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Topic: SC:BEL units/items (Read 65367 times)
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
The user is trained to use its body offensively in close combat, and can constrain an opponent's limbs in order to prevent them from striking blows or fleeing. When this unit attacks a target the same size of smaller than it in melee, it may elect to use a Grapple attack in addition to its regular strike. When attempting to Grapple, the unit rolls one additional, separate strike die. If the result of this die is a hit (not a bullseye), then the target is successfully Grappled. A Grappled unit suffers a penalty of -1 strike die to any attacks they make in both melee and ranged combat. If this penalty would reduce them to 0 strike dice, they may still be able to attack. After declaring their intent to attack, they must first roll one strike die. If the result of this die is a hit or bullseye, then they make their attack roll as normal. If it is a miss, then their attack automatically fails. An attack failed in this manner would still consume ammunition or powers as normal, and in the case of thrown weapons, the device spirals wildly off d6 squares away in a random direction (either orthagonally or diagonally) before taking effect normally (note that this may actually cause it to land on the grappling unit's square in rare cases; such are the risks of mixing grappling and grenades).
In addition, a grappled target may only move to a square that is not adjacent to the unit using this ability if it first rolls a number equal to or less than its STR score on a d6. If successful, the target has broken the Grapple and may move normally; if the roll fails, it fails to move and consumes 1 AP struggling in vain against the unit that has Grappled it.
Only one target may be grappled at a time. If the user wishes to attempt a Grapple against another target while it already has a target in its grip, it must first break the Grapple it currently has. In addition, if the user wants to move while maintaining a Grapple, they can attempt to drag the target along but must first roll equal to or less than their own STR score on a d6. If successful, they can use up to 1 AP for movement before they are required to test their strength again; the Grappled target follows their movements, moving into the square previously occupied by the user. If the STR roll fails, the user struggles in vain against their target, loses 1 AP, fails to move, and must roll 1 strike die: if the result is a miss, then the Grapple is broken. No other actions are affected by maintaining a Grapple, and the user can fire weapons, throw items, or use other abilities as normal.
The user may elect to break a Grapple voluntarily at any time, with no penalty.
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Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
Admiral Kzzakk Pzkrakz
HP 8 STR 2 MOV 2
Attack: 1 dice Defence: 4 dice
The Admiral is a legendary figure in the Alliance, one of the few among his kind to be actively interested in warfare. While most Chenjesu partake in the war only out of necessity, Kzzakk Pzkrakz is a passionate tactician who has written several essays on the value of close combat and the advanatge of surprise. His flair for unusually daring tactics makes him a very important asset to the Alliance and one of the few who has been constantly able to outwit Hierarchy generals such as Lord 321 and Admiral ZEX. without him, the Alliance will find itself lacking an aggressive element in future battles.
Chenjesu are large and practically sessile, making them easy targets for enemies. Fortunately, their tough exteriors make them difficult to damage. However, their inability to carry any weapons save their innate defensive ability means that they are not likely to be found on the front lines, though they may occasionally be employed as guards for low-risk Alliance facilities.
All Chenjesu have the ability to project an electrical discharge a short distance in order to attack foes. This ability has a maximum range of 3 squares, and can be used as if it had unlimited ammunition. It inflicts 3 strikes when used on an adjacent square, and is reduced by 1 strike for each square further out than that. This ability is innate to the race, and as such is not represented by an item and cannot be picked up from a Chenjesu corpse. Chenjesu cannot carry any other gear.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2010, 09:03:48 pm by Lukipela »
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Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
Arilou level 1Offensive Ability: Weapon jinx
The user telekinetically jams the ranged weapon or grenade of their target. The user must have line of sight to the target in order to use this power. The next time the target fires their jinxed weapon or tries to throw their jinxed grenade, it malfunctions and backfires. In the case of a grenade, it explodes in the user’s hand, placing them at the center of the usual blast. In the case of a ranged weapon, it strikes as if the user had fired it at themselves (if the weapon has a variable number of strike dice, then the user is hit with the maximum effect; if the weapon has an area effect, then the user is hit with the maximum effect, but the area effect is ignored). If any of the strike dice rolled for this attack come up as bullseyes, then the weapon explodes as well, rendering it useless. In either case, none of these strikes can be parried, the ammo or grenade is consumed as normal, and if a ranged weapon remains intact, the user must spend 1 AP clearing the jam before the weapon can be fired again.
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