Topic: SC:BEL units/items (Read 65377 times)
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
Mmrnhrm Guardian
HP 8 STR 4 MOV 4
Weapon: Mass Driver, 2 strikes Melee: Small Laser, 1 strike Defence: 2 parries
You're a Guardian, constructed by the Mother Ark to defend both it and your fellows. However, with the Mother Ark shut down and the Ur-Quan threatening the peace of every race in this sector of the galaxy, it's not much of a stretch to say that fulfilling your intended purpose means taking the fight to the Hierarchy's doorstep.
Mmrnhrm are unique among the players in that they are entirely self-contained, and do not use standard Alliance weapons and equipment. Instead, their systems upgrade and transform themselves as they gain experience in order to increase their combat effectiveness. However, they especially excel in surgical strikes at a distance, where foes may be hard pressed to retaliate.
Special Rules: Mmrnhrm may not equip or use any standard Alliance or captured gear. All of their equipment is built into their systems, and in turn cannot be used by any other race, or even other Mmrnhrm. They may pick up and carry items as normal, but they have a reduced carrying capacity of five items.
Mmrnhrm Guardians are equipped with advanced targeting systems, which allow them to fire at distant targets even if their line of sight is obscured by other enemy units, as long as they are not in melee combat with an enemy. There is no chance to unintentionally hit the closer enemy, even if a "friendly fire" result is rolled (however, this will still accidentally hit friendly units as normal, if applicable).
Starting Equipment: Mass Driver Shell Synthesizer Small Laser Repair Kit
Starting Powers: None
« Last Edit: February 07, 2010, 09:50:44 am by Lukipela »
What's up doc?
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
Range: See description below STR: 4 Strikes: See description below Ammo: Shotgun Shell Ammo consumption: One shell per attack Max ammunition in clip : 8 shells
The classic close combat ballistic weapon. The shotgun is designed to spray low velocity shot across a wide area with each pull of the trigger, making it very difficult to avoid being hit and minimizing the firer's need to aim precisely, but making it ineffective at long range.
Each shot with the Shotgun affects an area in front of the firer in an expanding cone shape, striking a larger number of squares, but with a lessened effect. The square directly in front of the firer is hit with 4 strike dice, the 3 squares directly in front of that square are hit with 3 strike dice, and the 5 squares directly in front of those are hit with 2 strike dice. Outside of this area, the shot becomes too scattered to have an appreciable effect.
Any target caught in the expanding cone is engulfed by a cloud of shot, making misses highly unlikely. Against any target in the 2 or 3 strike areas of the Shotgun blast, the firer may reroll any strike die that turns up as a miss once. The second roll applies, even if it is still a miss. This does not apply to targets in the 4 strike area, as the shot has not spread out enough yet.
Unlike most modern ballistic weapons, the Shotgun is not designed to use clips, as the shells tend toward large, unwieldy, and tempermental. Because of this, Shotgun ammunition is carried loose as single shells, and must be loaded into the weapon one at a time. When reloading a Shotgun, the wielder may reload a maximum of 2 shells for each AP spent. However, even if the user opts to reload only a single shell, they will still have to expend 1 AP.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2010, 08:06:22 pm by Lukipela »
What's up doc?