Topic: Project 6014 – Ur-Quan Masters mod (Read 232985 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 25

Hi! Short time lurker, and even shorter time user.
I'm an amateur software tester, with roughly a year and a half in the branch and now a student in the same subject. I'm asking you if you have any need of a tester that can help out in various things. Mind you, I've only done mostly GUI testing with components and functions in quality assurance, and I'm pretty terrible with code and whatnot. I am also fully aware of that programmers test their own code, but perhaps I could help out when thins are being put together?
Also, I have recently put a great interest to the Mmrnmhrm and would like to make some input in how dialogue would be with them and perhaps give their dialogue a but more quirks, since we've never spoken to one in StarCon or StarCon2, only the Chenjesu and the Chmmr. I will also add that I love the current Mmrnmhrm ideas.
I hope to hear from you! c:
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
I've looked through the code repositories and the dev forum, but can't find a list of outstanding tasks anywhere, or even any high-level description of what needs doing.
I'm familiar with C++, OpenGL, and more specifically the UQM codebase (I made a slew of mods to it back in '08, for private use). If there's a series of small tasks I could knock off over time, I'd be interested in doing some of the programming work to get things going again.
I don't know about an official list of tasks, but one big thing that would help is getting the dialog system I wrote to work. Then the dialogue-writers could go to town writing and testing in place without having to recompile. It'd make that side work a lot more smoothly.
The problem was, the code I added didn't play nicely with the existing dialog system. So, I'd have to change the format to separate code and content... Fortunately, the content side has a very convenient format which interfaces perfectly, and the code interpreting side is almost complete. Just need to rearrange things in the parser.
Yeah, that's not so very little. And I would be the best person to do it. But... time. 2 kids, long driving commute, wife looking for work. Very little hobby time.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 109
@SuperTamaru: I think there's one line in SCII where the Mrnmhrm speak. They say "No" to something. Sounds very mechanical.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 335
I think that the Chenjesu are the only ones who can send hyperwave transmissions through a slave shield. There's no telling who can hear you through a slave shield if you can't hear them.
Zebranky food

Posts: 4
I just began playing this game a few weeks ago. im playing demo version 1 and not demo version 0. i noticed that demo version 2 was taken off of the Download site. I seen a person on Youtube that playing it and the only difference i see was that the Arilou were not in the game and also some of the artwork for the Captains was changed. I knew where to look for the Lurg before i began playing so just to test the game i went to Beta Naos early on and killed all of the Lurg then i mined some world and gathered as many life forms as possible and headed back to the Earth base. there still seems to be alot of secrets to the game that i have no discovered yet. i did know that there is a time limit and that the game ends on June, 21, 2169 so im only trying to do medium distance missions iv stoped trying to get to that far corner of the map. its just not time effective. because time like the money in the game also needs to be managed. but each time i play as much as i can and then i go back and play the whole Demo over again and again always trying to beat my high score/ i really would like to see a more finished version of the demo where the game player can at least return from exploring the artifact at beta naos and then be aloud to sell that information to the Melnorme like the other one at Gamma Janus.
Posts: 1117

*Hurghi*! Krulle is *spitting* again!
Umgah caster? I never ever collected an Umgah caster. I always used the Burvixese caster. That allowed me to keep the Spathi in game until I could afford a few of their ships. But by then I was so fast, that I did not need them anyway....
Plus, my first copy ever was not a bought one (it was not for sale in local shops), and was distributed by a group which also fiddled with the code to remove the copy-protection. Alas, this also disabled the Spathi to hide, and disabled the appearing of a changing star on the map for 4 days every month. So, while I got very far in my first game, I couldn't really complete it (or felt like I could not. I sometime did finish, but had long travel times). So, I bought a copy just to get rid of the HyperSpace music.
Zebranky food

