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Author Topic: SC:BEL Mission 1  (Read 149438 times)
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SC:BEL Mission 1
« on: January 06, 2009, 01:26:21 pm »

Mission one: Ilwrath Temple.

The Alliance lander has been silently gliding through space for months. Keeping only the most vital life support systems on-line, your camouflaged lander has been moving through Ilwrath space, slowly nearing a remote planet in an outer system. It's not been an easy trek. Mr Bach has been kept restrained through the journey, to ensure that he does not kill his allies before the mission begins. This has put a strain on squad morale. Combined with Sukuzus strong unease in proximity to the large navigation window, it's been a harrowing journey. Thankfully the motherly Wubula has been able to mend the largest disputes and soothe frayed tempers.

You are here because you have a mission. Alliance special operations have located a secret research facility on this planet, where Hierarchy troops are working on some form of new weapon. The installation itself lies hidden beneath the ground, and is unassailable by force. However, it is situated under an old abandoned Ilwrath temple, which seems to be only lightly guarded. Further intel infers that the lead scientist on the project has his quarters above ground, due to some sort of inter-Hierarchy issues. If you can find his living quarters and any sort of notes on their research, the Alliance would have a better idea of what it is facing.

Your task is to get in, locate the scientists notes, and get out again. Keep that in mind, as your lander falls through the atmosphere disguised as a piece of space junk. Once the Hierarchy realises that this piece of junk didn’t crash into the ground, but rather landed neatly close to their installation, they’ll be all over you. Get back to your insertion spot as soon as you are done, and rev up those hidden engines for a flying exit. With any luck, your rendezvous ship should be arriving at the outskirts of the system just before the Hierarchy smashes your lander to bits. So strap on your breathing apparatus and let’s get going!

You quickly make your way from the lander to the old temple. It's easy enough to find, an imposing large stone structure looming in a godforsaken arid desert.  The massive doors look like an impenetrable obstacle. Fortunately, they are old and the hinges are worn, so a good shove makes them fall inwards. Unfortunately, it seems an Ilwrath was patrolling the courtyard inside, and he seems fairly surprised to see you. Time to test your mettle troops!

The Ilwrath is surprised, so you'll have time to act out your turn first. Keep in mind you can't see the courtyard yet, so there might be more enemies abound, and if you don't move swiftly you won't be able to surprise them.


Players: (This post will be updated with your current inventories, health and so forth during the entire game, so check back here if you can't remember how you are doing)

Arilou Spook Wawaweewa

XP 6/10
HP 4

Weapon: Mystic Staff,, 4 charges 4 strikes
Melee: Sissy slap, 1 strike
Defense: 2 parries

You’re the meanest leanest greenest Arilou around. The others “volunteered” you for special operations because your innate ability for violence scared them. Unfortunately you’re still a weak little sissy compared to any other race, but you make up for that with your mental powers.

Special abilities: None
Powers: Psychic flash, Blurry, Kinetic Punch, Psychic Blast


Spare clip
Spike *3
Protective Charm 3/3
Spike Grenade * 2
Stun Baton(6 charges)
Dull Dagger

Syreen Squaddie Wubula

XP 8/12
HP 5/5

Weapon: Slayer
Melee: Bonecrusher, 3 strikes
Defense: 2 parries

What most people envision when they think of a Syreen, is a young, sexy, skinny blue girl like Talana. Wubula was like that, 20 years and 9 children ago. Now, she's 85 kg heavier and is beginning to turn a bit greenish. When Syra was destroyed, most Syreen women entered the military. Wubula, on the other hand, managed to ensnare one of the few remaining Syreen men, a frail little fellow with several physical handicaps, which was pretty good under the circumstances. Now, with Wubula having done her part for the repopulation of her species, she went to serve in another way, and started military training. There, she surprised everyone, leaving the younger trainees far behind her. It turned out that there's a lot of muscle underneath all that fat, and a lot of air inside that big chest.

