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Topic: SC2 play challenges (Read 29547 times)
Matt Caspermeyer
Zebranky food

Posts: 13

SC2 is one of the best games of all time!
Yep - that's the strategy, but I haven't seen it mentioned in this thread until now, and I kept seeing posts about the flagship not being able to take out the Sa-Matra, which is not true.
Like I said, it's not guaranteed, but it'll work sooner or later, plus it's much more infrequent to hit the shield then to get taken out by the faster fireballs.
Now, to take it out without a crew pod - that is much more challenging!
I should give that a try next time I play. The Kohr-Ah's in the guardian fleet always made having a crew pod absolutely required for me anyway, so I probably still have a save game right before the Sa-Matra with one lonely precursor ship down to 12 crew.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2003, 08:56:30 am by Shiver »
Posts: 1045
This seems to be the thread we should post in. Now for our business:
UQM needs a hard mode so I (and many others, I would hope) can have something to look forward next time I play it through. Who's with me?
Er, I do mean after version 1.0 of course.
* For starters, Ur-Quan and Kohr-Ah computer ships need to smarten up and stop chasing me when I'm using Fwiffo. Ideally, a Spathi should be hard pressed to win against even one of those.
* After two months or so of game time, the original hierarchy Earth guard (6 Ilwrath and 6 Spathi) should arrive back at Earth and wait patiently to kick the crap out of you. If you approach the Spathi High Council before this time, they should tell you to go away.
* Everything costs twice as much.
* All rainbow worlds should have fairly powerful hostile fleets guarding them for no particular reason.
* The Ur-Quan and Kohr-Ah figure out how dangerous you are and occasionally send large fleets to track you down.
* Half as many charity ships are given out by friendly races.
* The Ur-Quan have their own precursor tug (just like yours, except cooler) that you have to fight near the end of the game.
1. Ships battles tend to be played like the race acts. For example: Fwiffo runs. Koar-Ah chase you, same with the Ur-quan. But ofcourse, changing it can't do any harm. It can and will be a good challege to see a Koar-ah battle ship "camping" behind his razor-blade line...
2. Not a bad idea at all. I agree it will end a good challenge (since you won't have many ships until then) but still, there is a major problem: Why would they leave the starbase unharmed until you arrives? Think about it.
3. Not bad idea at all. It will surely add more challenge.
4. No reason for that! Who will guard those planets? And why? Another problem is the Melnorme. If they know ships guard some planets, they will want to know why. And after they find that they guard on Rainbow Worlds they won't need you to find Rainbow Worlds for them.
5. I don't think it is a good idea. For a starter, they won't think you are a threat since they have the Sa-Matra. How could they know you will get a bomb, get a talking pet and make the bomb even stronger with the help of a new race which has new ass-kicking ships that can wipe them all?
Second, how could they track you if they don't know about your existence? Every ship that has met you... well, was destroyed. Unless you used your "Warp unit".
Third, they are not fast another to chase you. Which brings me to the last point: If they can't "catch" you, they will ambush you in Earth. You might think : "Why?" and the answer is simple: You are a hunam. And after they find out about the starbase there won't be humanity to save!
6. Surely it will add more challenge. But there is one problem: The Terminators "donation". Will they still give you "full" Terminators or just 1 or 2 ships less than max or even worse, only until you have half full of max ships?
7. Sc3, haven't we learn anything from it? And yea, the sa-matra can be more powerful to add more challenge.
-Now for conclusion I will say one thing that many people said to me: Tell us when Beta is ready
 Deep Jiffa Owns j00! 
*Smell* controller
Posts: 335
I've always wanted to say to the Arilou "I think it would be best if I killed you now."
But I've never had the heart to do it.
Posts: 1059

Avatar Courtesy of Slyrendro
You can check out the sound files at PNF to see what they say. (Of course the never let you attack them). They just make excuses.
I have to wonder why people decided to post in this thread regarding the other one.
Posts: 627

Somewhere, between the sacred silence and sleep.
1. Ships battles tend to be played like the race acts. 4. (concerning fleets guarding Rainbow planets) 5. (concerning Ur-Quan sending ships to ambush you)
1. the computer AI is built to "think" like the race it controls. 4. putting a guard fleet on a Rainbow planet is a nice idea, it will make the game harder. considering the plot - I don't see a good explanation for putting a fleet over a rainbow planet other than for research. if you remember, the Melnorme have been running from the Ur-Quan ever since the Milieu broke apart. even if they know there's a rainbow planet at location x.x, they won't get near there and prolly pay you if you cleanse the fleet for them.
5. I like that idea:
(*) concerning tracking you down: the Ur-Quan can track you down with every warp to hyper-space, just like they did in Vela (if you check that planet, you meet a Dreadnought saying they detected a warp-jump from that area).
(*) concerning the starbase: They wouldn't destroy the Earth starbase so quickly because (a) they don't necessarily know it's being used to service you, and (b) they need it for themselves and for their battle thralls.
however, - (*) concerning the Kzer-Za's time-management: they really don't have time to track you down or keep a record of every move you make (unless they have a really really good excuse, and I don't think there is one, from their point of view). they are far too busy with their doctrinal war - they abandoned their battle-thralls, they haven't serviced the Earth starbase in some 20 years, and they do tell you to let them win their war in peace when you kill enough of them.
The Kohr-Ah don't really care what you do. they're too focused in their own world (e.g. the talking pet situation).
« Last Edit: February 13, 2004, 04:45:45 pm by Censored »
"You boldly enter our space! Approach this Dreadnought as though it were a recreation base and then play the dumb hominid? Who do you take us for, Captain... Spathi!?"
Some more of those "Make the game harder":
1) Fight the Sa-Matra with your trusty old Cruisers ... and see their crew die.
Cruisers can't possibly win that fight, so no.
2) As mentioned in another thread, play without visiting the starbase. That would be mutually exclusive with the "No Melnormes".
It's listed, actually.
3x) Use only your flagship in battles (except Sa-Matra) and don't put any dynamos or shivas onto your ship. Also add as many energy taking guns as possible. Shoot once, run away for 20 minutes, shoot again
Hey what would it look like? A PSV shooting 6 hellbores (Front 1, 1 Rear, 2 Spread, 2 side) and 3 ATS units ... COOL.
It might be, but do you really want to fly around for 20 minutes?
Posts: 1118

*Hurghi*! Krulle is *spitting* again!
4. No reason for that! Who will guard those planets? And why? Another problem is the Melnorme. If they know ships guard some planets, they will want to know why. And after they find that they guard on Rainbow Worlds they won't need you to find Rainbow Worlds for them. Add even more difficulty here: After the third planet, have the Melnorme say, that they found out what the pattern is and means, and that after this trade they will leave the sector to follow the Precursors. 3x Rainbowplanet is enough to buy everything necessary to win the game, but no more fuel on your trips afterwards.
Maybe you can have one single trader left in this region of space, but finding it is difficult, since Blueish not only crosses from planet to planet, but also from system to system. Thus further trade will become very hard. And yes, calling for Melnormes in Hyperspace with your 'Caster nnot only brings one Melnorme coming in 15 minutes, but also a lot of Heirarchy battlegroups patrolling all of Hyperspace, as well as some Kohr-Ah Death-groups. And additiopally, normal Hyperspacefluctuations prevent you from collecting the Debris if your were travelling in Hyperspace before combat (never mind the fact that you are pulled into realspace before the fight starts, you simply jump back automagically and thus loose the debris).
Enjoy! Krulle
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