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Topic: Origins May Preview [New Videos] (Read 5099 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 19

Greetings carbon-based lifeforms of indeterminate shapes and sizes,
I come bearing gifts, and when I say gifts I mean a closer look at something we've been working on for a very long time now.
Star Control: Origins is coming together very quickly here and whilst we still have a ways to go we have got two new previews for you to watch.

A First Look at Star Control: Origins' Adventure Mode:
The first is 15 minutes exploration Adventure mode, courtesy of producer Patrick Shaw and IGN PC editor Tom Marks. In it we go over some of the initial gameplay, show a couple of dialogue screens, planetary exploration and a brief look at hyperspace and modules.

Star Control: Origins May 2018 Preview Trailer:
Our second video for you guys is a short preview trailer for May. It serves more like the Too Long Didn't Watch version of the first video. There is some older footage but still worth checking out!
If you guys have any questions or comments please feel free to respond and I'll do my best to answer all... for a small nominal fee of course.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 209
Yeah, I've already seen those videos.
The new hyperspace remix (which is different from the current Origins title theme) sounds so awesome! I can't wait to get hold of it, maybe use it in UQM too.
I see that the starbase commander theme is also a new version of the Precursors' Corridor Nine remix?
I don't know what to think of the fixed landing zone and especially the landing minigame. I'd personally prefer not to have either of those.
Otherwise, planetary exploration looks good enough.
One of the things I've seen in Origins' gameplay videos so far has me worried though - that the conversations are going to be too brief and terse. I personally like SC2's verbosity.
Zebranky food

Posts: 19

Yeah, I've already seen those videos.
The new hyperspace remix (which is different from the current Origins title theme) sounds so awesome! I can't wait to get hold of it, maybe use it in UQM too.
I see that the starbase commander theme is also a new version of the Precursors' Corridor Nine remix?
I don't know what to think of the fixed landing zone and especially the landing minigame. I'd personally prefer not to have either of those.
Otherwise, planetary exploration looks good enough.
One of the things I've seen in Origins' gameplay videos so far has me worried though - that the conversations are going to be too brief and terse. I personally like SC2's verbosity.
Thank you for the love for the new tracks. We have more hyperspace versions too, Riku has been hard at work and made some awesome tracks, including new stuff from our other composers.
Landing zones actually change depending on tech. So the more upgraded you are the more options you have, we also just added some new graphics for the landing zone you can see down below. Ultimately you can also gain the ability to auto-land on planets with the right upgrades, although personally, I find the minigame pretty fun with different planetary conditions having different effects.
We haven't shown the real depth of our adventure system yet, in part because we don't want to spoil the story. But, basically, everything in the universe is linked in a single state engine. So even if you have only three options in a conversation ti can have an effect down the line on in-game events and triggers. So something you said, did or have in your possession can have any number of effects on an interaction in the future. It's possible to even create an entire reputation system using our system and any player can also use our tools to do this. We'll be showing more off on how we build our quests and the tools that will be available to players on launch later.
New Landing Reticule
« Last Edit: May 19, 2018, 10:02:05 pm by SchismNavigator »
Zebranky food

Posts: 28
this space originally held questions about SchismNavigator's name while observing that there is a schism, and questions about why material was here and not there.
Death? Why was my comment edited? I don't feel I was picking a fight or being rude.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2018, 07:00:15 pm by Death 999 »
Zebranky food

Posts: 19

Hello there o/
Yeah, I picked the name a while ago, I think it might have something to do with watching Flight of the Navigator growing up.
The best place to really keep up to date on Origins is on the Star Control discord server:
However, when it comes to our own website we also tend to post anything public on our events page:
I'll be hanging around here more often now though as things are moving very quickly. If you have any questions about the latest public update just ask away.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2018, 09:10:03 am by Death 999 »
Zebranky food

Posts: 28
Well I wasn't meaning to be provacative.
I actually thought that whoever the poster from StarDock is, they chose their name with a bit of wisdom and the ability to laugh at themselves as there is a schism, but in the end I think we all just want to see the games made and play them so all of us would like to navigate and end the schism.
tl:dr I found their name to be clever.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 209
Yes, I guess I am to blame for that, since I was the one who reported your post, Tas.
When you said something like "LOL yeah, there is indeed a schism" I thought that you were basically trying to hijack the thread and start another flame war about the litigation between Stardock and F&P. Since this thread is about videos showcasing gameplay in Origins, bringing that topic up seemed extremely inappropriate to me.
The tone of your questions about why these videos aren't posted on Stardock's website (they are, actually, which was where I originally found them, though admittedly the longer video is hard to find, as there seem to be no links to it on the Star Control website's main page) seemed extremely condescending to me. "Funny how these videos aren't posted on 'your' Stardock website", with "your" in quotes, just didn't seem to be the right way to ask those questions to me. I'm sorry if I was mistaken about your post having hostile intent, but, as Death said, I wasn't the only one who interpreted it that way. I guess we both got too sloppy and trigger-happy. 
And in case you're curious, SchismNavigator posts under the same handle on Stardock's forums, so I guess that he was using it many years before the litigation started.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2018, 03:46:42 pm by PRH »
Zebranky food

Posts: 28
Yeah I didn't mean to come off that way but I can see how that was read. I did the "your" because the poster heavily implied he/she were posting on SD's behalf but didn't flat out say it. And yes I do see now that there is an account with the same name over at SD's main forums. I honestly thought it was just a cleaver name specifically for this forum since they had never posted before (not that I can say much as my first posts were only a week or so back)
I'll try to better control my tone.
Frungy champion
Posts: 50

It's good to know that you can eventually choose your preferred landing zone once the tech on your landers get upgraded. No one seemed to address that on the Stardock forums.
I am excited for this game.
Zebranky food

Posts: 28
** the power of friendship yadda yadda yadda**
and I can now see someone making a MLP custom race with the race/ship generator, and this thought is unnerving. Twich Twich 
Zebranky food

Posts: 19

I'll try to better control my tone.  Dear Princess Celestia, today we learned that sometimes innocuous statements can come across badly, and that aggressively policing ambiguous statements like that isn't a good move. Yeah, I did not see it as an attack or anything. Thanks for getting everything cleared up.
And in case you're curious, SchismNavigator posts under the same handle on Stardock's forums, so I guess that he was using it many years before the litigation started.
Yeah, it's just the handle I use is all 
It's good to know that you can eventually choose your preferred landing zone once the tech on your landers get upgraded. No one seemed to address that on the Stardock forums.
I am excited for this game.
Yep. We have a whole host of unique upgrades that let you do a few different things. More than that, however, we basically have two huge categories of equippable items you can find/earn/buy. The first are what are in effect equipment modules that can do things like buff up your flagship, extend your fleet capacity, boost your lander tech etc. The others are cosmetic items that let you change how your flagship actually looks. Our idea is that each player should end up with a fairly different flagship at the end of their game which they can then take to explore in other universes.
This does not include all of the many alien ships, of which we have multiple ships per each major race. If you watch the trailers carefully you'll notice the Scryve are getting a cruiser in addition to the battlecruiser and scout already in the Fleet Battles beta.
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