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Topic: CSA Website (This is so retarded...) (Read 7263 times)
*Smell* controller
Posts: 432
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I'm probably just reading too much into this, but when you say declare war on the CSA again, does that mean they've been involved in some sort of trouble already The US Civil War that ended in 1865 was fought between the northern states, who still identified themselves as the USA, and the southern states, who had declared themselves a separate nation, seceded from the union, and called themselves the CSA. Essentially, the "current" CSA is just a desperate cry for attention from a small number of folks who think that things like "people who aren't the same color as you should be considered property" and "the industrial revolution was overrated and we should have no trouble maintaining a plantation-based economy for our entire country" are glorious notions worth revisiting. I hate to burst your bubble, but modern advocates for the return of the CSA don't want slavery brought back. They want to be under a confederation, in which all the states are independent, instead of a federation (which the USA is), in which all states are ruled by Congress. That was actually the main reason for the CSA (not just to keep slavery, but because of the fact that Congress took away their right to have slaves without their consent). That is why they were called the Confederate States of America, because they wanted to eliminate power in central government and return to confederation.
EDIT: I looked at that website again, and they have the constitution of the CSA as it was 150 years ago copied word for word (as far as I can tell). Even the stuff allowing slavery. Actually, the article still uses the word "negro" to reference African Americans. Since the article is typed, and the CSA constitution wasn't originally typed, they couldn't have copied/pasted it, so now I think you're right. These people are insane!!!
« Last Edit: May 04, 2009, 11:00:45 pm by jaychant »
Posts: 701

As I understand it the CSA were: North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Texas, Louisiana, Florida, Mississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas and Virginia.
Maybe the US of A should let these nutjob states go their separate way any way (apart from northern Virginia maybe).
That way John McCain would still get to be president and everyone would be happy.
The main issue would be that the black population of most of these states is pretty high, and they would be none-too-pleased about being lorded over by a bunch of overall- wearin’, gun-totin’, whiskey-drinkin’ good ol’ boys.
Hmm so maybe that’s a bad idea.
Posts: 701

No I agree. Gross generalisation on my part. But generalisations are fun though, and founded in some truth.
However given that states pass nutjob laws that apply to all its citizens, and have their own identities, its not too far-fetched to label a state nutjob. Even though the are made up of individuals.
Perhaps better to say that in those states there are a higher proportion of nutjobs than in other states.
And only my definition of nutjob. Far be it from me to impose my definition on everyone else.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 432
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I'd bet Mississippi would revolt and revive the CSA. They easily support their current flag. Look familiar?
If I'm not mistaken, Mississippi is notorious for being racist.
Posts: 1044

As I understand it the CSA were: North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Texas, Louisiana, Florida, Mississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas and Virginia. If I recall correctly, Texas and Florida were not member states, but Kentucky and Missouri were. Of course, I haven't brushed up on my Civil War history since about 15+ years ago, so my memory is quite possibly fuzzy on the matter.
I'd bet Mississippi would revolt and revive the CSA. They easily support their current flag. Look familiar?
If I'm not mistaken, Mississippi is notorious for being racist. It's probably a tossup between Mississippi and Alabama for the most racist state, though many others are vying for that #3 spot. Not to mention that if you look at quite a few of the former CSA member states, many of them either currently have or fairly recently changed from flag designs that feature the Confederate motif prominently.
The federal government should improve the education system. That is the only real solution. Throw all superstition and non-democratic ways out of the window while they're still young. Unfortunately, it seems like some people would not let that happen. The problem is this: The states that are most poorly educated are also the poorest monetarily, because their people are the poorest monetarily. Without money, you can't improve schooling, and without improving schooling, you can't improve the education they provide, and if you can't provide better education, then the students are not likely to wind up better off than their parents. And so, the vicious cycle continues.
As an aside, it's probably no coincidence that Mississippi is #50 of 50 in education in the US, especially in reference to the above remarks about racism.
Then again, all the education in the world can't stop parents from spewing hate and spreading those beliefs to their children, which is the real reason why racism persists today.
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