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Author Topic: SC:BEL units/items  (Read 65384 times)
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The Ancient One

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Power: Kinetic snap
« Reply #30 on: January 09, 2009, 04:33:01 pm »

Kinetic punch

You are punching people with your mind. Since you have a pretty tough mind, this adds 2 strike dice for 2 turns. You may only use one AP for melee attacks per turn during this time, as this trick takes a lot out of you.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2009, 06:15:16 pm by Lukipela » Logged

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Power: Pheromones
« Reply #31 on: January 09, 2009, 04:34:13 pm »


You release a supercharged cloud of pheromones. During the following turn, anyone in  an adjacent square will be trying their damndest to fight off their competition, i.e allies with melee skills. If only one enemy is present and he cannot see anyone else, he will attack other player characters.

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Item: Flower
« Reply #32 on: January 09, 2009, 04:52:24 pm »


This is definitely a flower. It's not as pretty as when it was alive, but it still looks quite stunning and somehow delicious.

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Enemy: Ilwrath apprentice Vogar
« Reply #33 on: January 12, 2009, 09:30:50 pm »

Ilwrath apprentice Vogar

HP 2

Weapon: Paingiver, ammunition expended
Melee: Clacking mandibles, 3 strikes
Defense: 2 parries

Vogar is a young and eager apprentice who truly believes in his purpose. The smallest among his fellow hatchlings, life has so far been an endless amount of near death situations. Pain has been his constant companion, and this more than anything else has driven him to join the priesthood. Now a lowly apprentice stuck on guard duty, he hope to one day advance through the ranks and become a worthy priest of the terrible and mighty Dogar and Kazon!

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Enemy: Ilwrath Priest
« Reply #34 on: January 13, 2009, 06:46:37 pm »

Ilwrath Priest

HP 4

Weapon: Fleshroaster, 5 blows/tank
Melee: Dripping mandibles, 4 strikes
Defense: 2 parries

The Ilwrath priest is a hideous being indeed. Highly feared and loathed creatures in an absolute theocracy, they dispense the judgement of Dogar and Kazon to anyone deemed deserving. That includes most Ilwrath and pretty much all aliens. These Ilwrath priests have grown fat upon the life-force of tortured underlings, and can take much more punishment than a mere apprentice. His mandibles have seen far more action, and ooze with venomous mucus. He carries a Fleshroaster, a close combat weapon that allows him to sear his enemies and enjoy their moans at close quarters. Blessed by Dogar and Kazon, he can also cause his enemies hands to fail as they feel the grim embrace of the terrible two.

Powers: Despair
« Last Edit: January 24, 2009, 01:00:30 pm by Lukipela » Logged

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Weapon: Fleshroaster
« Reply #35 on: January 13, 2009, 06:50:14 pm »


Range: See picture
STR: 4
Strikes: See picture
Ammo: Gas Tank
Ammunition expenditure: 1 blow per attack

The Fleshroaster is a fearsome close combat weapon, which will devastate those who come too close.  From further off the carrier can usually be picked off though.


« Last Edit: January 24, 2009, 01:00:41 pm by Lukipela » Logged

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Item: Gas Tank
« Reply #36 on: January 13, 2009, 06:52:22 pm »

Gas Tank

A gas tank contains enough fuel to fire a Fleshroaster 5 times. Changing to a new tank is a complex procedure which is best not attempted by the uninitiated.

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Power: Despair
« Reply #37 on: January 13, 2009, 06:57:26 pm »


Visions of the terrible twosome descend upon your mind to torment you. They weigh down your arms and dull your sight as your mind screams in pain and anguish. Why bother fighting, they chitter in your ears as their dark embrace chills you to the bone (if applicable) and their heinous laughter fills your head. All your attacks suffer -1 strikes, and you also suffer -1 parry. The curse is active for one turn after casting.

