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Author Topic: SC:BEL units/items  (Read 65370 times)
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The Ancient One

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Enemy: Ilwrath High Priest
« Reply #60 on: May 13, 2009, 06:28:44 pm »

Ilwrath High Priest

HP 4

Weapon: Mystic staff, 4 strikes
Melee: Dripping mandibles, 4 strikes
Defense: 2 parries

The Ilwrath High Priest is first among its fellow priests. It has survived for a long time, and feasted on the guts of many an enemy. Drawing on the black powers of Dogar and Kazon, there is no limit to the hideous depravities the High Priest will visit upon its prisoners. Despite being past its prime and in no way geared for battle, the frequent discipline it meters out to younger Ilwrath can be quite deadly. A High Priest commands absolute loyalty from Ilwrath of lesser castes. It is a cornerstone of Ilwrath society, and the loss of one is a sign of Dogars displeasure. The intrigue and plotting that follows the demise of a Ilwrath High Priest causes great havoc in Ilwrath society.

Powers: Despair, Hatred
« Last Edit: June 22, 2009, 07:55:21 pm by Lukipela » Logged

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Power: Hatred
« Reply #61 on: May 13, 2009, 06:31:36 pm »


The fury of Dogar and vengeance of Kazon fills your every fiber, giving you great power at a hideous cost. The blind anger strikes out at any that are near.

Effect: Unit loses 1 HP, but gains +2 melee strike dice and loses 1 melee parry dice for 2 turns, including casting turn. Unit seeks out closest unit (enemy or ally) and attacks it.

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Ability: Fall Back
« Reply #62 on: May 25, 2009, 07:05:08 pm »

Human level 1 Defensive Ability: Fall Back

Allows the user to break away from melee combat range without suffering a free strike from the enemy. This can only be done once per turn.

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Enemy: Ilwrath Male Infant
« Reply #63 on: May 30, 2009, 09:02:13 am »

Ilwrath Male Infant

HP 1

Melee: Weak mandibles, 1 strike
Defense: 1 parry

Unlike their larger female counterparts, the male Ilwrath are not fighters. Their small size and dexterity makes them useful as pilots, mechanics and other practical things. The males are born with full comprehension and ready to perform their duties straight away. If they survive their first few months they reach adult size, but remain much smaller than the females. As infants they are not fighters and are only dangerous in large numbers.

Speacial rule: Since Ilwrath Infants can be extermiated without much effort, killing them does not generate XP.

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Re: SC:BEL units/items
« Reply #64 on: June 10, 2009, 06:18:43 am »

Uhhh.. How in the world did that happen?

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Weapon: Mystic Staff
« Reply #65 on: June 22, 2009, 07:53:39 pm »

Mystic staff

Ranged 4 strikes
Ammo: Life energy, 4 charges
Ammo Consumption: 1 charge/attack.

The staff of a Ilwrath High Priest is a powerful item indeed. Anyone with psionic abilities can wield this weapon, which strikes down enemies without mercy or pardon. The power comes at a price, as the toll this terrible weapon takes on the wielders mind means he can only fire it every second turn. To do more would be to invite the madness of Dogar and the whispering voices of Kazon into your mind. The energy released will slay enemies easily, but it will not last forever. When it has run it's course it must be brought to an altar, and in order to invigorate it a blood sacrifice must be made.

Summary: This ranged weapon has a range of 4 squares directly forward. When the ammunition is depleted it must be brought to an altar, where it can be recharged in exchange for 1 HP.

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Enemy: Umgah scientist
« Reply #66 on: July 01, 2009, 07:58:06 pm »

Umgah Scientist

Weapon: Slime launcher, 3 strikes
Melee: Oozing, 2 strikes
Defense, 3 parries

HP 5

The Umgah scientist isn't strictly a combat unit, but the gelatinous mass and spare organs can absorb quite a bit of damage. It slithers and rolls surprisingly quickly on the floor, all the time emitting high pitched humorous laughs.  It is armed with a light Umgah weapon, but as always these should be treated with care. God only knows what they do.

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Unit: Mmrnhrm Guardian
« Reply #67 on: February 07, 2010, 09:21:03 am »

Mmrnhrm Guardian

HP 8

Weapon: Mass Driver, 2 strikes
Melee: Small Laser, 1 strike
Defence: 2 parries

You're a Guardian, constructed by the Mother Ark to defend both it and your fellows. However, with the
Mother Ark shut down and the Ur-Quan threatening the peace of every race in this sector of the galaxy,
it's not much of a stretch to say that fulfilling your intended purpose means taking the fight to the
Hierarchy's doorstep.

Mmrnhrm are unique among the players in that they are entirely self-contained, and do not use
standard Alliance weapons and equipment. Instead, their systems upgrade and transform themselves
as they gain experience in order to increase their combat effectiveness. However, they especially
excel in surgical strikes at a distance, where foes may be hard pressed to retaliate.

Special Rules:
Mmrnhrm may not equip or use any standard Alliance or captured gear. All of their equipment is built
into their systems, and in turn cannot be used by any other race, or even other Mmrnhrm. They may
pick up and carry items as normal, but they have a reduced carrying capacity of five items.

Mmrnhrm Guardians are equipped with advanced targeting systems, which allow them to fire at distant
targets even if their line of sight is obscured by other enemy units, as long as they are not in melee
combat with an enemy. There is no chance to unintentionally hit the closer enemy, even if a "friendly
fire" result is rolled (however, this will still accidentally hit friendly units as normal, if applicable).

