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Topic: Fancy New Review! (Read 4338 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 4
Greetings, hunams!
I recently released a new videocast review of UQM, and smack my forehead, I didn't even mention it here.
So .. um... I'm mentioning it. Here, in fact. Precisely here, actually: -- so now you know. Go here. By which I mean there.
UQM is my favorite game of all time. It seemed only fitting to do my first show with great reverence and homage and other such niceties. Some people have already told me that they've heard of UQM but never played it, and now they're downloading it at last. So that's my best to get people to play the game, and it worked! Hooray!
Thanks for checking it out, if you do! If you don't, well... I dunno. I guess I'm a little hurt by that, but not much. Being ignored by the Internet isn't the worst thing that ever happened to me, I'm sure.
Cheers! Cameron Goble Long Tail Gamer Albuquerque NM USA
Cool. Star Controller will probably feature this as soon as Anthony checks the forum again.
Zebranky food

Posts: 4
Meep-Eep, you raise a great point. I wish I'd thought to add more of the dialog in. It really does make the whole game shine.
Ah well, live and learn. Maybe in my next life as a Pkunk I'll remember the ancient wisdom a little more clearly.
[EDIT] And because you ask, my audience is .. um ... (counts on fingers) ... more than ten. I'm getting good responses and the access logs on the website get bigger and bigger. Hopefully the show's audience will grow like a Mycon pod and shatter the Earth!
I guess stopping just short of that point would be okay too, though.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2009, 08:25:38 pm by LongTailGamer »
Zebranky food

Posts: 4
Thanks for the props, fellows! I have reciprocated with links to your own sites. It's lovely how the Internet works like that sometimes.
Yay! -Cameron
Zebranky food

Posts: 4
OH NO! I broke the Ultronomicon!
I don the mask of ultimate embarrassment and shame.
*Types briefly*
Okay. Fixed now ... THE POWER! IT FILLS ME!!!
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Your mentioning Bob the Angry Flower reminds me that there's a Star Control reference in Kingdom of Loathing, in the position of the rainbow islands, which is pointing off to the northeast.
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