Topic: Project 6014 – Ur-Quan Masters mod (Read 232688 times)
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
I can hold my venom, but people get insulted anyways if they want to. Meh, like I said it is up to you what you do. I'd venture to guess that people don't get as insulted if you don't tell them they are like worthless politicans who make you facepalm over their stupidity though.
About the Chmmr shielding habits casting shadows on others, I'm not sure if that's true, as it depends on the situation. It's quite possible that all the Alliance races are merely in a state of rebuilding, nobody could blame them for having higher priorities. But even if they could have the energy to resist, why would they do? Was either Alliance -- old or new -- a do-good moral crusader boy scout corps? Don't think so. That sort of stuff is in Star Trek. You're right of course. I guess the expression was kind of clumsy. What I meant was more along the lines that this kind of thing casts a shadow over the perceived goody-two-shoeness of the Alliance, which makes them more nuanced and alive. Like you say, the assumption that the Alliance is all good all the time is a bit naive. The original races banded together to fight a threat and allowed at least one member race to commit suicide on a daily basis in combat. The new one was complicit in two possible genocides even before the Quans were defeated and forced at least one race to join against their will. Just like the Ur-quan aren't enslaving people just because they are evil but rather have a compelling backstory, I look forward to the backstory on why the Alliance does what it does and acts as it acts. Shades of gray are more fun then black and white, IMO.
I do think that any race going along with slaveshielding the VUX is slightly tarnished by association, just as one might argue that any nation going along with the invasion of Iraq was tarnished by that association at some level. Or at least in the eyes of those who didn't join. But that doesn't make the whole race evil or out of character. Also, the way different people refer to it in the demo (Hayes being pretty happy, the Pkunk Queen being much less so) makes for a nuanced view of an Alliance where prioritiesand opinions differ quite a bit. Which is something I enjoy.
I think everyone is jumping the gun quite a bit. The purpose of the demo is to give us a taste of what is to come, they are hardly going to give us exact details on the Chmmr plans to turn Earth into a ice cream stand or the Orz plans to conquer the Pkunk via the use of a limerick contest (Oh damnit now I spoiled the ending!)
The demo gave us all a taste and now we are all fighting with each other as we try to guess on what comes next. That's great! But I am noticing several comments towards what the creators should do or are doing wrong in our various opinions. Let's be careful not to spit any venom at the creators when we do not know anything close to the full story yet. I think we're mostly discussing our reactions to the demo and guessing at what is to come. It's only natural that some are unhappy with the story while others are happy. We've all had very different ideas of what the next SC should contain. On a discussion forum like this, we should be discussing our opinions on both what should be done and what shouldn't be done, what we enjoy and what we don't. Otherwise, what's the point of discussing at all? As long as we keep in mind that random voices on the internet in no way get to call the shots or change the story produced by the actual team of course. Hey Cedric, isn't the story pretty much done by now anyway? I was udner the impression that only some dialogue was missing. If so, maybe the should be edited in somewhere so that anyone trying to not just give feedback but also suggest changes is aware of the fact that they are pretty late to the party.
What's up doc?
Posts: 522

There are two new aliens besides the Lurg, but I suspect they're not in the game yet; you can fight them (or as them) in super melee though.
Zebranky food

Posts: 6
ok, thanks. I saw them there, in melee, but I didn't know if they were actually programmed into the story yet or not.
Posts: 522

You'd have to ask the programmers about that, I think. Unless you want to spend hours exploring the entire map, only to (probably) not find them.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 306

Nope, the Baul and Foon-Foon are not in the single player game. They were going to be, but it was decided to save them for the full game. We did put their ships in melee to work out the multi-player kinks.