Topic: Project 6014 – Ur-Quan Masters mod (Read 232857 times)
captain cindy
Zebranky food

Posts: 3
i found a new home for shofixti its at gamma scorpion its in mycon space its a shatered world but i guess it can be fixed up for them
idea for orz set up a (yes) (no) question it asks if you ask the orz what what happen to androsynth click (yes) there not your friends click (no) and they are your friends click yes and orz are enemy of alliance (you get where I'm going same thing for spathi you get rid of there pest on there planet and they will not help you fight the ur-quan masters so any in this new game they fly the galaxy
the ilwrath do not kill the thraddash the chmmr stops ilwrath with shofixti and yehat might
captain cindy
Zebranky food

Posts: 3
i mean gamma scorpion
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
... It didn't say 'dinged-up world, needs some work. Real handyman special.'
It said 'Shattered world'. As in, partially inside out, tectonics class 7 or 8. Even Bob the Builder would admit they can't fix it.
Posts: 1044

Only one race is capable of inhabiting a world once its entire surface is shattered. Hint: It's not the Shofixti.
Zebranky food

Posts: 3
its only lava you think the planet would cool down by now tvs the only planet in the system with a world that has a moon long a go i think the mycon where used for what fixing so any how lava should go away cool down quakes stop
Zebranky food

Posts: 3
Zebranky food

Posts: 2
Ok, apologies, but I can't find the lost Shofixti Patrol and there is no overlapping for me, 3 different circles to search, I entered eevry system, visited all green line planets, but.. no luck..
Could anyone spoiler me the location by PM or so?
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
The three circles are the Shofixti patrol areas. They wouldn't overlap, and you can ignore the two that didn't go missing. The overlap is with the pair of circles that the Chmmr give you if you ask them about it enough.
Zebranky food

Posts: 2
ah, thx a million 
Zebranky food

Posts: 1
I've got to say, the amount of work that have already been done exceeds all expectations. The HD version of the Project is just amazing. I'd be more than happy to help with the development, but since I lack any kind of game developing skills... Probably the only thing I can be of any help with is voice acting. Need any space creatures to talk with slight Russian accent? Baul maybe? Though my pronunciation is far from perfect, I'm willing to try.
Zebranky food

Posts: 31
I have played this P6014 on Super Melee mode. I have using one Imperial Star Destroyer from Star Wars and it can take down 3 Ur-Quan Dreadnoughts and Kohr-Ah Marauders easily.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Makes sense. If they were to scale, a Star Destroyer would be three times as large as the Vindicator.
Captain Trivates
Zebranky food

Posts: 4
Far be it from me to call anyone down on this forum, but there are a few people on here who do nothing but criticize the story-line.
One of the things that made Star Control and other hit-fictions so awesome was the deep-creepiness of some of the characters. Would you remove Benny from Total Recall simply because he's a mutant who betrays mutants?
The talk of the Exotics on Google makes them sound like rather benevolent and badly misunderstood folk. Like we walk down a sidewalk, killing thousands if not millions of ants and other crawly critters and we know them to be life-forms but we choose to focus on the things that have a more significant impact on our lives... So the Exotics actually make a lot of sense on an evolutionary scale!
I think this team is doing a marvelous job and it is my hope to help them accomplish their goal.
Personally, I want to see the Mark II in this game. My grand children demand to know how I found it.
To the developers: Thank you very much. What I see so far is (AWESOME)MAX.
Captain Trivates
Zebranky food

Posts: 4
Things I like so far:
The Lurg. They are so incredibly creepy! and I love how their ships are like mini Sa-Matras!!! Way to go guys. I almost thought these guys could be the Precursors and that we have been misled to believe they were good guys! But Lurg are not "Shaggy Ones" and I've read somewhere that they're not supposed to be as powerful as they make themselves out to be. The Starbases. I like having many places to refuel, upgrade, build ships. It was always such a pain to go allll the way back to Sol. I don't care much for the price of crew but I suppose it's reasonable.
The Syreen: Good. Job. Although, I'm running this game in Windows 7 at 640x480 and there's no Syreen commander in the starbase. Just black. I thought I was cheating on Talana for moment, then I noticed that the text for the dialogue was missing too. It shows up when I recap with spacebar though...
One thing I always thought would be cool is if on planet-fall, the away party might find a sentient, non-star-faring race (or several of them) which would allow Captain to recrew at several points throughout space. They'd be easy to design, no ships needed for melee... just some images of them talking and some voice-overs.
A fuel-making tech. Got Radioactives? Out of fuel? Melnorme sold you this fuel-o-matic thing that turns radioactives into starship fuel. Yippie Kayay!
As long as we're going to throw the ISD into melee just-for-fun, why not The Starship Enterprise-D? Be fun to see how the Enterprise would fare against the mighty Kohr-Ah Marauder 
After all, those Earthling Cruiser Captains wear uniforms that are highly reminiscent of late-23rd century Starfleet, maybe Excelsior would be more appropriate for inclusion in Super Melee? Given the popularity of George Takei, we might just get the attention of the Star Alliance by doing that. Make sure you put Sulu's face on the display for the captain 
Why, I bet Mr. Takei might blast out the development on his most powerful meme-attracting facebook page. Then we'd have over a million people knowing about this thing.
I'm sure I'll come up with many more interesting ideas. For now - keep up the good work guys! I hope that I can make a contribution to the project and failing that, I'll at very least help you catch bugs and test all your alpha and beta releases until you've decided on your full version and advertise the *sauce* out of this project!