Topic: SC:BEL Mission 1 (Read 149718 times)
Posts: 1044

I want to switch to my rifle as my primary weapon again.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 291
And i'll switch back to the paingiver.
Posts: 1044

My personal best idea is for me to jump E and fill the blobbie with lead twice. Sukuzu can head N W and melee the Sergeant beforehand to clear the way. Wubula can follow up W N and continue the melee attacks, or shoot at the Umgah if the Andro dies too soon. Wawa might be a bit stuck for this turn, but can go E and wait. With some luck, this should cut the opposition in half, plus we won't be on the receiving end of whatever the new weapon does (knowing the Umgah, probably nothing good).
This does expose us to retaliation, but hey, it's the last room and the game's almost over. Let's finish it with a bang!
*Smell* controller
Posts: 306
Arioch, I summon thee...
OOC: How about:
1 Sukuzu moves N, W then fire Slayer N 2 Wawa moves E, E use Mystic Staff N 3 Bach moves E, N, N fire either W (if Commander is still alive) or N (if Umagh is still alive); if none is dead than fire at will 4 Wubula moves W, N, E fire Slayer N
After that a Big Bang is in order indeed But I'm really curious about what hides behind that red forcefield...
Off you go. Game ends on Friday afternoon/evening, so lets not waste time.
Can we get a few more days Luki? Just the weekend? To finish this mission right, as it should be.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2009, 03:48:59 am by Son_of_Antares »
*Smell* controller
Posts: 306
Arioch, I summon thee...
But before anything actually happens I think I'll use one of those medikits (forgot to do it before kick-in-the-door entrance ).
Also sarge should be our primary target for this assault. And is the sarges bonus having any effect on the Umgah?
Posts: 1044

OOC: How about:
1 Sukuzu moves N, W then fire Slayer N I realize that you like the gun and all, but your melee attack is more effective.
Taking potshots at the Androsynth is not going to accomplish much. Remember, they have extra parries this turn. In order to stand a chance of killing them, we need a concentrated assault. Hence, why I wanted 2 melee attackers. With my setup, Sukuzu can attack once, Wubula twice, which yields 10 strikes; that should be more than enough to take him down, or at least get close. Plus I'll have 6 strikes againt the Umgah. That might not kill it, but it should at least be crippled and/or stunned. Plus, if the Sergeant dies before all of Wubula's AP are expended, she can fire at the Umgah as well with no risk of destroying the notes on the desk.
If you really want Wawa involved in the attack, we could alter the plan a bit:
Sukuzu moves N W, attacks the Sergeant in melee Wawa moves E E, fires the Staff at the Umgah Wubula moves W N, attacks the Sergeant in melee twice (or directs Slayer fire at the Umgah if he dies) I move E N N, and fire at the Umgah
This yields 1 extra strike against the Umgah, but also puts us in a poorer position: we've been set up perfectly for any blast area weapon to take us all out. So I prefer my original proposal.