Posts: 25

@SuperTamaru: I think there's one line in SCII where the Mrnmhrm speak. They say "No" to something. Sounds very mechanical.
That is implausible, considering only the Chenjesu were sensetive enoungh in reading HypeWaves through the slave shield. When communicating with the Chenjesu in StarCon II you're essentially screaming at an almost soundproof wall and only the one with a tool powerful enough can hear you shout with clarity. The Mmrnmhrm only had info relayed to them via the Chenjesu. Do correct me if I got the facts wrong though. EDIT: Correcting a spelling error.  Something weird happened. At about 5:55 of this video (, they do indeed say "No," but not at all how I remember. I wonder if the 3DO version sounds different or my brain is playing tricks on me. Or maybe they say no somewhere else... I see what you're getting at, but the video has the lines of the Chmmr, not the Mmrnmhrm or the Chenjesu. But I guess that technically IS Mmrnmhrm, as well as the Chenjesu. No pun intended. On a relevant note, I find dicsussions like these good, makes me think on how they would actually sound.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 109
@SuperTamaru: I think there's one line in SCII where the Mrnmhrm speak. They say "No" to something. Sounds very mechanical.
That is implausible, considering only the Chenjesu were sensetive enoungh in reading HypeWaves through the slave shield. When communicating with the Chenjesu in StarCon II you're essentially screaming at an almost soundproof wall and only the one with a tool powerful enough can hear you shout with clarity. The Mmrnmhrm only had info relayed to them via the Chenjesu. Do correct me if I got the facts wrong though. EDIT: Correcting a spelling error.  Something weird happened. At about 5:55 of this video (, they do indeed say "No," but not at all how I remember. I wonder if the 3DO version sounds different or my brain is playing tricks on me. Or maybe they say no somewhere else... I see what you're getting at, but the video has the lines of the Chmmr, not the Mmrnmhrm or the Chenjesu. But I guess that technically IS Mmrnmhrm, as well as the Chenjesu. No pun intended. On a relevant note, I find dicsussions like these good, makes me think on how they would actually sound. Right. I was thinking that, with the Mmrnmhrm as machines, the Chenjesu did most of the talking, so to speak. Hmm, how to put it. If you made a hybrid of the two species, I figured Chenjesu would be dominant when it came to speech.
Zebranky food

Posts: 25

@SuperTamaru: I think there's one line in SCII where the Mrnmhrm speak. They say "No" to something. Sounds very mechanical.
That is implausible, considering only the Chenjesu were sensetive enoungh in reading HypeWaves through the slave shield. When communicating with the Chenjesu in StarCon II you're essentially screaming at an almost soundproof wall and only the one with a tool powerful enough can hear you shout with clarity. The Mmrnmhrm only had info relayed to them via the Chenjesu. Do correct me if I got the facts wrong though. EDIT: Correcting a spelling error.  Something weird happened. At about 5:55 of this video (, they do indeed say "No," but not at all how I remember. I wonder if the 3DO version sounds different or my brain is playing tricks on me. Or maybe they say no somewhere else... I see what you're getting at, but the video has the lines of the Chmmr, not the Mmrnmhrm or the Chenjesu. But I guess that technically IS Mmrnmhrm, as well as the Chenjesu. No pun intended. On a relevant note, I find dicsussions like these good, makes me think on how they would actually sound. Right. I was thinking that, with the Mmrnmhrm as machines, the Chenjesu did most of the talking, so to speak. Hmm, how to put it. If you made a hybrid of the two species, I figured Chenjesu would be dominant when it came to speech. There is no way of knowing that, we can speulate, though. But the fact that the Chenjesu would like to be the dominant one wouldn't fit their ideals. They wouldn't even accept the title as leader of the Alliance of Free Stars, even if they were the defacto leaders.
Posts: 1117

*Hurghi*! Krulle is *spitting* again!
Mut the Mrnmhrm were not leaders either, and also did not want to be. They wanted freedom and continuation of their "culture", as far as they found one.