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Topic: SC:BEL units/items (Read 65341 times)
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
Arilou Spook
HP 4 STR 2 MOV 3
Weapon: Peashooter, 1 strike Melee: Sissy slap, 1 strike Defense: 2 parries
You’re the meanest leanest greenest Arilou around. The others “volunteered” you for special operations because your innate ability for violence scared them. Unfortunately you’re still a weak little sissy compared to any other race, but you make up for that with your mental powers.
Special abilities: None Powers: Psychic Radar, Psychic blast, Psychic slap, Psychic flash, Fleet Feet, Blurry, Kinetic Punch, Mayhem
Power rule: If an Arilou uses all his powers, his mind becomes more experienced and he gains 2 XP
Medikit Smoke Grenade Pretty bauble Spare clip
« Last Edit: January 09, 2009, 06:04:15 pm by Lukipela »
What's up doc?
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
Smoke grenade
A smoke grenade releases a thick black smoke which lingers for 3 turns, including the turn it is thrown, on a 4*4 square. Anyone inside the smoke cannot use ranged attacks or be attacked by ranged weapons. Movement inside the smoke costs 2 MOV per square instead of the customary 1 MOV. This also holds true for moving into a smoke square and out of a smoke square. Melee attacks function normally, as do throwing attacks. You can throw a smoke grenade 1.5* your strength, rounded down. When throwing the grenade, be sure to specify which of the four central squares is your impact square (NE,NW,SE,SW).

« Last Edit: February 23, 2009, 04:06:13 pm by Lukipela »
What's up doc?
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