Special abilities: None
Powers: Confusion, Pheromones (Used)

Spare clip
Androsynth Note
Ceremonial Dagger
Chemical Cocktail
Stun Baton(6 charges)
Spike Grenade
Personalised Handgun(Locked to Wubula) (9 shots)
P. Handgun Clip

Shofixti Grunt Sukuzu

XP 10/14
HP 4/7

Weapon:Slayer, 2 strikes
Melee: Paws of fury, 4 strikes
Defense: 3 parries

is one of the greatest living warriors and shword masters of the Shofixti race and was quite eager to join the front ranks of the Alliance when the Great War began. His combat prowess was unimaginable, his bravery unsurpassed, his shwordmanship unmatched; all Shofixti took great pride in Sukuzu...all that before he jumped into Scout cockpit for the first time in his life. It wasn't just the travel from his Homeworld to the Yehat Orbital Training station that made him uneasy, but that strange feeling of made him feel almost as if he was...what was that alien feeling? Oh, yes - afraid. And when he was encased alone in that small small seat and witnessed as the infinity of that bleak and black Void known as TrueSpace unfolds beneath his paws he felt not just his fur, but whole body shivering like a leaf on the winter wind. He didn't hear his instructor Prkk Kreet when he told him to charge his engines and start his scanners. He didn't see the red light blinking on his command panel telling him that his ship was still attached to the station. He just couldn't stop thinking how the Void was big and the stars so few in *orange flash in cockpit* *ship out of control* *vomits* *panic attack* *shipyard proximity alert* *more vomiting* *blessed unconsciousness*...A split second and 2-3 quick debriefings later (not to mention few 10k RUs worth a damage:)  SC Command decided that it was best for all  to recommission Sukuzu from Star Control Space Service to Corridor 9 to serve as a spy until he's done with his spacefaring disease problem.

Char Info: Rather than to abandon service, Sukuzu chose to serve as a spook for the Alliance and try to regain some of his former glory and clear his name of shame it now holds. However his problems are far from being solved, because every once in a while he still loses himself when faced with the infinity of cosmos...for example when his look slips to the window in a starship cantina or when looking at the charts of a really big starmap:) this course of events made Sukuzu overly paranoid and superstitious (due to lack of confidence) but recently, thanks to his successful fear therapy treatment with Yehat warpriests/ Shofixti maidens/ Hunam shrinks, he learned that there are alternative solutions for his problem. Instead of standing frozen and lost in thought or even getting a panic attack, he decided to go frenzy whenever he starts to lose control - it even looks more honorable/brave and warriorish that way:) besides that he's full of glory, honor, moral, witty language/insults and all things furry and Shofixtian as any other Great Shofixti Warrior! Kyaiee! Grin

Appearance: grown Shofixti adult, 3 Shofixti/38 Earthling yrs old (this is a guess, taking their lightspeed fast metabolism into account). The fur is exactly the same as on any Shofixtian except that the basic color is desert-gold-yellow (not the standard brown) and it grows into a mane*. Also: big sensitive ears,  big cunning dark brown eyes, long furry fox-like tail with a black point. Weighs around 50 lbs and stands about 111 cm tall (when walking upright) and is around 170 cm long when walking on all fours (is there any info abouth their w/h?couldn't find any in the wikia  Tongue ). Wears standard Shofixti spy outfit (whatever that may be).

Special abilities: Battlecry


Spare Clip
Pretty Flower
Table Shield 1/4
Spike Grenade

Human Trooper Grünfield Bach

XP 9/14
HP 5/6

Weapon: Automatic Rifle, 3 strikes
Melee: Combat Knife, 2 strikes
Defence: 3 parries (Androsynth Armour)

Grünfeld is a devout (which here is just an euphemism for fanatical) German Neo-Protestant radical. He is the member of a sect who split from Jason MacBride's Homo Deus cult; Bach's sect believes in the superiority of humanity over all other races, equating them all with the spawn of Satan (their word for them is "Unclean"). He was caught by the United Nations Security Force while attempting to place a bomb within the Syreen embassy in Los Angeles; recognizing his abilities, however, and the dire need of the Alliance for experienced operatives, Corridor Nine requested that he be released under the condition that he serves under them in the Great War. In a moment of weakness (which he later rationalized, thinking that his death would lead to no good, while his service would lead to the death of many of the Unclean), Bach accepted the offer, and he is now forced to work alongside a full-alien crew, praying each night that God releases him from this terrible burden.

Appearance: Bach is in his mid-thirties, and has a buzz cut which reveals a cross tattooed on his head. His facial features and black eyes reveal an authoritarian, dominant personality. His chest is heavily scarred, the result of a grievous burn he suffered early in his service to his sect. He has also painted a cross on his weapon (as part of a ritual in which he consecrated it to God).

