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Question: What is your stance on sadomasochism?
Sadistic people should go to ****! What is wrong with their minds?!
I don't see a problem with it. It's not like they will actually hurt someone.
I'm against it, but I guess they really don't have a choice.

Author Topic: Sadomasochism (sadistic people)  (Read 11122 times)
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Sadomasochism (sadistic people)
« on: May 01, 2009, 03:07:00 am »

Sadism is gratification from the infliction of pain or humiliation on another person. Masochism is gratification from receiving the infliction of pain or humiliation. People who are sadistic are often also masochistic.

What is your stance on this? (You can't see the results until you vote.)

Before you ask, I'm curious to know if I'm right to think that people associate sadism with evil. I wanted to put this on another forum I'm a part of (which has more people in it Wink ), but they don't have an off-topic category, and I couldn't find a category where this seems to fit.

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Re: Sadomasochism (sadistic people)
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2009, 07:56:49 am »

I might be misinterpreting you, but you don't seem to have much of an idea what sadomasochism actually is. I'm not really sure on this, I think there might exist a disorder that makes you like inflicting pain/humiliation on other persons in a non-sexual context, but I don't know much about that and don't think you want us to talk about that (it's not like it's the only disorder that makes you harm others). No one would associate a disorder with being evil, anyway.

As for the more-often-encountered form of sadomasochism, the sexual form (which requires having your appetite roused by the person you're doing it with), which is the one you're probably talking about, well that's not evil. Masochism is just another way of having fun without hurting anyone, and sadists don't really feel good inflicting their sadism on non-masochistic individuals (who don't get aroused, and thus the sadist feels pity instead of arousal emit certain pheromones that signal their masochism).

EDIT: Of course, even sexual sadists might hurt someone if their limits are high enough. Normally they'd be able to stop themselves, but then they might not resist the temptation. That, and if you're really, really sexually frustrated you can actually enter a "sadistic trance" if your sadistic appetite is roused by a situation. Like that time when I brought a knife to school (intending only to scare one of the teachers with it -- of course I shouldn't have brought the knife, but it was an immaturity thing due to my social anxiety, I actually thought she'd forgive me if I just waved the knife a little while sitting at my desk, and then put it back in my bag, and she might actually have forgiven me for that, the way I know her, if I had done only that). One of the girls I like was sitting behind me, and I couldn't manage to stop dominating her (I actually even cut her with the knife and enjoyed it, though that turned out to be above her limits). I attempted to start dominating other girls in the class as well (only those I liked though), but stopped at once doing it to those that didn't enjoy it (yeah, the one sitting behind me was masochistic too, and it was only then that she found out). I even dominated a girl I didn't physically like, but who roused me because she was masochistic too (well she was an alternating switch, but she was in a masochistic mood at the time).

There is such a thing as a masochistic trance as well, and it's more similar to being hypnotized. I underwent that as well, being a switch myself -- I was in such a submissive state that I even almost threw myself out through the window when I misinterpreted a command I received (I mean I misinterpreted it to mean "throw yourself through the window"). But I digress.

And I'm a masochist, not a switch. And switches always alternate, they can't be both sadistic and masochistic at the same time.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2009, 11:48:02 am by Yetiers » Logged
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Re: Sadomasochism (sadistic people)
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2009, 12:08:03 pm »

I might be misinterpreting you, but you don't seem to have much of an idea what sadomasochism actually is. I'm not really sure on this, I think there might exist a disorder that makes you like inflicting pain/humiliation on other persons in a non-sexual context, but I don't know much about that and don't think you want us to talk about that (it's not like it's the only disorder that makes you harm others). No one would associate a disorder with being evil, anyway.

As for the more-often-encountered form of sadomasochism, the sexual form (which requires having your appetite roused by the person you're doing it with), which is the one you're probably talking about, well that's not evil. Masochism is just another way of having fun without hurting anyone, and sadists don't really feel good inflicting their sadism on non-masochistic individuals (who don't emit certain pheromones that signal their masochism).

EDIT: Of course, even sexual sadists might hurt someone if their limits are high enough. Normally they'd be able to stop themselves, but then they might not resist the temptation. That, and if you're really, really sexually frustrated you can actually enter a "sadistic trance" if your sadistic appetite is roused by a situation. Like that time when I brought a knife to school (intending only to scare one of the teachers with it -- of course I shouldn't have brought the knife, but it was an immaturity thing due to my social anxiety, I actually thought she'd forgive me if I just waved the knife a little while sitting at my desk, and then put it back in my bag, and she might actually have forgiven me for that, the way I know her, if I had done only that). One of the girls I like was sitting behind me, and I couldn't manage to stop dominating her (I actually even cut her with the knife and enjoyed it, though that turned out to be above her limits). I attempted to start dominating other girls in the class as well (only those I liked though), but stopped at once doing it to those that didn't enjoy it (yeah, the one sitting behind me was masochistic too, and it was only then that she found out). I even dominated a girl I didn't physically like, but who roused me because she was masochistic too (well she was an alternating switch, but she was in a masochistic mood at the time).

There is such a thing as a masochistic trance as well, and it's more similar to being hypnotized. I underwent that as well, being a switch myself -- I was in such a submissive state that I even almost threw myself out through the window when I misinterpreted a command I received (I mean I misinterpreted it to mean "throw yourself through the window"). But I digress.

I agree with everything you said 100%. Personally I don't think it's evil at all, I just was curious as to the general public thoughts of the practices.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2009, 09:04:16 pm by jaychant » Logged

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Re: Sadomasochism (sadistic people)
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2009, 04:33:22 pm »

I don't care what people do in their spare time, as long as it's consentual and doesn't hurt uninvolved parties.

