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Topic: Half-breeds in SC? (Read 14771 times)
*Smell* controller
Posts: 306
Arioch, I summon thee...
So - in a SC homebrew pen&paper game I'm running (GM), we had some real nice adventuring and after some cliffhangers and mortal dangers two players fell in love IC /\_/\
That's all cool with me...except that one of them is a female Arilou "galaxy watcher" and the other is a male Androsynth Stylish Trooper
That raised quite an interesting question: what sorts of hybrids would be possible in SC universe (taking into account that most of the races are sexually compatible)? We already know from the canon that there are off shots of certain races (Pkunk<>Yehat, Androsynth<>Human) and that the Chmmr are the first true half-breeds with possibility of Earthling-Syreen offspring in aftergame (Zelnick=Talana). But what about the other races (friendly or otherwise)?
We envisioned some interesting possibilities: the slave-children of the Druuge and the exchanged Human crew members, VUX shocktroopers (the stray ones of course) and the Syreen prisoners/Shofixti "maidens", the Melnorme who are always curious about bio-data as well as the Umgah transgenetists could make for some really strange "descendants". Me and my players conceived some even more weird combos: Zoq-Fot-Pik "three-breeds", half-Utwigs (they really have a reason for wearing masks ), Ilwrath "fleshenstain" creations (it's alive! ALIVE!!!), various Shofixti-Humans (allusion to Inkal comics) etc. to name a few
So people, lols or not, what say you? To what degree such crossbreeds would be possible and what abominations would spawn such course of actions? Anything more about it in game lore? And of course, any artistic attempt concerning half-breeds is welcomed here 
Have some paragraphs.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2009, 07:09:08 pm by Son_of_Antares »
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 175
One thing is certain -- the Androsynth are sterile so your two lovebirds can't have children unless they adopt them. Or clone them.
Also, female Arilou sounds more sexy to me than female Syreen, for whatever reason.
Posts: 520

So - in a SC homebrew pen&paper game I'm running (GM), we had some real nice adventuring and after some cliffhanggers and mortal dangers two players fell in love IC /\_/\ That's all cool with me...except that one of them is a female Arilou "galaxy watcher" and the other is a male Androsynth Stylish Trooper  That raised quite an interesting question: what sorts of hybrids would be possible in SC universe (taking into account that most of the races are sexually compatible)? We already know from the canon that there are offshots of certain races (Pkunk<>Yehat, Androsynth<>Human) and that the Chmmr are the first true half-breeds with possibility of Earthling-Syreen offspring in aftergame (Zelnick=Talana). But what about the other races, (friendly or otherwise)? We envisoned some interesting possibilities: the slave-children of the Druuge and the exchanged Human crew members, VUX shocktroopers (the stray ones of course) and the Syreen prisoners/Shofixti "maidens", the Melnorme who are always curious about bio-data as well as the Umgah transgenetists could make for some really strange "descendants". Me and my players conceived some even more weird combos: Zoq-Fot-Pik "three-breeds", half-Utwigs (they really have a reason for wearing masks  ), Ilwrath fleshenstain creations (it's alive! ALIVE!!!), various Shofixti-Humans (allusion to Inkal comics) etc. to name a few  So people, lols or not, what say you? To what degree such crossbreeds would be possible and what abominations would spawn such course of actions? Anything more about it in game lore? And of course, any artistic attempt concerning half-breeds is welcomed here  Have some paragraphs.
Anyways, if it is possible to crossbreed different aliens, Zex would've done it. At the very least, there are gonna be a bunch of half VUX aliens out there...
Also, If humans are any indication to how varied an alien species can be in their sexuality, then I think all crossbreeding combinations have been tried many times over. There's probably an Orz humping a Taalo as we speak.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2009, 03:04:54 pm by Arne »
Posts: 802

The Borg (Startrek) are Human-Mmrnmhrm mix . Chenjesu-Supox could be effective hybrid . As said before , Umgah could possibly incorporate whichever genes . Human-Syreen-Androsynth-Arilou invitro mixes . Zoq-Fot-Pik probaby can't interbreed , as they would become one singular species over the years otherwise . Mycon and Slylandro are two races I can't imagine mix with anything . BSS - definately Spathi-Shofixti  The Ur-Quan races would probably not want any halfbreeds ...
*Smell* controller
Posts: 335
Don't make too much assumptions. There is no reason for all species to have males and females. There could be no genders or more than two genders.
And let's not forget: The fact that Syreen and Humans can have children across species is a very special thing in the SC universe. Like Talana said: Humans and Syreen are too much alike for it to be coincidence.
Posts: 802

Well , Spathi have genders . Slylandro have genders . Shofixti have . Syreen and Human do as well . I suspect Supox , Mycon , Chenjesu and Mmrnmhrm do not have genders . Not sure about Androsynth , were they only male clones or of both sexes . In the Vux dialogue about punishment use of human photo , he calls himself "father" , rather than parent . Orz is one being , so it's unisex . Utwig call the high priest "she" . Pkunk and Yehat lay eggs and have queen , probably have genders . Druuge in the fuel scam has a wife (or was it spouse ?) No info about the rest of the races or i just forgot
*Smell* controller
Posts: 306
Arioch, I summon thee...
I'm not saying that all races are bound to have sexes in the way we Humans do, on the contrary. I never really liked the Star Trek idea of universe where all aliens were humanoid and more-less the same with a few facial anomalies here and there and odd tans. I believe that if we think how different life on Earth is from ecosystem to ecosystem and from one era to another it'll be 10 or 100 (more?) times more different on other planets. Some scientists (Carl Sagan for one) even say that if we could recreate the primordial Earth and could wait for 4.5 billion yrs the evolution would probably make different choices again and unleash a completely different set of creatures on our world (not just in the pivotal moments for the life on Earth but all the way from the ground up). And I really like that idea of universal cosmical diversity with Earth being just "one voice in the cosmic fugue". But SC is made by humans. And all genders known to man are male, female, androgynous and sexless (not a gender, but absence of one) with variations on the subjects of fertility/sterility, sex preference and gestation. But basically its TWO genders at all times (unless they are extremely exotic in compare to Humans like Chenjesu and Mmrnmhrm). So until we meet an alien race and get to know their biology better, Orz will be humping Taalo And also because its fun and interesting to think about the outcomes 
@Alvarin: if I recall correctly it was a spouse, not a wife.
Posts: 802

If you look at crossbreeds from logical/phisical point of view , so yes , it's what I think as well . In one tv show about alien abductions for purpouse of creating halfbreeds for controlling the earth , one of the scientists said "It is more likely for human to mate with a petunia than with an ET , because we at least developed on the same planet" . But , this being a sci-fi thing , Orz WILL be humping Taalo . For the Druuge , I've read the game guide , it referres to them as having males and females .
*Smell* controller
Posts: 304

A paranoid android.
Mycon are definitely asexual, but at one point the offer to implant a spore sack in the captain's brain. Would this count as a hybrid? Presumably, a human with Mycon DNA swimming around in its head would behave quite a bit differently then other humans.
I think it's fair to say if the Mycon can do this with humans, they can also probably do it with other similar species (Syreen, Shofixti, etc).
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