Special abilities: Fall Back


Rifle Clip
Androsynth Armour
Chemical Cocktail
Androsynth Eye
Gas Tank
Spike Grenade
« Last Edit: July 03, 2009, 09:08:00 am by Lukipela » Logged

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Re: SC:BEL Mission 1
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2009, 05:45:21 pm »

I think I'll take a shot at the Ilwrath.
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Re: SC:BEL Mission 1
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2009, 05:53:24 pm »

Unfortunately you need a straight line of fire to take a shot, emaning you need to move sideways to do so. If the Shofixti moves you can take a sidestep and fire twice. If not, you can take a step to the side, one forward and fire once. But then you'll be in everyone else line of fire, an drisk being hit if they fire.

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Re: SC:BEL Mission 1
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2009, 06:30:21 pm »

OOC: Okay, so I suppose we're waiting for Son_of_Antares to melee-attack the Ilwrath, so that then Wubula can step forward and shoot him to death (if he hasn't died already -- he has a probability of dying of 1423251/1679616, which is to say about 0.85)?
« Last Edit: January 06, 2009, 06:37:39 pm by Yetiers » Logged
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Re: SC:BEL Mission 1
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2009, 07:01:56 pm »

OOC: If that's what you choose to do. One of you can also fire a grenande, or opt for shooting and/or just moving out into the courtyard in case there are other enemies preparing to close in on you. The one Ilwrath shouldn't bee too much of a threat, so do what you think is best as a group. I can tell that the simultaneous turns are going to be troublesome as it is, so unless we get this ball rolling during Wednesday, I'll start doing first come first served turns on Thursday.

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Re: SC:BEL Mission 1
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2009, 07:10:19 pm »

OOC: Okay, so I suppose we're waiting for Son_of_Antares to melee-attack the Ilwrath, so that then Wubula can step forward and shoot him to death (if he hasn't died already -- he has a probability of dying of 1423251/1679616, which is to say about 0.85)?
You can walk through other players as long as you don't end up on the same square as one. So it would be better to do it in the reversed order: Wubula stepping forward two steps, firing, then Suzuku stepping forward two steps, and do a melee attack. And if the Ilwrath is still alive, either Wawaweewa or Bach can do a step sideways and fire, risking friendly fire.

It seems to me that Wawaweewa is rather at a disadvantage. He (she?) is usually going to arrive at a battle latest, with only 3 MOV, and then can hardly do any damage. The mental powers are nice, but there's probably going to be more than 3 enemies in this mission.
Suzuku, on the other hand, is in a position to kill many enemies before anyone else gets close to it.

Does everyone get XP when a kill is made, or only the one who delivered the fatal blow? If it is the latter, maybe we should let Wawaweewa level up first, so that he/she won't hold us up.


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when at last there is no Void, no Non
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Re: SC:BEL Mission 1
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2009, 07:16:33 pm »

Completing tasks (of which there are a few) will give everyone XP. Kills give the killer XP up until the max for the scenario (level 2, 10 XP). Any XP you receive after that  is put on hold for further missions. The Arilou is the slowest and most vulnerable of you, so getting him to level up will be challenging. He is also the one who will benefit most from levelling up.

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Re: SC:BEL Mission 1
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2009, 07:19:15 pm »

I think it would be best not to save those Arilou powers for later, but rather to use them to do damage as soon as possible.

When leveling up, do powers and HP get recharged?

“When Juffo-Wup is complete
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Re: SC:BEL Mission 1
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2009, 07:19:26 pm »

OOC: Okay, so I suppose we're waiting for Son_of_Antares to melee-attack the Ilwrath, so that then Wubula can step forward and shoot him to death (if he hasn't died already -- he has a probability of dying of 1423251/1679616, which is to say about 0.85)?
You can walk through other players as long as you don't end up on the same square as one. So it would be better to do it in the reversed order: Wubula stepping forward two steps, firing, then Suzuku stepping forward two steps, and do a melee attack. And if the Ilwrath is still alive, either Wawaweewa or Bach can do a step sideways and fire, risking friendly fire.

Yeah, but I'm not sure if such a waste of ammunition would be a good idea -- 85% seems good enough (though Bach firing once would raise the probability to slightly more than 95%, which is to say basically a sure kill), and by the way I'm not sure whether the results of the rolls are communicated once the turn is ended or after each player's move. Oh well, I suppose 3 rounds out of 60 isn't much.

And by the way, Dabir, it wouldn't hurt if Wawaweewa picked up the Paingiver -- it has two attacks as opposed to one, and can't require more than 2 STR to use (as the Ilwrath has, just like you, only 2 STR).

IC: Bach was happy to be under the open skies once again, even if it was on an alien, devilish world far from the planet granted to Man by godly decree. In front of him was a hideous spider-like demon, no douby hailing from the deepest pits of Gehenna. Entrusting his fate to God, he leapt forward and took a shot at the fiend's thorax.

