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Topic: Can I not just kick Kohr-Ah ass? (Read 2872 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 3
Hi, I'm a newbie to this amazing game...I've been playing through it, without spoilers (what fun is that?), and once I got heavily armed, I flew over to the Sa-Matra where the Ur-Quan were battling. I rolled up my sleeves and attacked the Kohr-Ah that circled around the Sa-Matra planet, destroying them all with surprising ease. Only the green Ur-Quan remained, still circling, but low on crew I returned to Earth. Then I flew back to the Sa-Matra and met with the Ur-Quan, who said they lost the war??? I still saw no Kohr-Ah in the area. But, unfortunately the Kohr-Ah sphere began moving around the universe destroying everything in its path. Now I'm hanging around Earth and I've killed at least 100 of these guys, but I'm getting the strong impression that they're never going to run out of ships.
I'm pretty confused. I know I missed some plot points, but are you just not "supposed to" win by killing all the Kohr-Ah in combat? If so I'm kind of disappointed - I thought the game would be a bit more free-form, or at least not artificially constrained.
So yeah, I just wanted to ask the veterans: Can I just not kick the Kohr-Ah's asses directly? Thanks and I appreciate any info you can provide.
Zebranky food

Posts: 3
OK, thanks for your reply. Guess it's time to load up an old saved game.
But I'm still a little bothered that even though all Kohr-Ah circling the Sa-Matra were eliminated, they won the war. Is there any reason behind this, or it just "that's how it works"?
Posts: 802

There is much reason, but you would be better off finding it by yourself, speaking with different races and buying historical information. If you would like the spoilers, for some reason, there is "Ultronomicon", Ur-Quan Masters wiki. Sorry, don't have a link and am too lazy to search.
Zebranky food

Posts: 3
Thanks Alvarin, that raises my spirits again. I'll avoid a spoiler, but it's good to know that there's reason.
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