Topic: SC:BEL Mission 1 (Read 149674 times)
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
Ignoring the ominous feeling the gem evokes in him, Sukuzu boldly marches up to it and brings out his flower. Slowly, he inches it closer to the gemstone, hoping that it will unlock whatever secrets are hidden. At first, nothing happens. The flower is the same as ever. Moving it even closer, so that it is merely two paw lengths from the stone, he finally gets a result. The flower begins to shrivel in his hands, as if it were aging at an accelerated pace. It quickly dries out, and then begins to fall apart. Within second, nothing but dust remains in Sukuzu’s paws. Looking at the gemstone, Sukuzu wonders if it doesn’t just grow a little more brightly now.
OOC: If you still want to pick it up, let me know. No need to post movement though, as we’re in magical no turn land where you can do mostly anything until you decide how to position yourself and who opens the following door.
What's up doc?
*Smell* controller
Posts: 306
Arioch, I summon thee...
OOC: Oh no! My flower! argh, meaningless sacrifice 
So after seeing the consequences of close interaction with the Alien Gem, either it possesses some life stealing/extinguishing powers (I suspect it's an aura of some sort) or this was case specific for the Pretty Flower...which means that Sukuzu probably shouldn't touch it now or never because of that psychic vibe imprint thingy or he'll end up wit a premature dirtnap
But I think that if we would use this Gem with some caution it could prove as an invaluable trump card in end combat (if we encounter some sort of boss or something):
We could tie it up at the end of a pole of some sort (~furniture conversion ) and use it as a touch/contact weapon to weak foes at 1-2 squares range and instill fear in their hearts, or throw it as a grenade at groups of foes thus lowering their HP and morale. Maybe we could combine it with that Mystic Staff to make it even more potent/fearsome weapon...I wonder what would happen if we would use the Gem as replacement for the standard plasma charge...Arcane Death Plasma Gun maybe? It's possible 
All things considered, the Gem reminds me (from it's outlook and effects) of Lok-Nar from the heavy metal movie.
Other than that, Sukuzu will stand in front of the door after we decide what will we do with the artifact/altar.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2009, 04:02:51 pm by Son_of_Antares »
Posts: 1044

Well, I still want to smash it loose with some sort of disposable battering ram. Preferably, seeing what it did to that flower, a LONG disposable battering ram. Maybe if it loses contact with the altar it won't be quite as dangerous... Or maybe that will make its effects spiral out of control. In the latter case, I'll be ready to book back into the hallway if it seems to do crazy stuff on its own.
Posts: 1044

Like I said, to recover it for the science boys back home. The more technology we recover, the more they can understand and emulate, the more options we have in future missions. Call it an investment in Star Control's future.
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
Shocked by the demise of his flower, Sukuzu looks around for something to carry the gem with. Several pieces of furniture encountered earlier come to mind, but unfortunately attaching the gem to them without touching it proves too much of a challenge. The gem is secured to the altar table and Sukuzu can think of no way to change this. Annoyed, he steps aside and lets Bach do his thing.
Bach pulls out his Sabre, and confidently approaches. Taking careful aim, he smashes at the gem with all his might. Sparks fly as he scrapes its surface. After a few more blows, the gem is crisscrossed by such scrapes. Unfortunately it seems to be no closer to shattering, or even becoming dislodged. Frustrated he backs off.
OOC: Okay, so I need Bach’s and Dabir’s positions still. Since it’s apparently funny to send people abroad with only a days notice, there will be no update tomorrow. To compensate, I’m going to let this run for this entire week.
What's up doc?
Posts: 1044

Hmm, that saber is not large, blunt, nor disposable, but it doesn't matter. I submit to its unsmashableness, and take up position right in front of the door (unless someone else wants point, but I figure I can open the door and blast anything directly ahead before the rest of you assault the room).
Posts: 1044

Right behind him to the W, then, unless that's also taken, in which case 2 W. Though we may want to redistribute.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 291
Looks like W of wubula is the place to be for everyone's favourite little green being.
Posts: 1044

W of Bach, actually. That's the closest you can get to the door, anyway.