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Author Topic: SC:BEL units/items  (Read 65363 times)
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Weapon: Rocjkhurler Mark 3
« Reply #90 on: March 23, 2010, 05:06:52 pm »

Rockhurler Mark 3

Range: 8 squares forward, conical spread
STR: 2
Strikes: See below
Metal rocks
Ammo consumption: 30 rocks per attack.

The rockhurler mark 3 doesn’t actually hurl rocks. The weapon is reminiscent of a weak railgun and fires small metal ovals that are accelerated to a not very impressive speed by a magnetic field within the weapon. For unknown reasons, the metal ammunition comes in a variety of different colours that the Spathi like to mix up

The weapon is very Spathi-like for other reasons as well. It is a long range weapon designed more for keeping your enemies at bay than actually killing them. It fires a spray of ammunition over a very large area, forcing the enemy to keep their head down or risk getting pelted by the small metal ovals. Unlucky hits may be dangerous, but most of them are not.

Damage: Any square hit receives 0-4 strikes.
Ammo: Each shot consumes 30 stones. Full ammo is 120 stones.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2010, 05:09:47 pm by Lukipela » Logged

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Item: Metal rocks
« Reply #91 on: March 28, 2010, 09:05:50 pm »

Metal rocks

There are a 120 of these brightly coloured metal rocks. They can be used for many things, such as leaving a colourful breadcrumb trail or loading a rockhurler.

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Item: Syringe
« Reply #92 on: March 28, 2010, 09:07:03 pm »


The syringe contains a colourless substance. Injecting it will probably cause something to happen.

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Unit: VUX Marine
« Reply #93 on: March 31, 2010, 07:20:52 pm »

VUX Marine

HP 4

Weapon: Auto Laser, ? strikes
Melee: Power Baton, ? strikes
Defense: 2 parries

Abilities: Grapple

VUX Marines comprise the majority of the ground troops and boarding specialists in the VUX military, who are vastly outnumbered by the personnel trained for starship combat. They have learned some effective melee combat techniques in addition to their firearms training, which is now honed to fearsome levels. Being in close quarters with enemies of their race, the xenophobia inherent in their racial psychology burns that much more fiercely than average, which means that they relish the chance to expunge the ugliness of their foes at any opportunity.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2010, 08:15:10 pm by Lukipela » Logged

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Ability: Grapple
« Reply #94 on: March 31, 2010, 07:24:47 pm »


The user is trained to use its body offensively in close combat, and can constrain an opponent's limbs in order to prevent them from striking blows or fleeing. When this unit attacks a target the same size of smaller than it in melee, it may elect to use a Grapple attack in addition to its regular strike. When attempting to Grapple, the unit rolls one additional, separate strike die. If the result of this die is a hit (not a bullseye), then the target is successfully Grappled. A Grappled unit suffers a penalty of -1 strike die to any attacks they make in both melee and ranged combat. If this penalty would reduce them to 0 strike dice, they may still be able to attack. After declaring their intent to attack, they must first roll one strike die. If the result of this die is a hit or bullseye, then they make their attack roll as normal. If it is a miss, then their attack automatically fails. An attack failed in this manner would still consume ammunition or powers as normal, and in the case of thrown weapons, the device spirals wildly off d6 squares away in a random direction (either orthagonally or diagonally) before taking effect normally (note that this may actually  cause it to land on the grappling unit's square in rare cases; such are the risks of mixing grappling and grenades).

In addition, a grappled target may only move to a square that is not adjacent to the unit using this ability if it first rolls a number equal to or less than its STR score on a d6. If successful, the target has broken the Grapple and may move normally; if the roll fails, it fails to move and consumes 1 AP struggling in vain against the unit that has Grappled it.

Only one target may be grappled at a time. If the user wishes to attempt a Grapple against another target while it already has a target in its grip, it must first break the Grapple it currently has. In addition, if the user wants to move while maintaining a Grapple, they can attempt to drag the target along but must first roll equal to or less than their own STR score on a d6. If successful, they can use up to 1 AP for movement before they are required to test their strength again; the Grappled target follows their movements, moving into the square previously occupied by the user. If the STR roll fails, the user struggles in vain against their target, loses 1 AP, fails to move, and must roll 1 strike die: if the result is a miss, then the Grapple is broken. No other actions are affected by maintaining a Grapple, and the user can fire weapons, throw items, or use other abilities as normal.

The user may elect to break a Grapple voluntarily at any time, with no penalty.

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Weapon: Auto Laser
« Reply #95 on: April 16, 2010, 08:30:44 pm »


Range: 5 squares
STR: 3
Strikes: 3
Ammo: Internal Charge, 9 shots/charge
Ammo consumption: One charge per blast.

The AutoLaser is a VUX weapon designed for two things, disabling enemies and laying down the law. It is the favourite weapon of a shipboard VUX Marine that allows for control of rowdy Ensigns and allows them to persuade tougher races travelling on their ships to follow the rules. Nothing calms an Ilwrath Warrior down as much as the promise of a triple dose of laser right to the face! The weapon has three modes of fire that a skilled warrior can put to good use.

Single shot

Firing a single shot with the AutoLaser is much like firing any other weapon. A powerful beam of energy will be discharged and tear the opponent apart.

Triple shot

The AutoLaser is capable of firing a burst of three shots at once, potentially causing a total of nine hits. Unfortunately this sort of firepower comes with limitation. It requires the weilder to use up both his AP points. As the shots are rapidly discharged aiming becomes much harder than it usually is. When fired in this mode, any bullseye counts as a normal hit.


The weapon can also be used to subdue an enemy. In this mode powerful bursts of light are discharged with the potential to blind and confuse the enemy.  Each shot fired has a D3 change of blinding an enemy completely, i.e robbing him of his next turn.

