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Topic: new devices? (Read 6523 times)
*Smell* controller
Posts: 271

I'm not sure if this has been a topic on this yet, but I wanted to know if there were any cool ideas for implementing new devices in the game and if so, what are they, what do they do, how do you get them and is it possible to code it?
I thought of a few fun gadgets
1. Animal Collector- (found in Zoq-Fot space, used to be for trapping Zebranky). Contains 10 collection pods, which can be placed on any non-gas planet. A number of bio credits will be generated after a certain time, the number of credits based on an algorithm including lightning, earthquakes and temp. Is it possible to code? I think so.
2. Precursor Dice- Found on a remote star system with no one near. Its action is simple. Roll the dice and pop out at a random set of coordinates. It costs 5 fuel to use. Possible to code? Probably trivial.
3. VUX Viewscreen Filter- That one captain who insulted the VUX built it and left it near Vela. Go to a VUX system and use it. The VUX at that system will fall in love with you, possibly even enough to give you a fleet of ships. It will probably be a hard quest to get this item, maybe a race must tell you about it before you can see it. Possible to code? Not likely.
I am not always understand about what you speak, unfortunately.
Posts: 802

Zarla would very much like the #3 , I think  I don't think #2 is a good idea - the Spawner fills in this role already . I really like the #1 , although it poses tiny issue of Melnorme's bridge colour . You can't gaher enough credits without cheating , and this way you could gather the needed amount .
In line with Zex's warp nullifier there could be warp-in nullifier , that would , it you are battling with the Vindicator , prevent another ships of battle groups from warping in after first battle . Don't know how hard it would be to implement .
I would love any artefact to be able to do a joe on Umgah's expence , don't have a clue what or how so far .
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 115

I don't see why #3 would be hard to code. There are already devices that you can use on a system (Caster for Ilwrath, TPet for Quan) that change behavior for that system. Then you just need to write up a separate dialog tree for the VUX and voila! -- friendly VUX. And giving ships to the captain is easy enough to do.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Viewscreen filter? I'd rather just have the Utwig design an appropriate mask for you.
Posts: 522

I like the first idea. And the Utwig mask to get the VUX to like you also sounds good, but I think that if it gives you ships it should add them directly to your fleet rather than creating an alliance.
And I'd also like a cloaking device for the flagship. It would cause ships to ignore you in systems and (possibly) in HyperSpace, but have no effect in combat (the explanation could be that the flagship is too big for the cloak to work at close range, or something).
Zebranky food

Posts: 9
I like the cloaking device idea. And those ideas are intriguing.
Remember how the Kohr-Ah bombarded the Zoq-Fot-Pik homeworld? Some sort of energy bolts? I don't think that was F.R.I.E.D.... Maybe there's some sort of a bombardment device? Maybe if that could be used by the Vindicator, if the Melnorme comply....
I personally think the most awesome mod would be a random Ur-Quan ship (out of the many fleets there are, one bubble) that is willing to be recruited.
Posts: 522

Strange though it may seem, I don't think I would like that. It simply doesn't make sense for them to want to change sides. Also they're essentially insane.
On the other hand, if it was willing to be recruited due to the Talking Pet's influence, then maybe...
Zebranky food

Posts: 9
Maybe give it some plot, give us a chance to show them that they're wrong, etc. But yeah, some Dynyarri influence would make it all the better.
Posts: 522

But my suggestion is quite different from the Ilwrath cloak. The Ilwrath cloak is a combat ability, but my idea was more of a stealth thing. You could sneak all around a star system without the ships ever seeing you (unless you attack one).
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