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Topic: What is "instanced housing"? (Read 2035 times)
Posts: 701

I'm browsing through the forums of Star Wars The Old Republic MMO (game curently in development). Everyone seems to be arguing about whether housing should be "instanced" or not. I have zero MMO experience so I have no idea what they're on about.
They all seem to know though.
They get a zillion posts per day so its too brain hurty hurty to post and look for a reply, So surely someone here will know!
Instancing is used primarily for dungeons so that many different parties of players can be dungeon crawling the same place and not overlap with each other. Separate instances, same area. I strongly suspect that implementing non-instanced player housing and/or guild halls into a game would be a tremendous pain in the ass.
Never play MMOs.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2009, 09:08:43 pm by Shiver »
Posts: 701

Yeah instanced housing sounds lame - but perhaps practical in an absurdly popular MMO.
I never have played an MMO. Unfortunately I loved Knights of the Old Republic so much that it will be very hard not to give this a go, even if there's a monthly fee.
Actually, I have played about 3 days of a free 10 day World of Warcraft trial. I must say it was a bit disappointing. It seemed to be mostly about quests like "go kill these five wolves" and then "now kill 5 slightly different wolves". Needless to say I didnt enjoy it enough to do the rest of the free trial.
I always figured that MMOs were silly because there was no story element, and I like stories (like KotOR and SC2). However it seems that Bioware is determined to incorporate stories into this new game so I'm intrigued at the very least.
On the upside, it probably isnt due out for ages so that should give me time to progress the mod  Speaking of which I should post another update.
Unfortunately I loved Knights of the Old Republic so much that it will be very hard not to give this a go, even if there's a monthly fee. If you liked KoToR, play Mass Effect rather than an MMO. Different universe, same spirit.
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