stays unavailable to the players, then it will really require a lot of caution to successfully use it with their foes. Nobody is going to want to do any exploration if they get shot every time they step around a corner, which will make things pretty counterproductive. Then again, maybe behaviors like this will teach the players to stay together instead of wander around into situations where they might get ambushed while their teammates are several turns worth of movement away.

Of course, if the enemies always (or even almost always) have the initiative, then it may be wise to provide the players with more ways to heal themselves more quickly. While I can't guarantee that you didn't provide for this already, I figure it's worth saying again, especially since one of the worst aspects of this is going to be taking both wounding and stunning hits with no chance to retaliate (like Wubula; she's very lucky not to have been hit again by the second strike).

Here's another question relating to stun. If you get stunned by an attack, can you continue to parry afterward (since this implies you may be too stunned to dodge)? Also, if you take only a single stunning hit and have additional parries remaining, could you roll additional parry dice to try to get a more favorable result, or are you stuck with the stun?

Continuing my previous tangent, I managed to find the minis for my Hero Quest over the weekend, and played a couple of quests with my fiancee. I'm slightly surprised to report that she rather enjoyed it, so we may add the game into our regular rotation. Once we hit the end of the pre-made quests, though, I may have to try to hunt up some of the expansion pack online... but that's a ways off from happening right now. Either way, thanks for reminding me of that forgotten gem, Luki! Smiley
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Re: StarControl: Behind Enemy lines
« Reply #55 on: January 16, 2009, 05:08:34 am »

I don't think it's quite that bad. The map isn't all that large, and we'll heal as we level up. We should just make sure that people who are low on hit points won't be the first to enter a new area unless we know that there are no enemies there.

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Re: StarControl: Behind Enemy lines
« Reply #56 on: January 16, 2009, 06:54:35 am »

If this ability stays unavailable to the players, then it will really require a lot of caution to successfully use it with their foes. Nobody is going to want to do any exploration if they get shot every time they step around a corner, which will make things pretty counterproductive. Then again, maybe behaviors like this will teach the players to stay together instead of wander around into situations where they might get ambushed while their teammates are several turns worth of movement away.

This ability will be available only to select creatures, and only then when it is logical. Sentries in areas where gunfire has already been heard. Some enemies with lightning quick reflexes in specific situations. The players won’t be entering rooms where several enemies can blast away at them at will, and there aren’t sentries behind every corner.

Of course, if the enemies always (or even almost always) have the initiative, then it may be wise to provide the players with more ways to heal themselves more quickly. While I can't guarantee that you didn't provide for this already, I figure it's worth saying again, especially since one of the worst aspects of this is going to be taking both wounding and stunning hits with no chance to retaliate (like Wubula; she's very lucky not to have been hit again by the second strike).

The players have Medikits, and there may well be other healing items located within the base. They’ll also regain HP when they level up. As meep says, I think they’ll be alright. And if not then hey, space is a tough place where wimps eat flaming plasma death.

Here's another question relating to stun. If you get stunned by an attack, can you continue to parry afterward (since this implies you may be too stunned to dodge)? Also, if you take only a single stunning hit and have additional parries remaining, could you roll additional parry dice to try to get a more favorable result, or are you stuck with the stun?

Yes. The stun effect eats up an action point in your next turn, indicating that the blast has confused you and you move slower. You still attack and defend with the same number of strikes and parries as before. You can’t reroll a stun, you’re stuck with it. If you are hit by a second concurrent stun it translates into a hit. This you can reroll against until you’ve used up your parry dice. I’ll edit this into the rules later on to make things clearer.

Continuing my previous tangent, I managed to find the minis for my Hero Quest over the weekend, and played a couple of quests with my fiancee. I'm slightly surprised to report that she rather enjoyed it, so we may add the game into our regular rotation. Once we hit the end of the pre-made quests, though, I may have to try to hunt up some of the expansion pack online... but that's a ways off from happening right now. Either way, thanks for reminding me of that forgotten gem, Luki!

Good for you. This whole game originally came about because we were spending a weekend at my girlfriends’ parents and I found her old copy of the game. Why her parents thought getting an 11 year old girl and her 7 year old brother Hero Quest I’ll never know. They played it once and put it on a shelf. where it lay until I found it. Around that time it had been pointed out to me that the forum was slowing down and that we needed to come up with some new stuff for it. So I had SC in the back of my head anyhow, and the Arilou and Syreen immediately struck me as good Elf and Wizard candidates. It took me quite a few months of doing this on the side to get it ready for this first game, and as we can see a lot of rules have been re-written or reformed during the game, but it seems to be working quite well now.

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Re: StarControl: Behind Enemy lines
« Reply #57 on: January 20, 2009, 06:03:17 pm »

Added a new section to the rules.



Your characters have a limited range of vision, which is demonstrated by the image below.  Inside this field of vision you can see all characters and objects. Outside it, areas are either unexplored or covered by fog of war.

Fog of War

When a room or area that has been previously explored is no longer in your field of vision, the room turns grey. this indicates that you cannot see any movement inside this area until you've once again got it in your field of vision. If you discover enemy units or NPC:s in a area, and then withdraw, the map will show the place they had when fog of war fell. If they move under the fog of war, you will not discover this before you return to the area to inspect it again.

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Re: StarControl: Behind Enemy lines
« Reply #58 on: January 20, 2009, 06:07:20 pm »

also specified Giving


You can give items to your teammates or NPCs. giving requires an AP, but the receiving something does not consume action points.

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Re: StarControl: Behind Enemy lines
« Reply #59 on: January 28, 2009, 03:21:32 pm »

Two things: I don't want to nag, but what happened to the civilian alien space blob unit stats and description? And a thing about giving; if we aren't currently caught with spikes flying over our heads and flames searing all around, can we give/take items without the AP fuss (in the same manner in which we forward turns for moving etc, for ease of play)?
« Last Edit: January 28, 2009, 05:29:53 pm by Son_of_Antares » Logged
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