Topic: Project 6014 – Ur-Quan Masters mod (Read 233085 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 11
Your friendly Orz neighbour
OK, I'll continue where I left off.
The *Itch* - Some of the story bits that I saw in the wiki is kinda mixed; some ideas I liked, but some of them rubbed me the wrong way in terms of continuity and the new ideas. I could discuss it, but it's going to be spoilers to those who want to keep it a surprise. Then again, I got a note that I could make suggestions to the storyline, so no big deal. However, I liked the story bits that the demo is providing so far, but I think the execution as the plot goes along kinda violated continuity, but I won’t get into that.
- The overworld doesn't seem to give you that much room to explore. So far in the demo, all the aliens SoI are set up, they give you hints on what they found, and from the wiki, events are supposed to happen overtime. I kinda don’t like the way this is set up, and this is the same problem that SC3 had. The game gives you hints on what to do (if you refer to HAL-, I mean, ICOM) and things happen overtime though you never initiated anything. As a result, you have to wait for things to happen or make sure you do everything the game wants for progressing, and it kills all the fun you could of have with the game. Needless to say for SC3, there is virtually no point in exploring, a lot of thing happen so frequently you don’t have time to do whatever you want to do. Besides, there is nothing inserting to find anyway, aside from artifacts and alien colonies.
However, most games have areas and events you can't have access to until a certain time, but there it's done right because you need to get a weapon, item or get to a certain part of game in order for that to happen. SC2 did have events that goes on a timer (the events and the deadline), but it only starts when you meet the alien race or did something, like giving the Maidens to the Shofixti. With events like this, it's optional and you mostly have to deal what is needed in order to solve the game, and that is good game deisgn. Remember, the most appealing thing about SC2 is the smooth exploration, and P6014 kinda hinders with the set-up so far. Now, don't think this flaw is game-breaking, it isn't, but it kinda creates a dis-heartening experience for some people due to too much creativity. I should talk about that some other time, it's a really interesting thing to note, and I'll give examples on what games had this.
(Is it *smiley time* you want to *play* again?)
*Smell* controller
Posts: 306

OK, I'll continue where I left off.
The *Itch* - Some of the story bits that I saw in the wiki is kinda mixed; some ideas I liked, but some of them rubbed me the wrong way in terms of continuity and the new ideas. I could discuss it, but it's going to be spoilers to those who want to keep it a surprise. Then again, I got a note that I could make suggestions to the storyline, so no big deal. However, I liked the story bits that the demo is providing so far, but I think the execution as the plot goes along kinda violated continuity, but I won’t get into that.
- The overworld doesn't seem to give you that much room to explore. So far in the demo, all the aliens SoI are set up, they give you hints on what they found, and from the wiki, events are supposed to happen overtime. I kinda don’t like the way this is set up, and this is the same problem that SC3 had. The game gives you hints on what to do (if you refer to HAL-, I mean, ICOM) and things happen overtime though you never initiated anything. As a result, you have to wait for things to happen or make sure you do everything the game wants for progressing, and it kills all the fun you could of have with the game. Needless to say for SC3, there is virtually no point in exploring, a lot of thing happen so frequently you don’t have time to do whatever you want to do. Besides, there is nothing inserting to find anyway, aside from artifacts and alien colonies.
However, most games have areas and events you can't have access to until a certain time, but there it's done right because you need to get a weapon, item or get to a certain part of game in order for that to happen. SC2 did have events that goes on a timer (the events and the deadline), but it only starts when you meet the alien race or did something, like giving the Maidens to the Shofixti. With events like this, it's optional and you mostly have to deal what is needed in order to solve the game, and that is good game deisgn. Remember, the most appealing thing about SC2 is the smooth exploration, and P6014 kinda hinders with the set-up so far. Now, don't think this flaw is game-breaking, it isn't, but it kinda creates a dis-heartening experience for some people due to too much creativity. I should talk about that some other time, it's a really interesting thing to note, and I'll give examples on what games had this.
Agreed. You do realize you played a demo, right? If you have input or ideas on the full game, post it in our story-creation wiki section. At least there, I can guarantee the right people will see it.
Zebranky food

Posts: 3
Star Control 2 is one of those games that is so good that sometimes I cannot believe that someone actually coded it. I am really glad to see you guys putting your hearts into this fan project. I haven't played that demo yet because I can't get it to display correctly on my system. When I launch the demo I get a windowed screen that is too big for my monitor. I can't full-screen it either and the bottom portion is too far down off the screen to read. I can't shrink the window either to bring everything into view. Any help?
« Last Edit: April 27, 2013, 06:16:15 am by Mathius »
Zebranky food

Posts: 5
Hi, i run a Mac Book Pro and i tried to run your game. Im a huge starcontrol 2 fan. But when i load the game, all i get is a blank screen. then if i click on the screen the game crashes. ive followed the readme document and performed the steps twice. can you guys help me
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 109
You need voice actors? I might be able to do some, depending on what sort of voice you need. I was thinking of how I could help and since you don't need any writers and I can't program and don't feel comfortable directing anything, this might be the only thing I can do.
Btw I have done a minimal amount of voice acting.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2013, 11:09:00 pm by danzibr »
Zebranky food

Posts: 21
hey guys! I played the original Star Control but didn't care for it too much. SC2 was by FAR my favorite, and still play it to this day 
I am certified in Maya 3D and computer modelling/textures/animation, if you need anything of the sort. I know everything is hand drawn so far, but in the off-chance you want some 3D stuff done please let me know! I love this HD Star Control, its awesome! I'd love to help out in any way I can (I have also been told I'm a fairly decent writer lol)
Zebranky food

Posts: 40
Hi. So, I was thinking of also porting this project to Android, and tried to play the latest svn from, but when I'm trying to talk to Queen on Yehat homeworld, the game crashes, because it fails to load file pkunk.txt with conversation text. Is this project finished, or at least stable?