Personally I don't think it's evil at all (actually, I would say I'm a masochist, so how could I?), I just was curious as to the general public thoughts of the practice (it's not really a practice (the practice is BDSM), but I can't think of a better word).

This is more than I wanted to know.

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Re: Sadomasochism (sadistic people)
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2009, 09:04:57 pm »

[edited post]

Is that better?

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Re: Sadomasochism (sadistic people)
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2009, 09:08:19 pm »

Er, I already know so I don't think it helps. Kudos for trying though. I was making a joke, don't worry about it.

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Re: Sadomasochism (sadistic people)
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2009, 09:10:45 pm »

So to clarify, you didn't actually find anything I said offensive or distasteful in any way? If I'm wrong, can you please tell me what was offensive or distasteful?

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Re: Sadomasochism (sadistic people)
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2009, 09:37:09 pm »

Man, you really need to have things spelled out to you at times, don't you Smiley I didn't find what you said offensive or distasteful. I'm not very interested in learning about the sexual quirks of a random member of an on-line forum and because of that I made a comment. That doesn't mean you can't share and I suppose that while it was meant to be humorous it could be interpreted as hostile. Sorry for the confusion, and carry on.

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Re: Sadomasochism (sadistic people)
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2009, 09:40:01 pm »

Man, you really need to have things spelled out to you at times, don't you Smiley

Yeah, it's sort of a habit. I almost always ask for clarification for anything that matters (i.e. whether I offended someone).

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Re: Sadomasochism (sadistic people)
« Reply #9 on: May 02, 2009, 01:32:37 am »

Whip it...Whip it good.


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Re: Sadomasochism (sadistic people)
« Reply #10 on: May 02, 2009, 01:38:41 pm »

Shiny, shiny, shiny boots of leather
Whiplash girlchild in the dark
Comes in bells, your servant, don't forsake him
Strike dear mistress, and cure his heart.

~The Velvet Underground, 1966


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Re: Sadomasochism (sadistic people)
« Reply #11 on: May 08, 2009, 06:07:44 pm »

Sadism, practiced in the wild on anyone and everyone, is extremely bad.

Channeled into a safe and consensual arrangement, it's neutral. Usually, the consent would derive from the partner being a masochist, but I can imagine outright compensation being sufficient.
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Re: Sadomasochism (sadistic people)
« Reply #12 on: May 18, 2009, 11:41:58 am »

Just to make things clear, I was wrong when I said I'm a switch, and I also have to mention that there's no such thing as a sadistic/masochistic trance. I am a masochist however, at least that is true. Lemme explain...

Hey, where did you go? BEL and Adventures really miss you....

I've been at the hospital. I had a neuro-psychiatric disorder involving a chemical imbalance between something called "chemical mediators" or some such, and I had an acute psychotic episode due to this (the disorder was making me very susceptible to suggestions from other people, and even from myself). Combined with Asperger (the lack of social cognition implied by Asperger, with which I've also been recently diagnosed), I think this was the cause for which I was so antisocial on the forums a while ago (people were saying I'm an obnoxious poster, so I actually started acting like one).

Unfortunately, one of the false ideas caused by the chemical imbalance I was talking about earlier is that I'm interested in posting on the SCDB or on the UQMF, so you won't hear anymore from me. Sorry.

P.S. Regarding the sadomasochism thread, the information I gave in that post (the things about the sadistic trance and such) was also false and caused by this chemical imbalance.

Fare thee well,

Confused? I'm Valaggar! That's what I meant when I wrote about how antisocial I was on these forums some time ago. Farewell to all of you now... I eagerly expect TFB's new game, and a sequel to Star Control, but I don't think I want to post here anymore.

Oh, and let me cross out the false things in my former post in this thread. I'll keep the true things though.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2009, 11:44:13 am by Yetiers » Logged
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Re: Sadomasochism (sadistic people)
« Reply #13 on: May 18, 2009, 02:13:09 pm »

Yeti, Yeti - Valaggar!? Shocked That sly rascal Smiley Who would have thought...You indeed became a trademark of UQM, sir. It sucks that you're leaving again, but hey, it's a matter of free will, isn't it? Tongue I wish you best of luck and that you get your "chems back to baance" Valaggar Yetiers, you were a good role-player and comrade Grin

 And Luki was right from the beginning, as always  Cool ***

And for the topic - I personally don't think that sado-maso quirks that some persons have are necessarily evil. But anything that gets someone in a danger of willing physical hurt (or in some cases mortal danger) can't be considered good either. I don't like either sadism or masochism. The world is miserable as it is without any need to make it more so by ourselves.

EDIT: ***Clarification: Some time after Yetiers appeared on UQM forums, Luki stated in one of his posts (which I'm unable currently to find link for) that he thought Yeti was Valaggar. Props.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2009, 08:01:03 pm by Son_of_Antares » Logged
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Re: Sadomasochism (sadistic people)
« Reply #14 on: May 18, 2009, 10:48:33 pm »

Confused? I'm Valaggar! That's what I meant when I wrote about how antisocial I was on these forums some time ago. Farewell to all of you now... I eagerly expect TFB's new game, and a sequel to Star Control, but I don't think I want to post here anymore.

Oh, and let me cross out the false things in my former post in this thread. I'll keep the true things though.

Oh come on, you know you want to stick around with your buddies!  You can just ignore the mean people.

And the way I see it, if you like the internet, and you like star control, it is inevitbale that we'll see you back here again - if only under another pseudonym.

I say stay on as Valaggar - like the good old days. Might as well.

Play online melee here!
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