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Topic: CSA Website (This is so retarded...) (Read 7252 times)
*Smell* controller
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Some people are claiming that the Confederate States of America (from the American Civil War 150 years ago) still exists. It's so ridiculous it almost looks like a joke, except it seems way too elaborate to be a simple joke. Plus I don't see any sign of "April Fools!" anywhere on the site. So my guess is these people are just crazy.
If you look a bit, they also claim that the CSA now owns 7 states as territories, as well as all the states that originally seceded and territories originally claimed by the CSA as states. They claim that the CSA is just being "occupied" by the United States.
Another thing, which almost makes me think it might be an elaborate attempt at identity theft or taking people's money, is that they tell you that you need to apply to become a citizen by paying $50.00 as well as sending a copy of your birth certificate and driver's license.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2009, 11:56:00 am by jaychant »
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Almost? If they're doing that, it's definitely a scam.
Couldn't be aimed at better people, frankly.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 432
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I doubt it's a scam. All that effort for only $50 and a person's identity, with only a very small target audience? There are much easier ways. This is their own explanation: here, and see also link. That's why I said "almost". Like you said, the site is much too elaborate to be just that. Also, the site's apparently been up since 2006, and if it were a scam they would surely be revealed by now. Scams usually only last for a short period of time.
One thing I just don't get is why? Why would someone want to revive the Confederate States of America, the government that explicitly supported African slavery? If the CSA came back with that same name, nobody would support them at all. It's true that they don't support slavery and simply want a change in government (to the old US constitution, under the Articles of Confederation), but people just won't realize this. Why heck, even the Confederate flag is now a racist symbol. Everyone will instantly relate them to racism.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Not everyone, just people who aren't racist.
I say we ought to declare war on them. Again.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 115

^ That's the way it went last time, so you're probably right.
Posts: 1044

And that's why southerners also still call it the War of Northern Agression and make idiotic websites like this one. Because some people just can't let go.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
No, they call it the War of Northern Aggression because they're effing clueless. Saying "hey, we're a separate country" doesn't make it so, and when the country you're actually a part of doesn't hand you the keys, that's not being aggressive. And when you kill people trying to get them... that's not them being aggressive.
Who declared war? Oh, right. The CSA.
Anyway, I wasn't proposing invading the south, because the south is composed principally of good people who are also loyal citizens. I was proposing invading the CSA, which is at this point some guy's house and perhaps a post office box run by the US government.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 432
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I think these idiots just don't understand that the US wasn't just going to let states split the union freely. The United States is a country, not an alliance, and the south was part of the country, not a colony. It would be like Scotland trying and failing to secede from the UK, and claiming that the English were "aggressors" who "attacked their peaceful culture".
I guess some people just don't know the meaning of revolt.
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