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Topic: Stuck in gameplay (with the zoq-fot-pik (Read 2006 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 7
Hi everyone
First message in the board and playing the game for a couple days now... so you know where I stand... 
So I', at zoq-fot-pik's homeworld (after I carefully passed around the ur-quan ships...) and they tell me they're going to give me crew (I really DO need the crew!) plus a new ship and one of them even wants to serve with me! Naturally, I'm thinking... Sweet... 
So the conversation ends (and I don't really think it would have mattered the course it took in this case; actually redone it later slightly different) and... NIL. No new crew, no fuel resuply, no new ship, nothing. I'm left with countless ur-quan ships chasing me and I can't even leave the star-system as they are so many that I always get pulled back by them when I try to go into hyperspace (not ESC-key during combat, this is before being engaged in combat - but they are chasing me to do so). And yes, I've actually tried going back to the planet even with the ur-quan chsing (good I'd bought the extra trusters... )
So... I just wanna know: Is this supposed to be like this? Is it me who's missing something or is there some kind of bug or something?
« Last Edit: March 21, 2009, 06:13:23 pm by JDA »
Posts: 1044

This is one of the problems with entering Ur-Quan space; they don't take lightly to intrusion.
If you're stuck in combat within a solar system, the easiest way to escape is to fight one group. Either dispatch or flee from them (your choice). When you return to your navigation, you will have a few seconds of breather time before the enemy can engage you again. Use those seconds to book out of the system as quickly as possible, and you should be able to escape with a minimum of enemy contact.
Getting swarmed in Hyperspace is a trickier matter. You don't get a grace period, just sucked into the next battle. You may be able to outrun your pursuers by holding the thrust key as you leave a battle; if you're fortunate, you can zip away while the "sharks" circle behind you, but more likely is that they'll be on top of you before you can even move. If you have a certain device, you may also be able to create your own escape path in a direction the enemy can't follow; jam that menu key and hope you can use it before you're sucked into another battle. Barring those escapes... well, it's fight or flee until you can catch a break. If there are a lot of ships around and you're sure you can't win, you may have to restore an old save. You have been keeping multiple saves, right?
*Smell* controller
Posts: 291
Establishing an alliance with the ZFP does not have any bonus there and then, but once you make it back to the starbase they can help you out. Remember though, it is an alliance rather than a conquest, so if they need your help be prepared to assist them.
Posts: 802

JDA - about the escape device is not what Draxas has been talking about , but further explanation would be a spoiler .
Zebranky food

Posts: 7
Thanks for the answers, Dabir and Alvarin. I'm satisfied now. 
Yes, Dabir, I realize what an alliance is. Was actually thinking of taking on a task I deemed probably too risky (for my ship and fleet's current capacity) to assist them (and myself too, agreed... ). Not going into details so as not to spoil it for someone else who might read this... 
And yes, Alvarin, what you told me is perfectly suficient, don't spoil the fun for me, thank you!
Thank you both and Draxas too, all my doubts concerning this are settled.
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