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Weapon: Power Baton
« Reply #96 on: April 16, 2010, 08:34:56 pm »

Power Baton

STR: 2
Strikes: 2
Charges: 3

The Power Baton is designed to both crush things and stop them in their tracks. It contains a small battery that lends an extra sting to each blow. Any attack made with a Power Baton has a D3 chance of stunning the enemy, in addition to the damage it does otherwise. Once the battery is worn out, it functions like a normal baton.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2010, 10:18:47 pm by Lukipela » Logged

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Item: VUX Book
« Reply #97 on: April 27, 2010, 08:11:44 pm »

VUX Book

This book was treasured by someone. It was loved. It mattered. It still retains an imprint of that love and caring. And as we all know, love can change he world.

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Unit: Admiral Kzzakk Pzkrakz
« Reply #98 on: May 03, 2010, 08:19:14 pm »

Admiral Kzzakk  Pzkrakz

HP 8

Attack: 1 dice
Defence: 4 dice

The Admiral is a legendary figure in the Alliance, one of the few among his kind to be actively interested in warfare. While most Chenjesu partake in the war only out of necessity, Kzzakk  Pzkrakz is a passionate tactician who has written several essays on the value of close combat and the advanatge of surprise. His flair for unusually daring tactics makes him a very important asset to the Alliance and one of the few who has been constantly able to outwit Hierarchy generals such as Lord 321 and Admiral ZEX. without him, the Alliance will find itself lacking an aggressive element in future battles.

Chenjesu are large and practically sessile, making them easy targets for enemies. Fortunately, their tough exteriors make them difficult to damage. However, their inability to carry any weapons save their innate defensive ability means that they are not likely to be found on the front lines, though they may occasionally be employed as guards for low-risk Alliance facilities.

All Chenjesu have the ability to project an electrical discharge a short distance in order to attack foes. This ability has a maximum range of 3 squares, and can be used as if it had unlimited ammunition. It inflicts 3 strikes when used on an adjacent square, and is reduced by 1 strike for each square further out than that. This ability is innate to the race, and as such is not represented by an item and cannot be picked up from a Chenjesu corpse. Chenjesu cannot carry any other gear.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2010, 09:03:48 pm by Lukipela » Logged

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Power: Weapon jinx
« Reply #99 on: May 29, 2010, 08:01:53 pm »

Arilou level 1Offensive Ability: Weapon jinx

The user telekinetically jams the ranged weapon or grenade of their target. The user must have line of sight to the target in order to use this power. The next time the target fires their jinxed weapon or tries to throw their jinxed  grenade, it malfunctions and backfires. In the case of a grenade, it explodes in the user’s hand, placing them at the center of the usual blast. In the case of a ranged weapon, it strikes as if the user had fired it at themselves (if the  weapon has a variable number of strike dice, then the user is hit with the maximum effect; if the weapon has an area effect, then the user is hit with the maximum effect, but the area effect is ignored). If any of the strike dice rolled for this attack come up as bullseyes, then the weapon explodes as well, rendering it useless. In either case, none of these strikes can be parried, the ammo or grenade is consumed as normal, and if a ranged weapon remains intact, the user must spend 1 AP clearing the jam before the weapon can be fired again.

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Unit: ilwarth Wraith
« Reply #100 on: May 29, 2010, 08:04:58 pm »

Ilwrath Wraith

Little is known about this unit. It seems to mimic other units, taking on the shape and characteristics of them right down to health and movement characteristics. The damage it does is not real, and it's true power lies in confusing enemy units, and twisting their minds when killed. There is a lot of hatred and rage in the creature, enough to project into the minds of those close by. Be wary of these feelings of rage within large groups, because they indicate that a Wraith is among them, just waiting to turn one of you upon the others.

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Unit: Subcommander ZEK
« Reply #101 on: June 06, 2010, 07:02:17 pm »

Subcommander ZEK

HP 4

Melee: Rod of Power
Defense: 2 parries

Sub-Commanders are typically the officers in charge of a wing of Intruders, and frequently report directly to a superior Admiral of the VUX fleet. They are typically found on the bridge of larger flagships, coordinating the tactics of their squadron according to the Admiral's wishes while oozing disdain for their devastatingly hideous opponents. Being high ranking officers, they haven't advanced past basic training in terms of their personal military prowess, instead being schooled in all manner of technical and tactical aspects so that they know both their own forces and the enemy's like the back of their tentacle. While this doesn't make them particularly dangerous in one-on-one combat, their rank within the navy ensures that they are always well protected by troops with superior training.

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Weapon: Rod of Power
« Reply #102 on: June 06, 2010, 07:05:53 pm »

Rod of Power

Strikes: 4

The rod of power is the symbol of a subcommander. Rumour has it it was designed by the great Admiral ZEX himself, as he wished for his subcommanders to "wield their rod of power more frequently". In any case this is a big and heavy club. If you get hit with it it will hurt.

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Ability: Dodge
« Reply #103 on: June 08, 2010, 08:02:36 pm »

Shofixti Level 1 defensive ability: Dodge

The user has become quite an expert in melee combat, and can sidestep blows with superior dexterity. The user gains +1 Parry during melee combat.


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Ability: Tracking Module
« Reply #104 on: June 08, 2010, 08:05:15 pm »

M:bot Level 2 offensive ability: Tracking Module

The user's targeting computers have been reconfigured to be far superior in attacking targets at long range, and the munitions themselves have acquired the ability to make mid-air course corrections, vastly improving accuracy with their main weapon. Whenever the user fires their long range weapon (Minirocket Tube or Twin Minirocket), they may reroll any strike dice that turn up as misses once each. The new roll applies as normal if it comes up as a hit, but if a bullseye is rolled it is considered to still be a miss.

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