Topic: SC:BEL Mission 1 (Read 149659 times)
*Smell* controller
Posts: 306
Arioch, I summon thee...
OOC: That W and E are too close on the keyboard if you ask me and I kinda get to neglect mistakes when I type, that's why I edit so much as for my movement, I think I 've apparentely got none MOV left so this IC will have to wait until my nxt turn. Eh.
IC: Angered by apparent injustice that was imposed on him, Sukuzu involuntarily moves E and hands over the saber to the Earthling, blade first, mumbling to himself curses that are better left unsaid.
EDIT: Damn you unstable table! I trusted you! 
You jumped up on your table
Man, I wanted a cold-steel katana and all I got is some crappy table that's barely holding. MAN. I mean, really Well then mr.Table, if I already get to have you, I have a plan for the two of us. BFF and all. You bet. And I don't care if you like it or not, you're mine now.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2009, 11:03:02 am by Son_of_Antares »
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 175
OOC: Let's go to the western room first and get those XP for assassinating the high priest. We'll get a level for me and Wawa and get Wubula much closer to a level-up, plus some juicy equipment I'm sure. We're not wounded and have lots of medikits and cocktails, we apparently have one smoke grenade left (huh? where did that come from?), and both grenades.
Summary: W W W IC: Bach moves forward to receive the saber; without even thanking Wubula for interceding on his behalf, he wrests it from Sukuzu's firm grasp and points it to the ground. He utters a prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel, then an exorcism written by His Holiness Pope Leo XIII, to drive away the countless demons that no doubt inhabited the devilish weapon. It will take more than that to infuse the saber with the Holy Power of God, but there is no time for elaborate rituals. Bach raises the sword in the air, chanting "Receive this tribute from Thy unworthy servant Grunfeld Bach, O Thou who art above all and watchest upon even Thy meekest creation! In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, Amen.", and holsters the weapon.
OOC: Because Sukuzu can still give me that weapon this turn (if Luki was even serious about him not having any MOV left).
« Last Edit: March 24, 2009, 01:59:04 pm by Yetiers »
*Smell* controller
Posts: 291
Wawa has been uncomfortably close to the revolting stench of blood for quite some seconds now, and daintly steps away from it, moving W-W-N towards the door.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 175
There's a mistake in your map, I moved before Wawa did so I should be where Wawa is now, and Dabir should revise his move.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 175
Summary: N W W IC: "Forward, my transient allies -- I am eager to test my prowess in battle against the demonic high priest that lies hiding behind this door! As wax melts before the fire, so shall the wicked perish at the presence of God." Having uttered these words, Bach steps forward and prepares to remove the steel bar blocking his progress. But first he must make an important decision: will he bring the divine justice upon these wicked legions through blazing fire or cold steel? It would be an apt irony, Bach thinks, if the high priest would perish amidst the infernal flames of the unholy Fleshroaster. Still pondering these matters, he waits for the green Unclean to use his devilish powers and catch a glimpse of the foes ahead.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 306
Arioch, I summon thee...
IC: Still eyeing his I-had-it-there-for-a-moment saber, Sukuzu looks wishfully N at his brand new standard issue stylish androsynth table. Grrrwrr, he thinks, I should have sliced that rotten fleabag Mycon excrement of a human the first time he start...NO. Control yourself. Duty always comes first. Revenge can wait. And I must be patient...nnghhh. He looks at the table again. He shakes it slowly to check its stability again. Hmmm. Maybe I could...Sure...It can't be that hard. He grasps each of the tables legs firmly with his paws and with a few short yanks plucks them all out. He then places the board upright and drills three holes near the center of the board with his claws. Using what's left of the leather straps and clothes he makes a strong banding and shaves it through the holes, tightening them firmly to the base. A few cuts and tweaks later and Sukuzu rises from the floor, a bit sweaty, but with a grin on his face. In front of him was laying the former Mr.Table and now a perfectly good - Tower Shield! Ahhhh, this protective weapon will serve me well, and not only as a shield but also as a movable barrier when laid horizontally, maybe even a battering ram for charging at doors and enemies! And especially for bashing hunam heads...Hehehe Sukuzu you rascal, I knew you were smart, but now you have outdone yourself. Bravo! he thinks to himself Now if I only could find a crayon or two to write some insults on my new weapon of mass distraction here to enervate those Ilwrath dorks some more...He then puts Mr. TS on his back and gets ready to follow the rest of his team.
summary: spends his full AP (2) to make a Tower Shield out of the Mr.Table
*Smell* controller
Posts: 291
Wawa leaps and darts N-N-W, sensing that its human friend wants its aid but knowing not how.