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Item: protective Charm
« Reply #38 on: January 27, 2009, 06:39:02 pm »

Protective Charm

The protective charm consists of some feathers from an unknown bird and bones too alien to identify. They seem fused to each other, as if the feathers had grown from the bone itself. Yet the pieces of bone have clearly ones been separate, and are ornately decorated with odd markings. The charm emanates a feeling of safety.

Effect: The protective Charm allows it's wearer to roll one extra parry dice when he is attacked. The charm has finite powers, and will be worn out once it has been needed three times.

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Unit: Green Alien
« Reply #39 on: January 28, 2009, 05:01:45 pm »

Green Alien

HP 1

The small green aliens seem to be the Ilwraths preferred sacrificial victim in this temple. At least they're the only ones you've seen so far. They seem fairly harmless, what with having no hands or mouths. That big eye never blinks though.

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Item: Spike Grenade
« Reply #40 on: February 02, 2009, 08:57:05 pm »

Spike Grenade

A primitive Ilwrath grenade, this device shows that while technology does not always make you superior, it tends toward reliability. Unlike alliance grenades, which are sure hits, the Ilwrath spike grenade causes 3 strikes at the detonation square, and 2 strikes in every square around that. You cannot parry these strikes. The fierce spikes it fires can cause great damage, but they tend to get tangled and hit each other a lot.

You can throw an Ilwrath grenade 2 times your strength.

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Enemy: Androsynth Private
« Reply #41 on: February 06, 2009, 10:31:49 pm »

Androsynth Private

HP 3

Weapon: Personalised Handgun, 3 strikes
Melee: Stun Baton, 3 strikes
Defense: 3 parries

Abilities: Never surprised

The Androsynth private forms the main part of the Androsynth army branch. Well trained and highly skilled, these intelligent soldiers are unwavering in their loyalty to the Androsynth Council. They will fight and die without hesitation for the good of their kind, neither giving nor accepting any mercy.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2009, 07:43:44 pm by Lukipela » Logged

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Ability: Never surprised
« Reply #42 on: February 06, 2009, 10:34:52 pm »

Never surprised

This unit has been trained and drilled very well, and never lets its guard down. It cannot be surprised, and attackers are often amazed at the speed and ability with which this unit reacts to a situation. To reflect this the unit receives 2 extra parries during the turn in which it is encountered. This advantage evaporates once battle is properly joined and the opponent has a better chance to appraise their enemy.

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Weapon: Stun Baton
« Reply #43 on: February 23, 2009, 04:30:21 pm »

Stun Baton

Strikes 3 (loaded/2 unloaded)
Ammo: 6 Charges

This Androsynth weapon is designed for subduing an enemy without killing them. It is mostly used by troops involved behind the front line for military police purposes. A Stun Baton attack releases a electric charge, and successful strikes are counted as stunning hits, causing -1 AP and no loss of HP. Unlike normal stunning hits, Stun Baton hits are cumulative and can thus cause a target to lose both of its AP's for the following round. Once a target has lost both of its AP's any following hits by a baton during that turn count as regular damage, and cause -1HP as they fry the targets nervous system. Once the Stun Batons charges have been exhausted, the baton does regular damage, but an attack allows entails one less strike.

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Weapon: Personalised Handgun
« Reply #44 on: February 24, 2009, 07:36:06 pm »

Personalised Handgun

Range: Unlimited
STR: 3
Strikes: 3
Ammo Handgun Clip 12 shots/clip
Ammo Consumption: 1 bullet per strike dice.

The sleek and stylish Personalised Handgun is a light and efficient Androsynth weapon. This weapon is typically fielded by Androsynth troops as a sidearm. Displaying both advanced Androsynth technology and strong Androsynth paranoia, the weapon is fitted with a biorythm scanner. Once the weapon is activated, it is locked to the biorythm of it's bearer and cannot be used by anyone else. In order to reset such a scanner you need access to advanced Androsynth technology.

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