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Topic: A SC like project in development (a video and a screenshot) (Read 5467 times)
Lachie Dazdarian
Zebranky food

Posts: 35

This is a Star Control like project I'm developing for a while now, but manly solving engine issues. Luckily, this part is close to its completion.
Anyway, it's a game that heavily relies on the Star Control Melee, but also marriages it with another gameplay. Sadly, I don't feel comfortable revealing it yet. I just think it's an interesting combination. But I can promise that it will be founded on the classic Star Control Melee combat.
Check the YouTube video that display most of the engine features:
If you don't like videos then check out this screenshot: 
Anyway, the game is coded in FreeBASIC and OpenGL. It also uses chipmunk rigid body physics lib to do its magic.
It will have all the goods of the original Star Control engine, but enhanced with the rigid body physics which might provide new gameplay aspects, like projectiles effecting ships (actually hitting them) by changing their speed and direction.
For now I plan to create 14 original ship models (with appropriate unique cockpits, although there will be less than 14 races). The ones you see in the video might end up in the game. The bigger is called the Rammer and the name says it all. The smaller is your ordinary Shofixty type of ship, but with at interesting special ability (similar to self destruct, but not quite).
I think the biggest challenge will be to actually balance these ships characteristics, more than the actual gfx and gfx effects. We'll see. But I’m very hopeful about the project.
It will definitely feature excellent music by Zamaster.
I hope to finish this project before the autumn of this year.
Thank you for your comments.
If interested in my ancient SC like project from the days of DOS search for Rocket Fuel Mayhem on my website.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 104
This is looking cool! If there's one thing I think the world has a distinct shortage of, it's good space melee games. If you think about how many Street Fighter style games are out there, it's amazing so few came out of the genre Spacewar pioneered.
Lachie Dazdarian
Zebranky food

Posts: 35

I completed a really cool cockpit for the Nuuk race (an insection race discovered and advanced by humans) this weekend and I just have to show. Hope you don't mind.
Two versions (different combinations of contrast/saturation):

Still not animated.
Nuuk should control this ship: 
It's one of the weakest, so I'm thinking now, maybe I went overboard with making the Nuuk intimidating.
Posts: 701

Doesnt matter, Ilwarth has a weak ship but is an intimidating race
Frungy champion
Posts: 86

Looks sweet! I prefer the high contrast one to the other. I think if you blend the bottom of the dark one with the top of the light one it could look quite nice. It'd probably be a pain to animate afterwards though.
Waiting for the next one now
Lachie Dazdarian
Zebranky food

Posts: 35

Thanks for the positive feedback.
Anyway, one of my team members did an interesting post processing of this cockpit:

Now I'm not sure what is better. I will definitely work with the original images while animating them, but I'm split on the amount of light/blur effects I should apply afterwards.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2009, 12:47:14 am by Lachie Dazdarian »
Lachie Dazdarian
Zebranky food

Posts: 35

Ok, finished animating the Nuuk cockpit. Yeah, it took me a while. Hopefully it will go faster with the next cockpits.

This is basically a demo. The real sprites file is split in layers so two animations can happen at once. Also, on this demo gif image thrust (hand on the yellow orb) and main weapon (yellow orb) are not shown.
The nostrils movement should be independent on the player's action, and will prolly be triggered randomly.
Let me know what you think.
Looks neat. Got a talking animation? Or is that thing talking already?
Lachie Dazdarian
Zebranky food

Posts: 35

I guess I didn't think that would be neccesary, althought I did imagine short voice messages being said during the battle. I'll see.
To make things clear, my game does not feature SC like dialogue scenes. These are strictly battle cockpits.
Lachie Dazdarian
Zebranky food

Posts: 35

Ok, working on another cockpit for the Rammer ship (human crew).
I almost completed the "room":

I will be adding the crew soon. I'm thinking two crew members at the front consoles, the captain on the chair (of course), and maybe one in the back. Ack! I'm horrible with drawing people.
And I think I placed a too high bar form myself with the Nuuk cockpit. Oh, well.
Lachie Dazdarian
Zebranky food

Posts: 35

Ok, here it is:

I'm still not sure about the guy in the back, but I spent over an hour trying different things, and this seems the best I can do at this point.
Now I need to do the animation. I'm only sure about the captain rocking as you steer the ship, but I don't know how to execute others with the crew in the front (thrust, shooting, special ability). Any ideas?
Posts: 802

The front two guy's faces can be lit differently from the screens while using primary/secondary
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