Topic: SC:BEL Mission 1 (Read 149443 times)
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
Mr Bach moves forward, propelled by righteous rage. Despite its agility and training, the Androsynth is unable to dodge these hatefilled bullets, which tear through its synthetic flesh. Grimacing with pain, it has no time to react before Wubula drops her grenade, noxious smoke filling the corridor and room.
The Ilwrath, enraged by it wounds charges towards the enemy. A shouted command from the Androsynth brings it to its senses, and instead of charging blindly it stops and lets a spike grenade fly. Inside the smoke, sharp pieces of debris fly, impaling both Mr Bach and Sukuzu.
The Androsynth, are clearly contemplating calling for reinforcements. However, having witnessed Sukuzus speed and Wawas deadly powers they come to the conclusion that they'll never make it to the door. Instead they take cover and prepare for the worst.

OOC: Bach scores two bullseyes, leaving one Synth with 1 HP. Ilwrath spike grenade causes -2 HP for Sukuzu and -1 HP for Bach, Wubula and Wawa surprisingly evade damage completely. The Androsynth are in cover behind the beds, but this doesn't give them any special advantage since they are blankets on the floor. You can't move through them though.
Moving through smoke halves your movement points, so moving one square takes two MOV.
All in all an interesting turn.
What's up doc?
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 175
OOC: You cheat at your own game. We were supposed to be untargettable by ranged weapons inside the smoke. And the debris took one more HP than a direct hit would have taken. Oh well. Could you please send the cloud sprite behind the unit sprites, by the way? Oh, and Wubula should have 4/5 HP, not 3/5.
So, team, what are we doing now? The Ilwrath can charge at us next turn, so we have to do something about him. I suggest we have Sukuzu move E S fire N W, which gives us a 5/9 chance of success. We could use a Psychic Slap or a grenade if this doesn't work.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2009, 08:18:07 pm by Yetiers »
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
OOC: You cheat at your own game.
I don't think so, but I might have missed something. In that case I'll correct it of course.
We were supposed to be untargettable by ranged weapons inside the smoke.
Yes, but you can throw grenades anywhere. At 2 STR the Ilwrath can throw the grenade 4 squares, where it detonates smoke or no smoke.
And the debris took one more HP than a direct hit would have taken.
I don't get this. Wawa got three strikes, the rest of you two. His all missed, as did Wubulas. Sukuzu got two hits, you one. What do you mean by direct hit?
Oh well. Could you please send the cloud sprite behind the unit sprites, by the way? No, you're inside the smoke.
Oh, and Wubula should have 4/5 HP, not 3/5. Whoops, don't know how that happened. Good catch, I'l go back and fix it later.
So, team, what are we doing now? The Ilwrath can charge at us next turn, so we have to do something about him. I suggest we have Sukuzu move E S fire N W, which gives us a 5/9 chance of success. We could use a Psychic Slap or a grenade if this doesn't work.
Keep in mind that while you can't used ranged weaponry inside the smoke, you can lob grenades just as well as the Ilwrath. A certain soldier in perfect position for this comes to mind.
OOC: So can Wubula kick away the smoke granade? And would that give the others more use of their movement points this turn? While this is a good idea, the smoke grenade empties straight away. It takes several turns for the released smoke to dissipate. So no.
Also, while I remember. I'm going away on a trip on Friday and returning on Thursday night. I won't have internet access, so the last update will be on Thursday, and the next one the following Friday.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2009, 08:48:40 pm by Lukipela »
What's up doc?
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 175
My confusion stemmed from the fact that I misread "spike grenade" as "spike", so that's why I thought the Ilwrath fired from the Paingiver.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 306
Arioch, I summon thee...
I can't move in one turn all the way to the southernmost andro, because I lose 2 MOV just for leaving the cloud; that's why I want to off the Ilwrath - we need to do at least a bit damage this turn and stay mobile if the clones try to run
« Last Edit: February 10, 2009, 02:30:12 am by Son_of_Antares »