Starting Equipment:
Mass Driver
Shell Synthesizer
Small Laser
Repair Kit

Starting Powers:
« Last Edit: February 07, 2010, 09:50:44 am by Lukipela » Logged

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Weapon: Mass Driver
« Reply #68 on: February 07, 2010, 09:32:32 am »

Mass Driver

Range: Three squares away to infinity
STR: 4
Strikes: 2
Internal shell storage, 8 shots.
Ammo consumption: One shot per attack.

The basic long range armament of Mmrnhrm Guardian. The Mass Driver uses electromagnetism to propel slugs at supersonic speeds.

The Mass Driver can only be used by Mmrnhrm, and is integrated directly into their bodies. Several of the statistics provided are only used if the weapon is retrieved
from a corpse.

« Last Edit: February 07, 2010, 09:59:39 am by Lukipela » Logged

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Item: Shell Synthezier
« Reply #69 on: February 07, 2010, 09:39:56 am »

Shell Synthesizer

This is a built in piece of technology for every Mmrnhrm Guardian, designed to allow the Guardian to be self-sufficient and generate its own ammunition while in the field. It is able to use the Mmrnhrm's internal power supply and found materials to forge ammunition on demand, though the process is not terribly efficient.

The user of the Shell Synthesizer must first "feed" the device raw materials. This can be any item of equipment, so long as it does not exceed a weight of 4;  anything larger/heavier cannot fit inside the device. Feeding the Shell Synthesizer costs 1 AP, and destroys the item fed to it permanently. This will immediately replenish the ammunition of the Mmrnhrm's long range weapon by a number of rounds equal to the weight of the item fed to the Shell Synthesizer. If this would exceed the weapon's normal ammo capacity, then it is instead restored to max ammo, and the remaining rounds are lost as the Mmrnhrm cannot find the required
storage space, and reabsorbs the raw materials into its body.

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Weapon: Small Laser
« Reply #70 on: February 07, 2010, 09:45:44 am »

Small Laser

STR: 4
Strikes: 1

The Small Laser is the basic close combat armament of Mmrnhrm Guardians. Primarily intended as a defensive weapon, this weapon can still deliver quite a nasty sting, but is not nearly as destructive as the Mmrnhrm's long range weaponry. It also makes a useful backup weapon in emergencies, as its power supply can keep it firing throughout a battle and not run any risk of running out of charge.

« Last Edit: February 07, 2010, 10:00:24 am by Lukipela » Logged

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Item: Repair kit
« Reply #71 on: February 07, 2010, 09:49:04 am »

Repair Kit

The Repair Kit is a standard set of useful tools and quick-fix materials, invaluable for fixing machinery in the field. While this is most commonly applied to ground vehicles operating far from a facility where they can be properly fixed, it is also of significant use to Mmrnhrm, who can be repaired in an emergency using the supplies it contains.

Repair Kits function in an identical fashion to Medikits, but will only work on Mmrnhrm. For more details, see the Medikit entry.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2010, 10:02:04 am by Lukipela » Logged

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Ability: Minirocket Tube
« Reply #72 on: February 07, 2010, 09:53:45 am »

Mmrnhrm  level 1 Offensive Ability: Minirocket Tube

Upgrades the Mass Driver to a Minirocket Tube.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2010, 09:58:30 am by Lukipela » Logged

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Weapon: Minirocket tube
« Reply #73 on: February 07, 2010, 09:56:20 am »

Minirocket Tube

Range: Three squares away to infinity
STR: 4
Strikes: 3
Internal shell storage, 8 shots.
Ammo consumption: One shot per attack.

An upgrade to the Mass Driver that is generated by some of the more experienced Mmrnhrm Guardians. The weapon works on the same principle as the Mass Driver, but the ammunition now carries a shaped explosive charge, which can inflict much more grievous wounds against a target.

The Minirocket Tube can only be used by Mmrnhrm, and is integrated directly into their bodies. Several of the statistics provided are only used if the weapon is retrieved from a corpse.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2010, 09:59:54 am by Lukipela » Logged

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Weapon: Shotgun
« Reply #74 on: February 08, 2010, 08:01:02 pm »


Range: See description below
STR: 4
Strikes: See description below
Ammo: Shotgun Shell
Ammo consumption: One shell per attack
Max ammunition in clip : 8 shells

The classic close combat ballistic weapon. The shotgun is designed to spray low velocity shot across a wide area with each pull of the trigger, making it very difficult to avoid being hit and minimizing the firer's need to aim precisely, but making it ineffective at long range.

Each shot with the Shotgun affects an area in front of the firer in an expanding cone shape, striking a larger number of squares, but with a lessened effect. The square directly in front of the firer is hit with 4 strike dice, the 3 squares directly in front of that square are hit with 3 strike dice, and the 5 squares directly in front of those are hit with 2 strike dice. Outside of this area, the shot becomes too scattered to have an appreciable effect.

Any target caught in the expanding cone is engulfed by a cloud of shot, making misses highly unlikely. Against any target in the 2 or 3 strike areas of the Shotgun blast, the firer may reroll any strike die that turns up as a miss once. The second roll applies, even if it is still a miss. This does not apply to targets in the 4 strike area, as the shot has not spread out enough yet.

Unlike most modern ballistic weapons, the Shotgun is not designed to use clips, as the shells tend toward large, unwieldy, and tempermental. Because of this, Shotgun ammunition is carried loose as single shells, and must be loaded into the weapon one at a time. When reloading a Shotgun, the wielder may reload a maximum of 2 shells for each AP spent. However, even if the user opts to reload only a single shell, they will still have to expend 1 AP.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2010, 08:06:22 pm by Lukipela » Logged

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