Topic: Project 6014 – Ur-Quan Masters mod (Read 232858 times)
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 203
Ok that's fine I wasn't trying to rush if you would have told me at the start that it will take some time before my textures could hope to be usable that would be fine, in the mean time I guess I'll work on melee planets and music/sound.
Zebranky food

Posts: 31
Can you make 10 ships battle in melee for P6014? So I can ally with 5 AI ships battle against 5 enemies like in SC Timewarp Light.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
No. The codebase would need to be entirely redesigned.
Zebranky food

Posts: 22

Really nice job on this, the graphics are great and internet melee seems pretty stable. Too bad graphics settings have to match each player. FYI it's crashed twice just me playing against AI on Windows.
Are the graphics themselves licensed the same as the game? Could they be used in alternate versions of the game?
Zebranky food

Posts: 7
Hey there, long time SC2 fan here, I was playing the game back in 1995 and several times since the release of UQM. I haven't read through this entire topic so don't flame me too much if this has been discussed a lot before...
I just tested this new mod and I must say it looks awesome, maybe the dialogue could use some tweaks but otherwise it looks great.
I have one major concern though and that is the lurg ship itself. The ur-quan ships were a formidable enemy in the original game capable of dealing a lot of damage in a short time but in this sequel the lurg ships are just boring and don't do anything. I could just breeze thorugh them with an Avatar without taking any damage at all. I hope the lurg won't be the main enemy with their poor ships or the ships will get a considerable buff if they're supposed to be the main enemy.
Zebranky food

Posts: 7
Cool, I'm looking forward to the game for sure. Good work you guys! It's nice to see you're keeping true to the original. You get that familiar warm and fuzzy SC2 vibe all the way while playing I have to admit, my hair was standing a bit on edge during the intro. Been a while since I saw it last and brings back a lot of memories.
Incredible you're doing this for free and encouraging charity donations instead. I would have backed this game for sure had it been a Kickstarter project!
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 109
Waaaait a minute. I saw some Mmrnmhrm in the youtube video for Project 6014. I mean, in the captain's fleet. Did I miss that while playing the demo or did something change? (I don't have it installed atm)
Zebranky food

Posts: 11
Your friendly Orz neighbour
Might as well bump this thread a bit. I really like this project and look forward to the full release, but I would like to give some criticism, though I'll try not to be harsh. To compound this, I'll state what I like first off, then some minor complaints. I would like to get to the negative aspects and suggestion, but I think it's too much for now.
The *Squishy*
It's a shot at a SC sequel, what do you expect? Though it is fanfiction, it will try to be as good as the original.
The *Itch*
Some of the dialogue for the alien communications and whatnot seemed to be out of place or grammatically incorrect. This doesn't apply to all of them, but the biggest problem to me in this regard is the Orz. While the poor grammar and the overall mood is on par, the new best-fits kinda... fell in an awkward position. Allow me to explain.
In SC2, the Orz have best-fits that seem to match with what they're saying, and it worked in context. In the sequel however, they were written out of context so it's hard to understand what they're saying. With the original game, you can kinda interpret on what each best-fit means hence the word usage around it, but with the sequel, I can't fully tell the meaning of each one because the writing is out of place. One other thing I noticed is that the dialogue is catchy, which I think it will work but due to the mis-use of the best-fits, it didn't mesh well.
As for the dialogue, I'll compare so you can get what I'm saying and what the problem is. (These might be spoilers to their character and plot, even though these are mentioned earlier when you meet them. New fans of SC2/UQM beware!)
SC2: That is *funny*. You think you *see* Orz but Orz are not *light reflections*. Maybe you think Orz are *many bubbles* too. It is such a joke. Orz are not *many bubbles* like *campers*. Orz are just Orz. I am Orz. I am one with many *fingers*. My *fingers* reach through into *heavy space* and you *see* *Orz bubbles* but it is really *fingers*. Maybe you do not even *smell*? That is sad. *Smelling* *pretty colors* is the best *game*. 6014: Before now is *fun time*, and Orz can make *games* with *campers* and *smell colors*and even the *Playground*. Soon is so more *unbeamy* and *inferior poets* *spread* into *camper* *basis* to *vulcanize* and even *leap*! Orz are dancing *inferior poets* before, after and soon, but not *good to go*! Orz *paint the town* everyday but *fingers* have *right of way* and when *inferior poets* are *vulcanizing* we have to go *below*. If you are *freak out!*, Orz can *pull* *campers* to the *outside*. *Inferior poets* are most the *inside*, *outside* not so. I'm not saying this is a bad attempt at the dialogue, the new best-fits are really clever (I actually understand what they are getting at by themselves) and I like the overall responses (though it bugs me the Orz didn't respond to your questions at times), it's just the dialogue needs some polish as well as the best-fits around it. It still trumps over SC3's dialogue, that's for sure.
I understand that the Orz dialogue is really hard to write, but maybe I could be in charge of that since I can speak *Orzish*, but I'm not sure who took the role already. I could also do Hiroku's dialogue and do some general tweaks and extend some bits on what the demo provided so far, if you guys won't mind. It's not like I want to rewrite everything! Actually, I don't think I'll suffice because I'm new to the forum and all...
I'll go over on what I disliked and the suggestions some other time, I don't want to make the page any bigger.
(Is it *smiley time* you want to *play* again?)
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 109
Out of curiosity... how did you make all the planets? I did some galaxy exploring (looking for rainbow planets mostly, then went way over to the bottom left) and, well, there are a butt ton of planets. Did you make them by hand or do some sort of generator?