Summary: 2 North, 1 West, Ranged Attack on Ilwrath apprentice.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2009, 07:30:50 pm by Yetiers » Logged
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Re: SC:BEL Mission 1
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2009, 07:24:13 pm »

When leveling up, do powers and HP get recharged?

HP gets recharged, powers don't. You also get an ability which may affect powers and some level-ups include other perks as well.

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Re: SC:BEL Mission 1
« Reply #10 on: January 06, 2009, 07:50:58 pm »

Ok, I sniff around, give the Ilwrath my best you-are-going-down stare, yell: "You rotten 8-legged larval freak! I'm gonna turn you into nice little fillets with my paws, roast you with my anger and sterilize your appendages so I can use them as cocktail sticks to serve my comrades! Kyaiee!!!" and engage the enemy Cheesy

So I move two squares north to face the Ilwrath (0 AP consumed right?); then I fire my handgun in his head (1 attack, 1 AP) following that with the paws of fury and a bite to his/hers metathorax (4 attacks(?), 1 AP)...

OOC: and what was the effect? *blink blink*
« Last Edit: January 06, 2009, 07:52:48 pm by Son_of_Antares » Logged
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Re: SC:BEL Mission 1
« Reply #11 on: January 06, 2009, 07:53:32 pm »

Hmm, there seems to be some confusion over movement rules, which is probably because I've done a poor job of explaining them.

The idea behind the rules was that I'd move you all simultaneously. This means that meep's idea of Wubula firing first would be impossible, since I'd be moving both Wubula and Sukuzu at once. So Wubula won't be in front of Sukuzu unless he takes a detour. Both would arrive at the same time, and you'd have friendly fire. See the picture for explanation.

However, the way you've come up with is probably just as good, and easier for you to plan out, so we'll go wit that. You agree on movements, and then tell me in which order those orders will be executed. If something unexpected happens, I'll pause the turn and allow you to readjust your movements. Sound good?

Regarding the question about damage, seeing as I'm now moving you one at a time, I'll tally the damage after each unit has moved. If the enemy has died before you attack them, you'll move just as before, but you won't attack and thus have an action point and a few more steps left to move.

EDIT: And since I have two moves already, I'm waiting for Wawaweewa and Wubula, and then you need to tell me the order of execution. I assume I start with Sukuzu, but then what? Or do you want to just go with first post first move straight away? That's a bit more risky for you, but easier to play...
« Last Edit: January 06, 2009, 07:56:18 pm by Lukipela » Logged

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Re: SC:BEL Mission 1
« Reply #12 on: January 06, 2009, 07:58:45 pm »

OOC: So, just to clarify, would I be able to hit the Ilwrath with Mayhem or would I have to move to do that too?
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Re: SC:BEL Mission 1
« Reply #13 on: January 06, 2009, 08:00:41 pm »

Ok, I sniff around, give the Ilwrath my best you-are-going-down stare, yell: "You rotten 8-legged larval freak! I'm gonna turn you into nice little fillets with my paws, roast you with my anger and sterilize your appendages so I can use them as cocktail sticks to serve my comrades! Kyaiee!!!" and engage the enemy Cheesy

You actually had the time to say all that while attacking him, you freaky Sullustan on speed!? Wink

So I move two squares north to face the Ilwrath (0 AP consumed right?); then I fire my handgun in his head (1 attack, 1 AP) following that with the paws of fury and a bite to his/hers metathorax (4 attacks(?), 1 AP)...

OOC: and what was the effect? *blink blink*

Why, pray tell, did you not attack him with your melee weapon twice instead of attacking him first with your handgun and then with your paws?

EDIT: And since I have two moves already, I'm waiting for Wawaweewa and Wubula, and then you need to tell me the order of execution. I assume I start with Sukuzu, but then what? Or do you want to just go with first post first move straight away? That's a bit more risky for you, but easier to play...

With Suzuku? You mean with Bach?
« Last Edit: January 06, 2009, 08:02:34 pm by Yetiers » Logged
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Re: SC:BEL Mission 1
« Reply #14 on: January 06, 2009, 08:08:46 pm »

What advantage would there be for Sukuzu to do a ranged attack instead of another melee attack?

Well, seeing as Wubulu can no longer get a shot in without risking shooting someone else, and the Ilwrath is going down anyway, Wubulu moves N N E N, and makes a funny face at the Ilwrath.

What's the range of the Confusion power, btw? And does it work through walls?

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