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Question: |
Interested in being involved? What can you do?
I am a programmer who would like significant involvement in a fan-made sequel |
  2 (11.8%) |
I am a programmer who would like to be involved in a casual capacity |
  2 (11.8%) |
I am a graphic artist who would like significant involvement |
  1 (5.9%) |
I am a graphic artist who would like to be involved in a casual capacity |
  2 (11.8%) |
I would like to make significant contribution to the storyline and/or alien dialogue |
  3 (17.6%) |
I would like to make some contribution to writing (maybe dialogue for one alien race) |
  3 (17.6%) |
I have game design experience and would like to have a significant leadership role |
  1 (5.9%) |
I have something else to offer (please specify) |
  3 (17.6%) |
Total Voters: 16 |
Topic: Fan-made Star Control sequel - role descriptions (Read 29498 times)
Posts: 701

Time to gauge some enthusiasm for this before we get too carried away with story ideas. Registration of interest is based on the assumption that a kick-ass story line will be developed that will get people excited.
So along with choosing one of the above, please back it up with what exactly you might want to do, and why you think you’re the person for the job. Feel free to (very) briefly describe a new alien race, new ship etc.
As far as writing goes, I envisage one or two people having responsibility for the storyline, and briefing the writers on what needs to be achieved in the dialogue. The writers then have creative licence as long as the plot is not deviated from. The writers can of course make suggestions for the storyline if it makes the dialogue cooler
I’d be very pleased to know if your involvement would be dependent on whether the game was a mod, or a brand new construction.
I know little of game development but I envisage the following roles:
Leadership Team (LT)
These people re in it or the long haul and need to be committed. However, I see this as a community project, and if someone drops out they can be replaced. It will be no-ones “baby”.
Game designer (1) Overall responsibility for the project. Makes the final call on disputed issues.
Story developer (1 or 2) Responsibility for the plot development and dialogue. Can also be a game designer
Chief programmer (1) Overall responsibility for programming. This person decides whether things are actually possible or not and has to make judgements on balancing coolness with time required to achieve said coolness. Probably the most important person with the biggest workload
Art director (1) Submits ship/alien designs, and other contributions to the leadership group
Other (1-2) Perhaps 1 or 2 of the below who make major contributions and would be an asset to the decision making team
These people are happy to contribute as required by the LT. Possibly people with a little less free time on their hands.
Dialogue writers (4-6) If it’s anything like SC2 then 95% of this will be conversation with Alien races
Programmers (4-6) Ease the workload of the technical director
Graphics artists (4-6) Supplies the Art Director with designs for new ships, aliens, etc, and re-masters of the old ones
Extra reviewers In addition to the above who would like to provide constructive input into ship/alien designs, and dialogue.
What have a missed? If someone has a better idea of what kind of people are needed and what they should do, sing out. But please, only sing out if you know your shit.
Taking on board Lachie Dazdarian’s post over at Starbase Cafe, if someone out there has made a start on this kind of project then we’d like to hear from you. Otherwise, we’re starting from scratch. It might well take some initial creative ground work to fire people’s enthusiasm. But we’ll get there.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2009, 11:35:35 pm by Cedric6014 »
*Smell* controller
Posts: 432
Please visit my homepage
I answered #1, but I could not get involved until I have an understanding of C++, which I will learn next year. So I would probably be stuck with #2.
Cedric: You know that poll isn't going to tell you anything useful, right? We're going to get middle schoolers voting themselves as lead designers. I would go so far as to say this thread itself is a bad idea and that you need to reign yourself in.
Posts: 701

Well, then I’m not quite sure how to progress. How should this idea be made concrete?
Should someone write a semi-complete story line and present it to a bunch of SC luminaries? Or perhaps someone needs to create some graphic images for everyone to coo over?
I’m happy with whatever approach works, but please offer some alternative strategy if you don’t like mine. I’m not pretending to get it right, but I’d much rather here “this is how we need to do it” rather than “that’s a bad idea”.
It’s much more constructive to focus on what works rather than what doesn’t. This attitude will be especially important in the development of the game.
Keeping the discussion going throughout the forums should be good enough for now, I guess? I don't really have all the answers. We need to attract talent, but I'm not really sure how to do that. I'm sure there are plenty of talented people out there who like Star Control and would enjoy making their own game. That's how The Ur-Quan Masters got started.
Posts: 701

All right, I'll reopen it.
Although surely you see the dilemma
Posts: 580

Number two, since even though I program fairly well, I'm probably not good enough to design something presentable (a prototype that can be used in the future) from the bottom up, seeing as I completely suck with the graphics side of things...
Jaychant: I doubt you'd be capable of providing 'the project' with any significant programming, even after learning how to code, since programming isn't really coding (you'll need some "experience" with projects, too, to get an understanding of how things work).
Now, as for the best thing to do now with the project, here are some of my tips: *NO NON-SC2/SC1 NEW ALIENS or an active participation of aliens you never met in SC2/SC1 (Keel-Verezy, etc.).. Do want Black Spathi though. *Not too much discussion about pointless tiny gameplay ideas. *Keep the gameplay and style like that of SC2. Everyone here likes SC2, so going away too far from that means people might dislike it a bit more.
Now, what *SHOULD* be done: *Programming: a small prototype of a "general SC2-like engine". And I'm not talking about Melee here. *Story: define the 'baseline' of the sequel: what will have happened inbetween SC2's ending and this sequel? Will the Thraddash live? Ilwrath? Will the Androsynth make an appearance? After that, a small story can be drafted and agreed upon.
As far as a website is concerned: don't bother. It's not needed at all unless there's some serious things going on. A wiki could be useful though, but only after something serious has been done.
Posts: 701

Thanks for that Megagun
Yes maybe the best way is for someone to develop a background story and situation evocative enough to attract people.
That way at least exciting plot details dont need to be revealed.
Lachie Dazdarian
Zebranky food

Posts: 35

Reading all this makes me really want to make my own side-story, smaller SC2 universe game. We need more than just Fibs & Brags.
I wish I wasn't side tracked by other projects.
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