Topic: Project 6014 – Ur-Quan Masters mod (Read 232992 times)
Frungy champion
Posts: 60
Thanks for the detailed feedback, UQD. This bug has already been taken care of a while ago. Like Alvarin said, explore, explore, explore. There are not heaps of content in terms of story in the demo, but there sure is a lot of nice bits to find if you want to immerse yourself in theSC2 universe again.
Zebranky food

Posts: 4
He beat me to it. But what he said in any case.
Maybe if you tell us what you've actually managed to see, we can then tell you what to do next
Thanks Cedric, but I figured it out. Just one of those, oh, I missed a planet. Now that I beat it, time to explore Oh and thanks for letting me know Quinarbre, that was an odd glitch due to the fact that it seemed to be confined to that one system. Also, I don't know if anyone has told you, the extra ship in melee was awesome. Brings me back to my Star Wars days. Little bit on the OP, but I guess it was in Star Wars too!  Anyways, how's the project coming along? Just was wondering, because the demo was great, and I would like to see a beta (or even a full version if you have a closed beta) come out sometime! I understand how difficult programming can get, I took a matlab class and some of the programs I have written have been complex to say the least. Other than Matlab, I really don't have any programming experience, but I believe that you said sometime earlier that you have the programming side covered. I appreciate what you are doing and, as I said before, THIS GAME IS AWESOME!!! Thanks for all the time and effort you and your team are putting into this project. I hope that it inspires a true sequel to this awesome game! Also, depending on where you need help, I can maybe help out a bit, either with ideas or proofreading etc. Being a Mechanical Engineer, I don't really get into programming (or coding for that matter) that much if you happen to have lost some people... but I am willing to help in any way I can. I also have some artistic skills (although it's been awhile). I hope you have had all of this covered and are just working on the story, which alone can take years depeneding on how in depth you are going, but I just thought I'd offer. ^_^
Sorry about yet another long post, but I just wanted to put that out there! I'll also put any other glitches I find in the demo on here, although I'm sure you've corrected many of them due to the long time since the demo came out and all.
Posts: 701

Things are ticking along just fine. The story is being finalised. This does NOT mean we've written the dialogiue. Or any dialoguie for that matter.
AS far as sacrafices go, a some goats and a sheep should do it
Zebranky food

Posts: 29

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I logged in today specifically to comment on this (oh man! My account still works!).
This is probably the best fan-project I've come across during my time on the internet. The new graphics for the Lurg and Earth ships are spot on, nicely detailed and perfectly fitting with the game. It reminds me that I still really like these older, lower-resolution art styles. You look at hi-res art for modern remakes and they often look quite ugly (just check out the XBLA version of Half Minute Hero for proof that hi-res doesn't always mean nice looking).
The writing also is fantastic, not overdone, and fitting perfectly with the SC2 universe. I'm a little sad the Ilwrath and Thraddash (my favourite race) are dead*, but generally the writing here feels like more than just fan-fiction. It's faithful, but doesn't feel restricted. Some of the Slylandro dialogue was beautiful. Also, the Lurg dialogue was perfect. Good acting and nicely modulated. All in all this feels like a very professional and slick fan sequel. Gotta love the fan service too for their design!
Also! I like how the task in the demo requires obtaining two pieces of information to deduce a simple puzzle. It reminded me of the Syreen puzzle where you need to find the planet holding their ships, and you're told that it's located XX units of travel from a specific point, whereupon you need to investigate systems in that area. It's improved here though, since the general areas are marked on your map (very cool!). It's a simple though clever piece of design, and it bodes well.
I'm assuming the project is still on track? I haven't read through this topic, but I see recent posts so I assume so.
My only concern is that SC2 took FF and PRIII nine months of - if I recall correctly - 7 day weeks of 12 hour days, without any pay. Or something like that. Having seen the quality of this so far I hope the team has the motivation to complete it. Having recently worked on book with a group of writers, I know how much dedication a hobbyist project requires. I mention this not to be negative, but in the hope that acknowledging the magnitude of the task will steel the resolve of those involved.
Keep it up and keep us informed on the progress.
Otherwise... Are you accepting unreasonable suggestions from demanding fans? Because I am so totally going to be posting in that topic.
EDIT: * I would have thought the Ilwrath and Thradds would be perfect to create a new symbiotic race. The Ilwrath love to inflict pain, and the Thradds believe that stoic resistance to pain is good. Surely they form the perfect S&M relationship? I mean, they complete each other. Plus, imagine a cloaked Torch. Or an Avenger that farts fire from both ends.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2011, 10:15:54 am by Szczepaniak »
Zebranky food

Posts: 4
So here's another friendly poke for the *happy campers* in the development team...
Is the project still making good progress? I understand if it isn't due to the fact that it's summer!!!, but how is everything! These forums have kinda died out a bit, and I was just wondering if progress was being made... if there are other forums that Cedric and team are posting on (more like where's their stomping grounds), could someone lead me there? I am new to the UQM forums and don't know other forums dedicated to this game, or even the mod. Thanks and talk to you soon! Oh and is there any coming soon? 
Thanks for all your hard work, Scott
Posts: 580

The story is still being worked on. A draft version of the story was produced quite a while ago, but it's still getting polished and reworked every now and then.
There's another forum over at
Posts: 709

Sharing is good.
Is the project still making good progress? I understand if it isn't due to the fact that it's summer!!!, but how is everything!
I can't speak for any of these guys, but for me, "summer", or any season for that matter, is not a reason that I would stop working on a project.
These forums have kinda died out a bit, and I was just wondering if progress was being made... if there are other forums that Cedric and team are posting on (more like where's their stomping grounds), could someone lead me there? I am new to the UQM forums and don't know other forums dedicated to this game, or even the mod.
There's no forums dedicated to this mod. But if you're just looking for other forums related to Star Control, you probably want to join the SCDB at, which is a lot more active than these ones (or so I've heard).
Grand Master Planet Eater
Frungy champion
Posts: 85
I have a suggestion:
Add "Thrawn" to the list of names of ISD pilots
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
The list is repeated twice, perhaps to fit a quota, and Tarkin and Jerjerrod appear three times. There's definitely room for more. Throw in Pellaeon too. A look through wookiepedia could supply the 7 more names one would need to round out the list with uniques.