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Topic: Professional off-shoot of Star Control (Read 6181 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 6
After some debate, we may proceed with a Star Control "inspired" game that takes place in a separate universe. This way we do have flexibility with the story and there's less legal issues to be concerned over. Thanks for everyone's input!
« Last Edit: July 20, 2009, 03:51:45 am by jadbox »
Posts: 568

Great! Keep us updated on the progress!
Frungy champion
Posts: 96

from Sunstrike's image pack
So... another dead project?
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 127
I don't know about dead...maybe...but I'm pretty sure games (especially good, well executed games that don't "build" upon other games. Completely new graphics since its not like an expansion) take a few to many years to complete. I guess its a little long for an update, but I think maybe not.
Also, if they're making an "inspired" game that doesn't actually use any direct SC/UQM material then they might have decided to go for-profit after all. In that case, the project may have been slowed down a bit with whatever copyright applications or other legal mumbo jumbo needs to be dealt with. They also may not be willing to be as open about their progress as the fan-made projects around here are, since leaking info about their game could cause legal issues in a for-profit venture - not to mention the risk of someone stealing their ideas, making another game faster and then claiming they "did it first" when this game finally comes out.
Point being, quiet doesn't necessarily mean dead, especially considering jad's last comment in the thread. I agree it would be nice to hear some kind of update, though, even if it's just "yeah we're still working on it."
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