Topic: SC:BEL Mission 1 (Read 149432 times)
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 175
OOC: Let's move Sukuzu E (for now) to see what the positions of the enemies are -- if we want to move him, he'll have to go E anyway, and if we don't he can come back any time.
IC: Bach is getting impatient. "Let us not delay the judgment of these demons any more, succubus. We are in no position to besiege them -- open the door and then the holy wrath of God shall cleanse this place. But of course, you fear the wrath of God, do you not?" He readies his weapon and steels his heart for the battle that is to come.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 291
Just a heads-up that I probably won't be able to post until Monday as I'm going on a pioneer weekend with my band, so someone else will need to control Wawa. If it turns out that there is internet access where we're going I'll post, but it's unlikely.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 306
Arioch, I summon thee...
IC: *sniff sniff* can't smell *sniff* where they are *sniff* their perfume is too strong *sniff sniff* damn *sniff sniff*...Unable to pinpoint the exact location of the dreaded andro commander and his new associate by his keen sense of smell, Sukuzu takes a quick sneak peek and moves E to learn about their current whereabouts, keeping low as much as possible. He signals to his comrades via team-comm "I'm going in. Prepare for inevitable." and puts the safety off...*click*
« Last Edit: March 14, 2009, 11:43:13 am by Son_of_Antares »
*Smell* controller
Posts: 306
Arioch, I summon thee...
IC: Stunned for a moment by andros quick reactions, Sukuzu decides to react in the same manner - Kyaieee!!! *goes frenzy* paws of fury x2 N (2AP)
OOC: I too had problems with loading the forum page today, it "crashed" a few times with firefox reporting some sort of domain error Maybe too many members were online today causing the site to crash or could happen better ask meep what's up.
EDIT: seems you've got it.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2009, 03:17:00 pm by Son_of_Antares »
Forum Admin
Posts: 2847
IC: Wubula opens the door.
OOC: Wubula only has one AP left after opening the door, so she can move E and attack once. I suggest that Bach goes E E N first and attacks from there, so that Wubula won't stand in his way. Alternatively, Bach could be the one to open the door, and then the roles could be reversed. (Lukipela: is that allowed, Bach postponing part of his turn while standing in an occupied square?)
OOC, OT: There is a 60 day limit set on the age of postings after which they can't be edited anymore by non-moderators. I don't really want to raise that limit; if anything, it should be lower. Luki, would you like to be a moderator for the Starbase Café? (If the rest of the UQM team is OK with that.) OOC, OT: SoA: I don't quite get what your problem was, but maybe your nameserver was unavailable for a while?
Edit: not opening the door quite yet.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2009, 09:28:46 pm by meep-eep »
“When Juffo-Wup is complete when at last there is no Void, no Non when the Creators return then we can finally rest.”
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
IC: Wubula opens the door. OOC: Wubula only has one AP left after opening the door, so she can move E and attack once. I suggest that Bach goes E E N first and attacks from there, so that Wubula won't stand in his way. Alternatively, Bach could be the one to open the door, and then the roles could be reversed. (Lukipela: is that allowed, Bach postponing part of his turn while standing in an occupied square?)
It's alright to pass through squares that are occupied by team-mates, but not to stop in them. So Bach can pass, open the door and move into the room, but he can't just open the door, because then you'll briefly be occupying the same space.
OOC, OT: There is a 60 day limit set on the age of postings after which they can't be edited anymore by non-moderators. I don't really want to raise that limit; if anything, it should be lower. Luki, would you like to be a moderator for the Starbase Café? (If the rest of the UQM team is OK with that.) That depends. I'll happily take moderator status if that's the easiest way for me to edit my old messages. But would I be expected to perform any real duties? I dunno if I've got much interest in mediating on the board, not that it needs much mediating. I could clean spam and such I suppose. Alternatively I could just make a new thread with the current stats, that'd hold for 60 more days, and then repeat if we're still playing.
What's up doc?
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 175
Regarding our next move, Sukuzu should ideally be allowed to kill the sarge because he'll get a full heal after he does that; he doesn't have many chances of doing this without someone damaging the Synth first, though, and even if we attack him next turn, 7 strikes is all we can muster, with only (almost) 50% chance of killing him; I say Bach and Wubula should move S S S S, so that the sarge can't attack us this turn, and so that we are ready to flee if need be (or to attack him with full AP if we really have to). Besides, I have no intention of letting him hit me with 6 strikes at once, and probably Wubula doesn't want that either.
Sukuzu's next move, assuming the Synth attacks him, should be to fire his handgun at the sarge, then retreat to safety, forcing the sarge to come closer or use the door.
Alternatively, we could open the door now and have Wubula Confuse the Synth, then I could melee him for some extra damage and Sukuzu could finish him next turn. Seems a good occasion to use Confusion, we'd gain a level for Sukuzu and avoid damage.