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Author Topic: Parle vous Yehatizz?No? And how about VUXan? That neither? Ok, and how about...  (Read 5104 times)
Death 999
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Re: Parle vous Yehatizz?No? And how about VUXan? That neither? Ok, and how abou
« Reply #15 on: July 27, 2009, 04:59:01 pm »

Hmm. I have checked the conversation and found that my earlier memories of a mention of a console were erroneous. They are hardly inconsistent, though. Could be a console, could be psi.

But if it is psi, then how we get to see Sullen Plummet's naughty bits eludes me.
Anarch Cassius
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Re: Parle vous Yehatizz?No? And how about VUXan? That neither? Ok, and how about...
« Reply #16 on: July 27, 2009, 06:58:38 pm »

Hmm... true. Even if it were capable of creating an image from psi data scanned from the Sly then the human captain would not see anything the Sly could not. But then it's Precursor tech, if we have Google Earth here and now then maybe they can zoom in on an individual well enough to see their genetalia from orbit.
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Re: Parle vous Yehatizz?No? And how about VUXan? That neither? Ok, and how about...
« Reply #17 on: July 28, 2009, 06:37:34 pm »

if we have Google Earth here and now then maybe they can zoom in on an individual well enough to see their genetalia from orbit.

* Angelfish quickly covers himself  Embarrassed
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Re: Parle vous Yehatizz?No? And how about VUXan? That neither? Ok, and how about...
« Reply #18 on: July 28, 2009, 07:58:20 pm »

Actually , current technology is not good enough to read a book over someone's shoulder from space , but you can already read car license plate , and it's civilian use . I believe military's resolution is way better .
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Re: Parle vous Yehatizz?No? And how about VUXan? That neither? Ok, and how about...
« Reply #19 on: July 28, 2009, 11:45:20 pm »

I'm pretty sure Google Earth is not allowed to use the highest available resolution. Google Earth also doesn't have the most current footage, I believe.
Anarch Cassius
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Re: Parle vous Yehatizz?No? And how about VUXan? That neither? Ok, and how about...
« Reply #20 on: July 29, 2009, 12:17:11 am »

I wasn't implying civilian satts could do it now... just that given what we can do now, I see no reason the Precursors couldn't have put a camera on the sattelite.
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Re: Parle vous Yehatizz?No? And how about VUXan? That neither? Ok, and how about...
« Reply #21 on: July 29, 2009, 11:28:20 am »

Actually , the Slylandro are not aware of player seing in different spectrum than they see , and if there was precursor imaging device on the sattelite , it would be known to them already from previous encounters that  their "bits" are visible , but it could be cameras on board Vindicator . I see absolutely no reason to believe those to be not sesitive enough .
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Re: Parle vous Yehatizz?No? And how about VUXan? That neither? Ok, and how abou
« Reply #22 on: July 29, 2009, 04:15:51 pm »

Gas giants are pretty opaque. To get down to the depths the Slylandro live at, you need to go through a lot more than our atmosphere. The 3x higher gravity will cut into that a little, but for the Slylandro to be truly utterly incapable of being removed, they're going to need much more than 3, or even 30 x air pressure.

That means extinction and scattering would be at least 10 times as severe. And since it's exponential, you have to take our non-extinction and non-scattering fraction and take it to the 10th power.

There is no camera that can take pictures of the Slylandro because the information isn't getting out to the camera.
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Re: Parle vous Yehatizz?No? And how about VUXan? That neither? Ok, and how about...
« Reply #23 on: July 29, 2009, 05:04:05 pm »

Yeah , you're probably correct - I forgot about the dencity and fact they live not at external layers , but somewhat deeper .
Anarch Cassius
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Re: Parle vous Yehatizz?No? And how about VUXan? That neither? Ok, and how about...
« Reply #24 on: July 29, 2009, 06:25:04 pm »

It's possible the Precursors could do it relying on principles we haven't even conceived of but I realize it's moot anyway because the Slylandro can describe the Precusors, Ur-quan and Earthlings meaning it either has to be a psi relay beaming directly to the Slylandro or the Precursors did drop a console and viewscreen designed to withstand the preassure down to them. And it can't be a psi relay because Zelnick can see things the Sly can't. So they must have a console and camera at their level I suppose.

As for the fact that other races can see their glowy bits... the Precursors may never have known what they saw or perhaps found out more tactfully, having their biologists exchange data in in a scientific discussion as opposed to randomly asking what bits of their anatomy do at first contact. Perhaps they simply adjusted their viewscreens after that and didn't reveal the embarassing facts of what they could see to the Sly. The Ur-Quan may not even be able to see them for all we know.

As for the Slyandro being irremovable that always seemed suspiscous to me... if the Precursors can make the Sun Device, those bombs, and countless other ridiculous things I doubt it was beyond their power to make a super-reinforced ship that could maintain Slylandro preassure. I can see why they wouldn't have preformed such an undertaking, they may have liked the Slylandro but it would be a lot of work and the Sly would have nothing to offer in return, and no race today is likely to be up to the challenge. Still I wonder if they are truly planetbound or just for all practical purposes.

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from Sunstrike's image pack

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Re: Parle vous Yehatizz?No? And how about VUXan? That neither? Ok, and how about...
« Reply #25 on: July 30, 2009, 12:50:10 pm »

As for the Slyandro being irremovable that always seemed suspiscous to me... if the Precursors can make the Sun Device, those bombs, and countless other ridiculous things I doubt it was beyond their power to make a super-reinforced ship that could maintain Slylandro preassure. I can see why they wouldn't have preformed such an undertaking, they may have liked the Slylandro but it would be a lot of work and the Sly would have nothing to offer in return, and no race today is likely to be up to the challenge. Still I wonder if they are truly planetbound or just for all practical purposes.

Also, remember that the Slylandro said that when the Precursors contacted them they were 'concerned' about something and on their way out of that region of space. The Precursors were fleeing from something, and it would make no sense to give the Slylandro technology which at that time would enable them to fly and be spotted by whatever it was that was troubling the Precursors. The Precursors probably thought it safest for the Slylandro to stay on their homeworld, where they had a good chance of remaining unnoticed.

In less troubling times, I think it entirely possible that the Precursors would uplift the Slylandro Smiley
« Last Edit: July 30, 2009, 12:53:37 pm by SuddenDeath » Logged
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Re: Parle vous Yehatizz?No? And how about VUXan? That neither? Ok, and how about...
« Reply #26 on: July 30, 2009, 05:50:48 pm »

The idea of a camera deep in the atmosphere also makes sense because of the way we see just a small area; presumably some of the Slylandro like to hang around the camera in case someone just happens to show up.
Zebranky food
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Re: Parle vous Yehatizz?No? And how about VUXan? That neither? Ok, and how about...
« Reply #27 on: July 31, 2009, 07:41:10 am »

Joyous Lifting told me he changed it to nine hundred ninety-nine
the highest setting on the dial.

In our long history, several of our people have tried to work with objects
constructing weapons and other tools from the carcasses of dead beasts
but eventually, whatever it was they were building got too heavy
and dragged them down to the Depths.

Hook a gas bladder up to a computer and voila.
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